Huge Res How? bronze mercy

So I’m trying to get the coveted Mercy achievement, tried with my friend, who suicided as Pharah, I ressed them 7 times, didn’t die, and didn’t get it. Was this patched? Is there another way to get the achievement? I’m bronze, so the concept of surviving for 3 minutes bare minimum while running into a teamfight to res people 6 times is. A little impossible, not to mention that if I tried to do this seriously (by which I mean still healing and boosting my team, still helping on objectives), I’d still have to hide from every fight to keep myself alive. My question is, how do I get this? The only cheese method I know didn’t work, and I’m not good enough at the game to do it the way I’m meant to.

You were playing comp or qp rite?


When you have an enemy team who quits on you ask your team nicely.

I got it back when multirez was a thing. It was easy to get in the moth meta, But it would be tricky now.

A lot of Bronze mercy players just rez whatever dies. Don’t do that, you’ll get killed.

Rez once a teamfight is done, and check your surroundings before you do it. Will you get stunned? Or killed?

When I was a happy little bronze (I’m low diamond on support), and had a PC that ran overwatch w/ 15/20 fps, I was super suicidal, risky rezes and even Valkyries, and I know this might sound that what I am saying doesn’t apply to you because you are bronze (when I was a little bronze I thought the same) and you might not be as quite trained, but please if you Rez think:

  1. do you at least have cover from the enemies
  2. can you easily get away.

If you try to follow those 2 rules, it’s easier to escape bronze and let me tell you it’s more easy than you think.

I don’t know why you didn’t get it if you in fact Rezzed 7, but just hide and res and you’ll get it.

Watch the killfeed, see more red bars on the left than on the right? Flee, press S, save your life, don’t die on cart, Res the most useless outsider you can find that surely won’t get punished.

You have to play “wrong” to get the achievemnet.


Yes, it was in quickplay. We tried twice, but a junkrat walked all the way to our spawn to kill me and ruin it the second attempt.

Could it have been QP classic? You don’t get achievements in that mode.

I got the trophy on the 27/12/2016.

But I have attained it before on other accounts, unfortunately sometimes you will need to get more then 6 resurrects before you get the achievement. I would be one for using a LOT of cover, and asking your tank to shield you if they die in the open. If they die behind or near cover go for the resurrect behind cover.

Of course, you cannot die if you want the achievement, so you need to be very aware of your surroundings (which you should be anyway) and of course, your not going to get it straight away, but you can eventually the more you train yourself to use cover and resurrect at the right time

Thanks for the tips, everyone, hope I’ll figure it out soon haha :smiley: It was regular quick play, roles locked in and everything. I wouldn’t be surprised if the suiciding pharah idea is patched out, though I heard a good few people got it that way. Ah well, I’ll just. keep going like normal, i guess.

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It could be that resses from (multiple) suicides don’t count, just to make sure that people don’t join to games to farm achievements in ways that are intentionally throwing.

If you mentioned it in match chat, i’d do the same. :sweat_smile:

No way i go afk this game bc someone wants a achievement, keep that in mind.

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Jeff recently posted on the forums that achievements had been added to qp classic, and they forgot to put that in the release notes

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Focus on playing well if you want to achieve the spray and your chance will come. You don’t Rez whether you have a chance, you weigh the possibility of success first.

I was a Bronze support, tried, failed and gave up on the Cute Mercy spray as impossible for a noob like myself.

A year later with more experience, I played a game as normal and ended up with no deaths, 5 Rez (ditched a chance at a 6th because my team needed heals more). And I knew it was now possible. So I went all out to stay alive while trying in my next game and I GOT IT!