How's PharMercy on PC?

Well she’s pretty bad on PC, so I can only imagine what’s happening in console environments…

Tell that to the person who had a 1 trick lucio on their team and leaving me high and dry to deal with her solo while he tried to get sick reddit clips.

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I main mercy and am in gold and it often times doesn’t work for like longer than a minute because they pick ashe and 2 shot us

Noting special…

Sombra,Bastion,Soldier:76,Widowmaker, Echo, Ana etc… all can deny them pretty hard.
Just need to actually pick them and you’re good to go.

She is still very strong here in Masters and GM. The reason I hate going against Pharah or having her on my team, it means I have to switch off Lucio to a Main healer so the other healer can go mercy… =[

I played PS4 since Day 1 OW up until recently finally moving to PC. No way in hell would I ever play OW on my Switch. The game is bad enough as is on Console let alone a handheld.

Idk why anyone would ever want to tbh.

Pharah is “so bad” on PC that not even Bronze SR is playing Pharah even when Pharah is “Low Skill + High Reward” and Bronze is the Lowest Skill yet still cannot abuse others w/ Pharmercy when everyone is playing McCree in Bronze instead.

I know. You don’t agree w/ Reality nor Data.

I would agree if the Pharah had no pocket, but with pocket she is really hard to stop

Idk… personally I never experiences any problems with them.

  • Echo doesn’t even care for pocket because Pharah can’t hit her due to her flying and small body.
  • Bastion just melts them in the sky… The pocket doesn’t really change anything. Ofcourse both depends on playstyle but that doesn’t have a lot to do with pocket
  • Sombra relies on hack which has noting to do with pocket…

So only Soldier:76,Ana and Widow feel the pocket, and even then- a good widow works around headshots so only Ana & Soldier:76 experience the pocket hard.

I agree pocket makes it harder to kill her by most heroes but it’s not like there are no solutions to that.

Btw since they are 2, it’s only fair for you to go 2v2 as well.
There are a lot of good combos to take care of them in the sky.

Mostly protection/discord+ some sort of damage than can reach them, even Torb’s turret can work.

Even if you don’t kill them btw, there are a lot of heroes who can help put a bit of pressure even if they don’t counter Pharah like Mccree,Moira,Sigma, etc…

It’s only on PSN not XBL and only in GM. No other Ranks is Pharah dominating. It’s been that way since Fankda hit 5000 SR a few years ago.

On PC it’s only really YZNSA who is too good w/ Pharah. Idk if Fankda playing any longer. I know Valkia quit long time ago.

You need to consider that here in Masters+, us hitscan players are good, but PharMercy is nearly unstoppable when the pharah is a good player. She will weave in an out of cover making it almost impossible to burst her down as Soldier, Ashe or McCree

It has been broken since it first become a thing to worth complaining… despite what some people would tell you.

Also it is more of a mercy issue and not that much to do with pharah alone.

For that I completely agree.

I just don’t see a reason to go for them when Echo,Bastion & Sombra all do the job just as good without a problem.

I think McCree specifically is a pretty bad choice against her btw… People are used to his high damage outside of his range but now he became a medium-close range hero like he was originally designed to be so good for him…

Either way, I think the best tool you can have against Pharah is simply peeking your own range according to the situation. she does have solutions but if one solution is easier than the other, consider going for it instead. Pharah would really struggle fighting Bastion & widow from range even when peeking due to her big body and hoovering.

While it is harder, I still believe limiting her can be more than enough a lot of times to make her useless.

And while protections were nerfed, double shields is still a possibility, it’s not always good but sometimes Orisa-Sigma can be enough to allow your team enough protection to pressure down the Pharah.

Either way, it’s a lot about positioning- peeking Pharah is really annoying but unlike Widow, she has much less spaces to peek from, allowing you to choose good positions to fight her.

But like you said :sweat_smile: You are at least one rank above me so not a lot I can say about masters’ Pharah

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Very easy to shut her down as Widowmaker and McCree (two most effective anti-air DPS).

If you’re a lazy bum then Bastion will do the job with the right position and timing or better if shield backs you up. Torb will slow her down. Forget Soldier who has a bullet made out of plastic.

But since it’s OW forum, everyone would rather complain about OP this and that then demand a nerf instead of learning to counter. It’s a never ending cycle.

That is usually because of a reluctance to play, or play the map.

They just stand in the open looking at rockets, while typing away asking someone else to play hitscan. Lol.

Corners and cover are so valuable, but something often forgotten about in gold.

That image is PSN GM.

Im NOT on PS4 any longer so I cannot check Regions but it was always Europe. Never the America’s nor Asia.

Same on PC too atm which is so odd tbh. YZNSA absolutely dominating the EU on Pharah. There’s NO issue whatsoever on PC w/ Pharah in other Regions. It’s exclusively this ONE dude YZNSA. I would imagine PS4 is still just a EU issue w/ Pharah too as it always has been in the past.

I cannot explain that tbh…….

On PC all Regions are being dominated on Leaderboard by Tracer, McCree and Ashe.

YZNSA is an anomaly ofc…….
Fankda quit. Valkia quit. It’s all YZNSA now.

Hell no it doesn’t.

All it “knows” is how to display the stats of Public profiles, which is a fraction of the playerbase.

It still has a large enough sample to be largely accurate.

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