I am leaving this map every single time

I am leaving new junker city every single time. It´s this or you finaly implement some filter.
Why in WOW we can have option to opt out from BG map we don´t want to play, but not here?
Just think about it.
(and no, I am not getting penalty)


It’s just koth without the break between rounds :man_shrugging:t2:


some day you will get a penalty

I’ll pass this right along to the devs

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Same boat as me. I leave on Flashpoint and that new mode, boring and not fun to play at all. Give us mode selection like a normal multiplayer game!


I’ve left every push map in QP for months now.

Not letting us pick gamemode in QP by now is just dumb.


Leaving during setup without timer and doing this for months…I am curious.

Did this really need a topic? I skip every flash map, every Push map (sometimes play Esp) and every KoTH map. I only want to play payload and hybrid and even among them I leave Numbani and Havana and sometimes Circuit.

Yes, I have to wait for games. If I am playing tank I still get a game on a map I want in under 2 minutes. Now I play more DPS I’ve had to be a little looser on which maps I skip, now playing Push, to keep queuing down.

I would love to be able to select which modes you want to play even if they don’t give us specific maps, and happy to take the hit to my queue times for this.

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The new mode (Clash) isn’t finalized yet and will be recieving tweaks going into season 11, we’ve also only seen one map so it’s a little too early to judge.

Yes and I hope this will be posted here again and again until they do something about it.

hold up… you can leave before a match starts without penalty??? i would love to do it on new junk city! i hate that map! i also hate survasa map.


I do that, never got the count down, nor penalty.

You can leave unranked game when “Assemble your team” is written while selecting hero


You can leave during “assemble your team” only. Once it goes to “prepare to attack/defend” then you can no longer leave.

Simplest way to know is whether the dialog with the warning has the 5s countdown or not. If there is no countdown you can leave without penalty. Otherwise you get penalty after the 5s.


I do exactly that, but I´ve seen few people claiming, that it´s not possible anymore for them and that they “changed this rule”, but so far I can still do it.

People says things w/o checking them. The game displays a red warning but from my experience I never got punished on “assemble” phase. And I skip a lot - every KotH, Flashpoint and often Defense

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I also skip flashpoint and some days defense…but this damn junker city I skip always -_-

Ill take Flash over Control (koth) all day; Hate Control maps so much, lol.

That’s if you backfill. If you are a backfill, you can’t skip assemble without penalty. You can tell if you are backfill because when the map pops, the announcer will not announce the map to backfills.

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But this map doesn’t disappoint. It’s got snacks, shops, Wilkins Coffee, anything you can imagine. Even it’s got the Sombra always ready to rob you at hack point.

I know that and I never leave backfill, even on this awfull map.

Thank you, but I prefer cafe on Samoa much more. I need a nice surroundings to my cup of coffee :coffee:

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