I’d rather have Sym’s turrets removed

… If it means they’ll increase her overall power and stop trying to balance around her origami sentry turrets that get destroyed by a quick melee attack (but somehow, the genji mains can’t destroy them)


shuriken does 28 damage, turret has 30, its pretty irritating lmfao, but ive never had a problem with sym personally


Amen to that
Get them gone and give something else that lets her be viable


remove their damage buff their hp their slow make them force single target so they work like a spider web and give her 6 back with 8sec cd then buff her primary first two levels and longer range.

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I would rather have it the other way round, I think people find the slow more frustrating to play against. But nice ideas too


but syms problem in 2.0 and 3.0 isnt the amount of power she has its the placement of said power in her kit. putting power into her turrets which a semi competent enemy can just delete makes her weaker but if her turrets are almost pure utility then that power can be put into her gun which really needs buffs.

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I agree.

I’ve said multiple times, but Symm or Torb will never feel in a fine place as long as they have auto-aim as a part of their regular kit. It’ll be impossible to balance them.

I feel like they should have gone the Support route with Symm. Healing turrets would be less problematic. That way she could be buffed accordingly.


She’s an architect, make her a tank and she can build walls fortnite style :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I definitely see your pov there. Removing either the cc or the damage they give would allow her to be balanced much easier like you suggested. Unfortunately people don’t like to play against either lol.

Why tho? Her TP and turrets are amazing. She just a sort of niche pick but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. I hope you realize that she is the one of two characters in the game that has the ability to slow enemies. Thats huge. And it is actually better than Mei’s.

Lol their damage buff was already reduced and is now the same pre rework on console. Skip the rework just throw the whole thing away…

That’s what I suggested. Turrets are holding her back in every rank for different reasons. Give her something else.

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Idk Torb seems in a better place than Sym


I’d rather her be a Support, just give her Orbs the ability to heal allies, or turn her right click into a healing beam.

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Her turrets are oppressive in lower rank. Three extra sources of fire on players who (1) take longer to find the source, and (2) have crappy aim.


This wouldn’t help her any. She needs to get up close and personal to do anything and she’s just to squishy.

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I want her little shield and auto lock back so bad lmao

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Just on the topic, one of the designers wrote about their experiment with giving her healing turrets in the first reply here:

But that was a couple years back though, so I wonder if it’d still be clunky now that her and the game have changed so much.

Remove turrets and let her generate those Oasis cars using her hard light… to wash some cars in the blood of her foes. :smiling_imp:

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Why didn’t they give her turrets a healing aura (a la S76’s can of beans) instead of firing healing lasers, or speed up the deploy speed so that her healing turrets could keep up with OW’s pace? Weird.

I’m not qualified to say if Torb’s up to par or not, but he feels much better to play than Sym, imo. His turret can’t reach the same DPS potential of all of Sym’s turrets at once, but frankly, it feels better to have a sturdier, single turret that’s available more often. I wish his RMB got its damage reverted, but that said, his gun can do work. Overload is a swiss army knife of an ability. Yeah, Torb’s cool in my book.