I am down 600 Sr this season

yeah 2000 Sr goes like this


rein (he is a pretty much must pick ladder wide)

All are played heavily. But mainly brig and moira

No but everyone likes to think that your suppose to but you can play whatever you want

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I have seen lots of goats even in gold this season., It’s really sad that the meta has fallen that low.

NEvermind that goats is boring as all hell.

Goats is easy to punish at lower ranks because the lower ranks don’t know how to do the things that make goats strong. They just see the pros running deathball comps and clashing into each other with one side coming out on top.

The well timed brig stuns are random… they don’t open up rien shatters. Zarya’s wasted their bubbles and wasted bubbles aren’t punished. Ana’s can’t hit all their shots. The group often gets split up and doesn’t get the benefit of the aoe heals.

Dive is really strong on ladder against low level goats because the Brig is often far up with the rein allowing the backline to be dove and no one peels.

Don’t be a meta slave and you’ll climb.

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Although yes dive can work around brig the issue is brig’s skill floor is so laughably low that flankers are just not touched in low elo anymore. It used to be that back in the day tracers and genji in lower elo had decent mechanics but ZERO game sense.

Those same players dont have the vision to work around brig. Their poor game sense hampers them against a hero that literally just has to press w to get value.

I hate goats it so damn boring.

Read this thread. Pretty good mathematical proof from a PhD student that the system is inherently designed to derank you overtime…

Also, smurf accounts rampant making a lot of power creep exist in lower tiers. Competitive rank system has been botched since like season 5…

As if dude I can sweat my a** off and only have a 50% winrate at 3300 on this account but softthrow on another at 3100 and still climb.
Its simply not a working system what you are talking about is the difference between the top 10% now compared to top 10% 5 seasons ago. Low elo is always bad thats why its low elo.

Ever think maybe 3300 is the rank you’re supposed to be at?

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Blame the smurfs, they are trolling you.

That’s not a proof, it’s a theory. And it’s got more holes in it than a whac-a-mole game.

True that it is a theory. However, almost all empirical evidence starts with a theory :). Also it is a very sound theory and many observations, forum posts, youtubers, streamers, etc have proven it to be most likely valid

Because MMR says so kappa I’ve been close to Master in TDM twice and didn’t struggle once yet was never able to hit Master. In fact I can easily counter most Master players with the same pick like widow vs widow, hog vs hog and so on.
Then how come I rank freaking 2700 on another acc Is that my “real rank”?
I don’t think so because I can easily 1v4 my enemies and still win.

Don’t even know how the hell I ranked so low but I lost most of my placements thanks to feeding doomfist players and such. Not that I care about 4v4 but you know something is wrong with the ranking system if two of my clan mates hit GM in 4v4 but share the same rank in normal comp and have the same skill in scrims.

In my opinion ranked is dogs**t you can put one player from every rank in a deathmatch game and the result will be random most of the time unless you take people who truly belong into their rank.

I mean the difference between high plat-low diamond and mid-high diamond is one of the biggest jumps in the entire ladder, this isn’t that surprising

Also as far as tdm, of course you may get higher because waaaay less people play comp tdm


The entire premise of that “proof” is so flawed. Don’t let it reinforce your delusions

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Agree! 3.2-3.3 the enemy McCree starts 2-3 hitting me if I play as my usual stupid self. It’s another game!

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I lost over 500 sr a couple seasons ago (from around 3600 - around 3100), and I’ve not been really interested enough in climbing to put the time into my main account to get back so I’ve been hovering around the mid diamond range on my main, and I play on alt accounts so I can play other heroes and have more fun. I’m a tank main on my main account, and it’s not always fun, so I try to play off tank, DPS, or support on my alt accounts.

But overall I’m just not as interested in the idea of climbing for a higher SR number, I’ve changed my attitude to be more towards “How can I have fun, but still try to win” instead of “How can I win, at all costs, no matter how miserable I am”

The game is designed for you to chase SR. This is why I stopped and do placements only. Currently enjoying the freedom I get in Quickplay, and knowing that I’m Top 500 in my age group.

Buddy, I lost 500 SR in 3 days.

I lost 1000 Sr in 4 days.
Trainers hate me!!!

Yeah. I’ve noticed the same thing… But guess what, you can’t do anything about it :frowning: