Huds not lined up

So, i was doing huds for my gamemode and they are not lined up, like one are more to the mid then others… i dont know why this is happening, someone know about this?

well im not sure what your setup is, but huds on the right side of the screen with sort order that are 0+ will be displayed under the kill feed (i think its 0+, might be 1+)

and same goes for the middle hud, but for the Game Mode UI instead of killfeed. (objective & objective progress).

there is also the scale factor, text, header & subheader (i think thats their names…? either way the 3 text options…) all renderer at different size’s so they wouldn’t line up with eachother.

though i am assuming you already knew all of that. So, a snippet/code would be helpful so i/others could see what your talking about.

what i am saying is, the text looks like this
they all are in Left but are kinda not lined up with each other.

That’s due since OW2 workshop huds render their borders and frames aligned with the text length in a centric spot, meaning to line them up equally make sure the text lengths are the same, did you tried that somehow?