I bought rose gold mercy bundle and didnt get her

It will probably take a few hours for it to go through.

Same! I thought it was just me. I bought the 20 dollar bundle rose gold mercy and now it says unavailable :thinking::confused:. Im like well where is my money :moneybag:. I restarted my ps5 twice.

Bought both skins and it’s been 3 1/2 hours and still no skins so little more the a “couple minutes” :slight_smile:

Same, restarted my game restarted my PlayStation multiple times and still nothing.

I’ve been waiting more than 3 hours for the skin to go to my inventory, what’s happening? And when I look in the shop it says 'unavailable"

It should be there now.

Afaik this happens with popular skins on release, and this one seems really popular

Hey everyone,

We are now seeing most players have now received their Pink Mercy and Rose Gold Mercy content, however we are still tracking a few that may still be waiting on theirs. We are still investigating on this. In the meantime, these general tips may help.

  • Play one full game of Overwatch, then restart the game client and recheck the hero gallery.
  • Fully sign out of the BattleNet launcher and sign back in.
  • If you play on Xbox or PlayStation consoles, fully close the Overwatch 2 app and fully shut down your console (don’t just put into sleep mode). Once fully shut down, unplug the console from electrical power and wait 30 seconds, then plug back in and reboot. This will do a full account refresh for your console. For Nintendo Switch, just fully shut down your console and reboot.
  • If you make the purchase directly on shop.battle.net, check your transactions on your account at account.battle.net/transactions to ensure you did purchase your desired product. If it shows, do not attempt to purchase it again. (Note, console marketplace purchases may not show up here.)

Thanks for the feedback everyone, and thank you for supporting this great cause.

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That’s our Blizzard. You’ll be lucky if it shows up after a week.

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I also have the same issue. I think it comes within 24 hours, but I’m not sure

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I’m having issues too, but it won’t even confirm the purchase, it keeps saying something like “not able to load” but it keeps taking a dollar from the account I’m using (I’m using my brothers since hes buying it for me)

I just purchased it as well, through my ps acct, it just says not available. I have the receipt in my email, but can’t equip.

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its been 7 hours now… i feel like its taking way longer than everyone else. why dont you guys just fix this problem that goes on every season???

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It’s been 24 hours and still “unavailable” in shop and locked in locker.

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Same, how is this issue not resolved yet?! Its crazy since I heard about it happening yesterday too.
I just bought it now and dont have it or the bundle either, but have the reciept for it.

Same thing for me and I just bought it.
This issue has been going on for 24 hrs now.

This issue is still persisting on PS.
I just bought it and reatarted and still do not have access to it.
Will there be a patch to fix this issue or is there a way to get our money back if we dont get the skin bundle?

since overwatch 2 launched every purchased i’ve made only went trough after contacting support and have them manually put it into my accound. i’ve bought the original pink mercy on the 25th and 48 hours later i still dont have it. i bought it from the ps store hoping it wont get lost like every other time but it still happened and now in the overwatch shop the skin is “unavailable” meanwhile for 2 days i’ve been told by support to wait, then go talk to sony support about it which didnt work because my region doesnr offer customer support, i was asked for the order number for the 5th time and then finally told to WAIT AGAIN and sent to the forums… this is ridiculousw

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Kaedi can you please help us on brazil? The price tag of Pink mercy was supposed to be 49.90 brl. But its 69.90 brl. The price tag on Canadá was fixed had issues as well. But we dont get FIXED. and nobody really cares… The support Just say go to the forum. But there is a lot of posts already about it. We only have till 8th july. Please help?

My daughter gifted the rose gold mercy bundle to me when it dropped. It’s been almost 48 hours and it’s still not in my inventory. I go to the Microsoft store and it says i can buy for someone else as a gift because I’ve already purchased it. It’s already been taken from her credit card as well.