I believe Overwatch's MMR system is designed as way of controlling the players upward mobility in ranks

It’s not unnatural, it’s a combination of random chance and player unreliability. That is the easiest, most rational, and correct answer. Blizzard are not magicians who can decide the outcome of a match before it begins.

unfortunately skill doesn’t equal Sr and some heroes have more carry potential then others are well as playing stacks vs non stacks toss in throwers, laggers and people who care only about comp points and nor improving is throws the MM into disarray

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my the Matchmaker that you can clearly see differences in player skill levels per match per team and you can see who’s carrying and getting carried

Yeah dude, but the matchmaker doesn’t know that. It sees 12 players with identical MMR.

This is why MMR is heavily flawed and should be scrapped in favor of a natural progression system. MMR isn’t even my biggest beef with Overwatch. My biggest beef with Overwatch is that players have to rely far too much on their teammates to win. Individual players can only do so much. Some heroes have more carry potential, but not by much. And that’s not natural. In real life, some people are vastly better at a particular thing than others, or vastly inferior. I’m a way better driver than my girlfriend, and she can cut hair way better than I can. There’s a zillion different examples like those.

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But that doesn’t mean they are equal in skill making the mmr useless

The matchmaker is doing its best pal. All it has is the past performances of each player to go on. And if those past performances are the same, then it has nothing to go on.

I’m a Mercy specialist and it’s sad to see I can’t climb if I have 1 BAD straggler or 2 players that are underperforming

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It’s best clearly is nowhere near good enough lol

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How else do you expect it to work lol? Given 12 players with identical match history, how do you decide which ones are better?

But the entire MMR system is unnecessary. Blizzard is trying to fix something that isn’t broken. They should be working on something else entirely and just remove MMR from the game. A better way to balance matchmaking would be spending their money and calories on fine tuning a role queue system. I don’t even know how many games I’ve won or lost because one team in the game was playing a good team composition. Like, these team compositions have been around for a very long time. Any raid on WoW requires tanks, healers, and DPS. These a bunch of games that use a role queue system, and quite effectively

An argument from simplicity is not a very good one. Statisticians employed by companies developing competitive video games ALL implement MMR. It’s NEEDED.

Without the MMR system to mismatch teams, or balance teams according to MMR, the players that are better than their ranks will win more games at a faster rate and climb. Instead of being paired with players of a different MMR 8n order to balance the overall MMR of the team. Call of Duty, Halo, the NBA, the NFL, this concept has been around forever and it works

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stop PLACING players at ranks because it completely undermines ranked. Season 2 I placed in silver, I was plat by the end of the season. Why was i ever placed that low if getting to plat was that easy? Why are some players getting placed too high, if they drop in rank everybody grouped with them drops too if you can’t carry them. It screws the integrity on the system


Who would want to watch the two best NBA teams in the league play no other teams other than each other, for the entire season and all through the playoffs and finals? Forever? If the NBA officials got together to rank every single team based on that team’s players’ individual stats and then match teams vs each other, like Blizzard does to Overwatch with MMR, NBA fans would go berserk and riot!

the difference is NBA. nfl, MLB have set teams of players who play and practice togather. In comp I’m playing with people I’ve never played with before and somehow within 1 minute or 30 second we gotta come with a plan not knowing anyone’s playstyle


Yes the system is “rigged” but not the way you think.

Wanna climb?

  • Find out the Heros with a big impact on the game

I climbed to diamond with Diva the last seasons. Now she is just not fitting into the game that good. Guess what: I dropped to plat.

You have to get rid of the thought that you can play what you want and climb. If you constantly pick the “wrong” heros you will get lose strikes. horrible teammates for > 20 games.

Overwatch will pair you on your performance. If you are not doing well your teammates will just get worse and worse. Leaving you with, right, even worse performance compared to other guys on your rank.

  • Find out what hero to avoid
    There are a lot of heros that are fun to play but just can not carry a game. I wanna see a GM Mercy getting out of plat in solo queue.

Good luck with that.

So there are heros you can play incredible good. But it just will not take you to the next level.

  • Get good at aiming. This is the only skill that matters and can push you to Diamond. Everthing else will make you to depend on your teammates. Depending on your teammates equals your performance is based on your teammates.

  • Do not solo queue

Think of it: if you solo queue you depend on your teammates but the game will still compare you to guys that are in a coordinated team on your rank. How could you ever reach their performance?

  • Get good on a few heros with the most impact at the current meta. Best thing: one trick a lot in solo queue.

The current system is rewarding you for that playstyle. Don’t switch. Instalock, don’t communicate with your team. Don’t listen to them even if you know other heros would be better. The reward of running a good comp is not as high as playing a hero you are really good at.
It is not about winning games! It is about HOW GOOD ARE YOU compared to others playing this hero on your rank.

This is very wrong if you are playing in a group of guys you know and you communicate with.

  • If you lose 2 games then STOP PLAYING COMP. Stop it. Do not try to gain your SR back. STOP PLAYING. Go back to quickplay and play a few games until you have a few solid wins with good performance. I don’t know why this works but it seems to me that this kind of resets your “I get bad teammates” karma.

  • Watch out the time you play. Avoid playing at times with a lot of kids at all cost. Not worth it.

  • Play DPS and be good with them.

The heros with most impact in the game are those who kill. Not tanks, not healers. The one who do the killing are the one that make you climb.

If teammates try to force you to switch to healer DON’T SWITCH. It is a lot easier to get a good performance compared to other players on your rank with DPS as with healers or tank.

If your tanks or healers are bad you just lose the game but chances are high you do fine as a flanker anyway and at last get some kills. This is why nobody wants to play healer/tank in solo queue. It is not worth it.

This is why the game is filled with Hanzos, Widows and Genjis. If you will get good with those heros (and you will get good if you play them long enough) then you will climb and not depending on your teammates a lot.

  • Check out who is good on your team with his hero and support him in every way. The ONLY time you pick an inferior healer or tank is if you know somebody in your team who is good with his hero.

As you can see in my post in my opinion a lot of things in the game that makes the game very painful are consequences of the “compare” system that causes the horrible guys you are paired with in the next game.

Is this game rigged? Yes! Is it impossible to climb? No.

You just have to do all the things that makes the game bad… this is the real problem. If you think you can play solo queue just the way you do with your buddies then you will derank. A lot. And you will never get back.

Playing with your friends is not “boosting”. You really will perform better. A lot. I can play with my friends in their masters scrims without any problems and perform well.

This is the thing that makes people think they “deserve” better. Play with good players and you do well, play with bad players and you will perform bad (unless you take a carry hero and kill, kill, kill)

This is where I say the game should not work this way in solo queue. It just should mix you up with RANDOM guys on your SR. Would feel a lot better.

So will I make it out of plat to diamond again? I am very sure about that. Maybe not this season cause I am slow learner but I will. As soon I have adapted to the system, the new hero playstyle and can use my “skills” to see what do I have to do to “shine” in a game I will climb.

The art of climbing in solo queue is being selfish and a horrible person to play with. Sad but the truth. (It is different in a team!)

It is not about winning a game, winning the teamfights, winning a point.

Climbing is about finding out how do I get better compared to others on my rank with the heros I play.

This should not be the case this should not be the game.

The game should be about teamplay, about switching, about winning games.

But it is not at the moment. That is what I call “rigged”.

Long story short: to rank up in solo queue requires all that things we all hate about the game and just being this teammate you don’t want on your team who is playing for HIMSELF and not for the team.


lol seems like a stretch

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This is actually the very definition of fair.

If we have a “fair coin” we mean that flipping it is actually a 50/50 heads/tails chance.

In fact, I can’t think of a better definition of fair than 50% chance to win or lose.

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I have to agree here. What are you wanting, Ragnarok? The matchmaker to set up games where one side is at a serious disadvantage from the start? That is rigging. A 50/50 match isn’t.

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