I am an edgelord and I main

Jebaited. Did you truly believe that I would fall for these mediocre memes? Truly fit for the lowborn, the unwashed masses that surround me. I am not one of them. Now, revere my originality, and worship and give praise unto my true and only master. The Reaper.


An Illusion! what are you hiding?

Nothin’ personnel, k¡d.


Truly the lord of all edgelords.

Lol, so your cry for attention is a cry for attention stating that your cry for attention isn’t like the other cries for attention on who you main.

Never seen this before so original

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I was expecting a Mercy main.


As if I cared about the attention of the masses. To quote a favourite character of mine, does the lion (in this case, the edgelord) concern himself with the opinion of the sheep (you)?

But since I despise forum memes, I wanted to make fun of the last one. If you thought that this was a cry for attention, you might want to hone your comprehension skills.


You cared enough to create a topic stating your topic wasn’t like the others.

Such an edgy little sheep

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Reminder to myself, Don’t feed the troll.

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How does one not feed oneself. This post is troll bait pure and simple.

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I like your name but that’s about it

It already became a tired meme like the “hard to swallow pills”

It has, hopefully this forum meme will die like the rest of them.


Why did the artist have to include the annoying Widowmaker? It totally ruins the picture.


Perfect. That is much better.