I’m glad Overwatch doesn’t have a battlepass system

I am also Gold Border, although I don’t remember my level. I don’t have every skin in the game, mainly because I don’t really care to. But you what I do have? Over 500 lootboxes that I have not opened.

I’m not the collectors type so my opinion isn’t really needed here, but just going through my stuff, I have most of the items for most heroes in the game (except the newer ones of course). I don’t think a battle pass would be a good idea since it’s a cheaper way of getting money. The RNG lootbox system is better even if it requires you to invest more time into the game, which is what should be the incentive, not “pay money to get the skins” or something.

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Well they wouldn’t do that to Overwatch. What would probably happen is the ability to buy lootboxes would be banned, which is what I think happened in parts of Europe. You can still get lootboxes from doing things like playing the game.

One might view OW2 as a very large battle pass.

In terms of story line, it certainly feels like a sequel though.

I spent 0 euros on lootboxes and I have all the skins. I don’t see the issue. Plus it’s just cosmetics, not some p2win stats.

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Imagine spending money on cosmetics that you still need to grind for even after paying

No thank you, i’d like to receive my product(s) right away instead of having to work for it on top of spending money on it :slight_smile: the entire point of microtransactions is to skip the grind, battlepasses are an affront to that idea as they still require you to grind

Lootboxes aren’t great either in my opinion so i’d like to see them abolish purchasable lootboxes and just let us purchase coins directly. Keep the lootboxes you earn from playing & leveling up though


Battlepass is still less scummy than lootboxes if the lootboxes were obtainable only with money.

The only thing I don’t like about battlepasses is that it is too much of a grind on top of already paying for it, and you see no new content for the next 2 months.

Just wait for it lol.

I’d rather not have a battle pass because then you pretty much have to play the game or you’ll miss out

The current way with events, if you miss out then you’ll still have another chance to get the things you missed next time the event comes around and when the anniversary comes around.

It’s much less demanding of your time this way, especially since events don’t even have that many items to acquire to begin with.


I don’t like FOMO stuff. Please don’t add a battlepass system and stop these boring weekly challenges that force you to play to get the skin. I enjoyed Overwatch more before they started doing this.

The one thing I hate about battlepasses is locking away past content from newcomers.


If you’re happy with the current level of content creation for Overwatch then sure, but I’d rather have a battlepass system and way more OW content than no battlepass and very little content.

This game is criminally under-developed from lore to to media to maps to game modes, so if some alternate revenue streams get us more content then I’m all in.

I’d rather take easily grindable lootboxes over Valorant’s 95$ skin bundles, aka the ‘‘price of not having lootboxes’’


Yeah, I’m not saying that they should make it so you can only buy skins, I’m saying that they should really make a different alternative to boxes which isn’t so RNG heavy

It could become a monkey paw kind of thing. Removing lootboxes will give them the full support of the gaming community and they’ll be able to do anything they want for skins after that with little complaints.

I’d be down for a battlepass if it worked like Fortnite’s where it’s extremely easy to max it out and you can get the next one free of charge. Unlike Valorant’s that takes tons of grinding and you have to buy each one every time.

Yeah, I’m not a fan of grindy battle passes. But I’m not really a fan of them in general. I’d really love it if someone came up with something different, cause they can be inherently grindy. I feel like OW would make you work for those unlocks.

I also don’t like items being locked away if you didn’t play during a specific battle pass season. Though, I guess they could do it where like, each event has their own pass or something that returns every time idk

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Battle passes are a terrible system designed to keep you playing the game until you burn out, and I’m sure some people go farther than that. I wouldn’t be surprised to know that these systems have a tremendous turnover rate. However, some may feel the content is worth paying for; so people often feel trapped in a cycle that never ends.

Terrible, terrible system. Not sure why anyone would think a battle pass is the answer to everything. They are a market for kids to bug their parents about because their friends all have them.


So did every weekly challenge just not happen?


" I’m glad Overwatch doesn’t have a battlepass system "
Like no one will see my response, but the answer is for now.
with the fact many countries are baning lootboxes you can bet there will be battle pass and or expansions in ow2,

it will suck for people that don’t have much money and got the game on sale-

Warframe also has a time limit on almost everything you unlock, besides consumables, then you have to pay quite the amount to get the unlock permanently(and that’s only the unlocks that you can get with general currency) On that topic, there’s a premium currency that is hard to get unless you buy it.

Would a battlepass system decrease the rate of running into smurfs/cheaters/throwers, etc? I’m asking because I’ve never played a game with a battlepass system, so I don’t really know what the effect would be in OW.

Somebody on this thread mentioned that having a battlepass system would INCREASE the number of cheats/hacks, but I’m not seeing the logic on that one. Why would someone PAY, only to cheat?

I’m probably the only OW player who feels this way, but if $20 per comp season could guarantee that I’d never face someone who does not belong at the rank they’re playing at, I would pay it gladly. But if it can’t do that, then I can’t see how a battlepass would make the comp experience better for players.

Though I’m willing to be educated on the subject.

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