This change 110% NEEDS to happen.
Brigitte armor is too strong with shields over it.
This change 110% NEEDS to happen.
Brigitte armor is too strong with shields over it.
It makes no sense
I like it the way it is
Why making a change that will affect badly a lot of heroes just because one has problems?
I’m not talking about existing HP bars. Just any extra Shields/Armor.
For Orisa for example:
200HP/200Armor < 75 Shields < 150 Armor
just nerf brigitte ult. problem solved.
Still, doesn’t make sense
If Brigitte is too powerful, why not just nerf her?
So a indirect torb nerf
Pls no
yeah we didn’t had any problem with armor and shield order before. it is brigitte that makes a new problem because she is op.
i don’t see what you mean, yes shields are better than health because they heal themself, and yes armor is better because of the extra damage reduction, but what change are you talking about.
Look at this guy, suggesting Torb nerfs LUL
Ive already said Brigitte needs to be changed.
Im talking about the order that extra HP stacks
ah, ok, i don’t think it should be this way, however they could make her ult armor work that way, so her armor feels less permanent if they have a shield generator.
How is this a Torb nerf? lol
Shield Gen is leaving soon so it wont matter. It will still be:
Original HP bar < Torb Armor
Shield Gen over extra Armor has always been really strong. Not just since Brigitte showed her face.
But since Brigitte is using ultimate Armor, you could just change it so Rally goes over Shields.
And if you are so worried about Torb:
Original HP < Torb Armor < Shield Gen < Brigitte Rally Armor
You’re talking about any bonus armor. Torb provides bonus armor. It really isn’t hard to see this would be a massive nerf to him
shield gen isn’t the only way people have shields, give zarya armor and she has 200 shields guarding it, give zen armor and he has 150 shield blocking it, and then whatever amount of shields sym has naturally.
In exchange I want rally to speed buff my entire team, kthx.
Right? So?
200HP < 75 Torb Armor < 200 Zarya Shields < 75 Shield Gen < 150 Rally Armor
EMP activated?
200 HP < 75 Torb Armor < Shields wiped out < 150 Rally Armor
Don’t worry, shield gen is going.
From a coding standpoint it either works as it does now, HP/Armor/Shields or it works the new way of HP/Shields/Armor.
Its either or. You cannot have both.