"I belong in diamond, but.."

I love you guys, but can we agree to stop saying this? I hear it all the time- “I’m so out of place in these lower ranks. When I’m in master I’ll feel at home”, or “The SR system is so broken, I’m not a silver player lol” when they’re in silver or gold (or bronze).

This system put you where you belong. Don’t ask for a “SR Reset” - you’ll get placed back exactly where you are.

Just something that kinda grinds my gears


I mean, I don’t see the argument against having the option to have a complete MMR reset at the beginning of a season. If you’re stating that matchmaking is so good that even if there was a reset, it would just put you back where you were before… then why not let people have the option to show them that the matchmaking system actually works and that they really don’t belong in master, diamond, plat, etc.

2 Month Edit because I’m still getting notifications on this post: The point of my post is that the matchmaking is not at all perfect and that people who are asking for resets have valid complaints.

Anyone who are disagreeing with me by thinking “that it would mess up low ranks or that it wouldn’t properly match them”, then you are only further proving my point because it shows that matchmaking is trash and that there’s a real possibility of being placed a tier or two below or above where you’re actually suppose to be.


I got placed in gold and made it to diamond through just placements, it’s not entirely wrong considering the first time you place is based on your MMR which is probably lower if you’re trying from level 25.


The problem with this is that it would be a mess. Some players would place too high and would lose a lot of matches afterwards, some players would place too low and hard carry a lot of matches afterwards. Both cases will result unfair matches. 10 placement match is simply not enough to determine the players’ true MMR. This is why the new accounts’ SR gain and loss is so much higher than the higher level accounts. The more you play the closer you get to your true MMR.


I’m top 500 stuck in silver, Jeff fix plox!

Also I’m starting to enjoy playing Symmetra, HELP ME!!!11


Let them think what they want. For most people it pushes them to get better at the game. I genuinely think I belong god in diamond and each season I get closer and closer to that rank.

I meant a competitive MMR reset, not a complete reset. I meant just resetting the MMR so that it only takes account of your QP MMR.

Only defense is that if you have an account with like 1000 hours and you decide to do a comp break and just grind and got gud for another thousand hours in quick play/watch endless videos on strat and positioning, it won’t accelerate you correctly when you return.

This happened to me :stuck_out_tongue: granted I still went from silver to plat, but my two alts placed diamond and have stayed there so I think it actually is incorrect.

That’s a little extreme of an example tho maybe

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Read my post above, do you think that would’ve helped in my case? Honestly asking

Because there would still be games at the start with terrible matchmaking. Overall the experience would just be worse.

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The matchmaker gets more confident over time. So the more you play, followed by an increase in dedication an actual improvement, you are hindered compared to a new account after time where you improve.

Understand I’m not saying all silvers belong in diamond you gotta work for it


I don’t see how the experience would be worse compared to a regular new player who joins competitive at level 25.
Compare a fresh level 25 player to someone who resets their competitive MMR with 100+ hours in qp… the system would provide more accurate and better matchmaking and placements than the level 25 player.

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They can’t have a fresh MMR every comp season or people would just pay people to place them near the end of the season and get all the gold weapons.

As for it starting from your QP MMR I would be ok with that, I play with a friends and we often go against diamond and master players, so we figured how bad could comp be? The games were stupid easy, like it was 5 of us in a group and our 6th left and they still didnt even get a point on kingsrow, this kind of stomping could be avoided if it reset to your QP MMR each season.

My Competitive MMR is still in Plat bc I don’t play any QP. You don’t want me in your Plat games. On my alt my quick play mmr put me in plat and I rolled enemy teams until masters.

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I mean I get put into games that have 3 smurfs on the other team and my team can’t beat a GM genji main so we unfairly lose games constantly kinda hurts my rank. I can’t do anything more than half the time and my team gets annihilated by a genji main. I’m not saying I belong in a higher rank but I can’t exactly win when the matches are so one-sided against me and the game balance is in favor of OWL.


I stopped playing ranked because, in QP, it would match me very consistently with people in Diamond and Masters with the occasional person in Platinum or GM, and very rarely with people in gold or top 500. I would almost always have really good games, and I was able to contribute my fair share to the team’s effort at winning with very little burden to the team, if any at all.

In ranked I wasn’t able to crawl out of gold despite almost always wildly outclassing my team in damage, eliminations, objective time and objective elims despite almost exclusively playing tank. I would communicate, try to strategize, switch whenever I needed to switch… but extremely rarely would I ever actually get anyone on my team that wanted to work with me, and even when I did, more rarely than that would I ever get anyone who had the game sense or skill to execute an otherwise perfectly good play.

So I stopped playing ranked and went back to QP. Because there I was matched, with extreme consistency, with people in or around the rank of Diamond, and I was able to have fun, and able to contribute to my team. I even get compliments on my play from people in Diamonds and Masters sometimes, despite being “Just a baddy in gold”.

Do I believe most people when they say they aren’t in the rank they belong in? No. But I often think there’s a crap ton of merit to the claim.


So if end a season with 7 points from diamond but lose a streak of games due to uncoordinated teams do i still belong in plat?

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Been there more than once, and yes.

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I think you are wrong OP.

Someone lands in bronze after placements because of a miriad of things coming together to get them there.

Then MMR reset and they do placements again and end up in plat or diamond because they had better team mates perfor.ed better against worse playerd etc etc. Its completely random as hell.


Apparently its ALL your fault and the other 5 players on your team have NO influence on how well you do/dont do.