Huge PTR update!

I mean, did people really expect Blizzard to actually put out something good? Lol

Subtitles, they just got added


Nvmd, Alexis beat me to it

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Oh my god, finally! i’m actually deaf. so now i can finally understand what the heroes say with subtitles


im not even deaf and i love these changes


Its amusing since this took way longer than it should have taken.


This is most likely because theyre gonna do another ptr update that also adds the new hero as well as a bunch of changes

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its likely it took so long because of all the languages they are supporting

It seems more like one of those things that was deemed less important for release, so it was put off until later. Building in the expectation that every release you need to update the subtitles earlier on is better than having to have this massive initiative to throw in a whole bunch of work later on. 3 years later on type of work.

However, now that it is in it should be easier to keep up to pace.

Patch notes don’t ususally make that much sense.

Lets be honest, they’re probably buffing Orisa again.


No, they’re gonna buff McCree’s damage to 80 per shot


Did you mean to say another nerf to torbjorns right click? /s

This just in: Mercy SJ removes and no ofc it wasn’t because a popular streamer had a tantrum! It’s just after nearly a year we JUST found a way to solve it


Did they actually?

They did not.

Nah was just making a joke, the notes don’t mention it client says “Oops, i crashed”

Trying to reinstall but the progress bar when the installer connects doesn’t move.

EDIT: Yay! It moved!

EDIT2: Aaaand the bandwidth meter flatlined again.

I wonder when genji is getting nerf since devs dont touch on him since 500 b.c

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