tracer is easier to deal with if I as dva don’t have to worry about my rein dying on the front line because I’m peeling for my ana in the back
plus cree is far less of an issue for tanks if his stun is being nerfed/removed
tracer is easier to deal with if I as dva don’t have to worry about my rein dying on the front line because I’m peeling for my ana in the back
plus cree is far less of an issue for tanks if his stun is being nerfed/removed
625 damage in 1.7sec, is still no joke, when it comes to killing tanks.
That’s 367DPS, compared to 240DPS on Reaper/Tracer.
yes for sure, he still does too much spam damage compared to junk, for a hitscan as crazy good as he is. hitscans need to go back to being more diveable and less tank killers. ashe too i suspect coach gun will need reworking or something.
They will as soon as DPS start to complain about Tanks being op.
Then Tank players are stuck with being bullet sponges with zero game impact
Man, you’re going to be really disappointed when it’s still a card game. It might even be worse of one with the prospect of only one tank. Not to mention that if this change does make tanking more stressful (Which is how it looks) then it’s going to completely and utterly destroy the tank playerbase and raise your queues.
nah, in the 1 tank universe DPS complaints will be ignored and one tank will probably be as strong as 1.5 - 2 tanks now. this is role queue. the “balance between classes” is 100% irrelevant so long as all classes can carry. which in 1-2-2 with role passives and less CC they CAN.
They threw the Tank role under the bus for the sake of reducing DPS Q times by 1-2 min.
DPS players will get what they want and Tank players have to suck it up.
That’s why I am going to play DPS when 5v5 goes through
Alternatively all main tanks should just throw their ring into DPS queue. Attempt to make the queue times as bad as possible.
Just like how I can suck up damage! 🥲
you’re being too negative. i’ve been arguing for rolequeue since dva was destroyed to balance triple tank. i’ve been arguing for less shields since doubleshield destroyed dva. when they make 1 tank the format, then dva will get even more buffs and be a monster tank like we all miss.
i solo tanked on dva in season 3. it was a lot of fun when it happened and i had two healers taking care of me. i was a raid boss on eichenwald. yes, at the time i had torb and sym adding to my tankiness, but the buffs will make dva tanky again too.
i’m looking forward to ignoring every complaint about what tank I play because the other tank won’t be able to sabotage me because they’re tilted and they can’t find some way to synergize with a tank they hate playing with.
You did watch the stream?
D.Va gets 1 second more “DM juice” to make up for the lack of an entire Main Tank.
Even if this was just a gameplay showcase it already tells pretty well what we have to expect.
Bro, current dva, with current delays, gets around the same total DM uptime as old 4 second dva. an extra second, with the current buffed timings, is STRONGER than season 3 dm with 4 seconds.
I am looking forward to seeing how they buff dva, I’m sure more is coming.
What else are the devs supposed to do at this point? They’ve tried everything they can to get more people to play Tank and it just hasn’t worked.
Buffing Tanks to make them more powerful through balance changes? Didn’t work.
Implementing 2-2-2? Didn’t work and only served to give us evidence of how many Tank players there are in comparison to DPS.
Gives you Priority Pass that grants faster queue times for playing Flex role which queues you for Tank more often than not? Did. Not. Work.
Serious question to all those that have a huge issue with this change but don’t play Tank, what would make you play it at this point? Blizzard have spent five years to convince players to play Tank more often and it has yielded little success.
They’ve even tried bribing the community with credits/Loot boxes to play “In-demand” roles which is more often Tank and it still didn’t work. (And you know something’s gone wrong along the way if they have to resort to bribery to get players to play Tank)
Does it change how we’re supposed to view Tanks? Yes. Does it force you to come up with new strategies while throwing away old ones? Yes. Is it necessary for them to take a bold step like this? Yes. Even if I won’t be having that “Shangri-La” of Tank Synergy in the future, Tanks as a role needed a change on a fundamental level if they want the game evolve and get new players/get back old players that left because the game got too complex or too team-reliant.
You know tanks will get deleted right? In there stream the tanks were pointless everytime they tried to make a play they died in seconds. I wish I could be excited about OW2 but we’ve been solo tanks before and it was horrible, we’ve pray to Blizzard to make balance changes they they didn’t, we prayed for changes to Paris & Horizon & there still broken.
I really wish to be proven wrong, but I’m not conviced that Blizzard can make 5v5 work.
I highly doubt they’ve tried everything they could, as a matter of fact the april’s fool patch showed how much people enjoy different approach to tanks, personally I LOVED sigma on that version, to me that’s how he should have played since release, not to say it was balanced, but here’s the caveat, it was fun
and that is pretty much the key to tanks, they have been designed to be slow, big and cumbersome, you see how they changed reinhardt and you gotta wonder, wouldn’t this be great in the current state of the game? having rein be able to cancel his charge and being all around more lethal and FUN? yes, that would make people play rein more
people play roadhog not because he’s sexy but because he’s the most fun tank to play with, same with Dva, same with Zarya, same with Wrecking Ball, people HATE playing orisa, rein, sigma or winston because all they bring to the table is barriers, it’s boring and sadly effective
when they said they wanted to change tanks in order to fit OW2 I thought they wanted to revisit those synergies and the individual strengths of each tank but they keep saying the same thing they’ve said for over 2 years now “balancing tanks is complicated” and I’m not saying it’s not but we haven’t seen or tested anything that seems wacky outside of the april’s fool patch. Yes tanks are hard to balance because all you do is move a number up or down, give Winston that secondary fire on live and nerf his barrier, see what happens with the tank queue then
I have a star citizen ship I’d like to sell op
People were complaining that Overwatch PvP was the exact same as Overwatch 2 PvP. Now they remove one tank and people are saying “it doesn’t feel like Overwatch anymore, synergy, strats are what made Overwatch what it is etc.”. Now they completely changed it to truly show its a new game and people start crying? sigh
Nope, it will not be " a new game" at all. Or they hadn’t reason to delete Classic QP
Click the post and you’ll see an Overwatch Developer said this. Glitch/Bug.
Yeah I feel like it’s just straight up better for balance. This community always complains that tanks have way too much impact on a match and it always comes down to which team has the better tanks, then they complain when blizz addresses that and deletes a tank spot. This community just complains about everything, they will never be happy.
Tank synergy can be fun but the truth is its incredibly oppressive. As a tank main myself, I’m at a huge disadvantage when I’m facing an enemy tank duo and I get a pug tank on my team that’s 1000 sr below me and has no idea how to synergize with me. My friends hate overwatch so I have to play solo and I’d much rather have complete control over the tank role than pug tanks.