How you think OW1 heroes will look in their OW2 default skins?

We know OW2 default skins are based on each hero’s story.

We already saw OW2 default skins for:

  • Winston
  • Mei
  • Tracer
  • Reinhardt
  • Mercy
  • Lúcio
  • Torbjörn
  • Bastion

I think all Talon members will have upgraded weaponery but
Reaper’s will show his face and look more deadly than now.
Widowmaker’s will look like human not machine but still has “bad woman” behavior we know today.
Sombra’s will look like about to betray Talon.
D.Va’s will be her new mech from Shooting Star.


Sombra will probably have different hair since she likes to change it up a lot, and shoes that don’t show her toes

Pharah will have the Raptora Mark VII and will have gotten her eye tattoo removed out of spite for Ana (jk), and if she leaves Helix and joins Overwatch then I’m pretty sure she can’t keep her flying suit so idk what’s gonna happen there

Orisa will have some upgrades - maybe like her arm cannon can transform into other stuff and a second new coat of paint

Symmetra will have two looks - her current blue futuristic sari but slightly modified and with a helmet that suggests the VR tech thing, and then a new outfit when she defects from Vishkar (idk what but I’m sure it’ll look great) - and a new arm

Reaper will be even more smoky and get a new Party City mask

Soldier will look more gritty and have that weird wound that won’t heal from the short stories

Widow will be less blue because her brainwashing is wearing off or something

Ana will have her Bastet clothes but without the cat mask cause she left it behind in Egypt

McCree will have his beard from the cinematic and a slightly upgraded arm

…and that’s all I can think of for now


I know in lore, Bastion got some upgrade from Torbjorn since meeting up with him but I wasn’t sure what it was. It would be cool to have Bastion with a Lindholm armour. Even Brigitte mentions this with:

“Bastion, how are you liking that new armor Papa made for you?”


You can see his OW2 design here:



Looks like Torb’s beard is getting white.


I think it’s not finished coloring process.

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they’re gonna show incomplete art at BlizzCon? :flushed:

You know, OW2 Bastion and Torbjörn weren’t finished at Blizzcon 2019, so they aren’t in
Even if they are completed now, they likely will show them and more at Blizzcon 2020.
I glad to know more up to next one.

The models for Torbjorn and Bastion weren’t shown at Blizzcon, but the concept art was (which is what I posted above).


What I mean - not finished. They need to make actual 3D models for them.


They did. In zero hour and the OW2 gameplay trailer, there are the hero’s upgraded looks.

Not all of them - Bastion and Torbjorn’s new looks were only seen in the concept art shown during the panel at Blizzcon.

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Zero Hour didn’t even have Mercy’s upgraded look. We haven’t seen them all, even if the hero was in the trailer. Torb and Bastion were only shown as concept art, despite being in the gameplay trailer.

After much thought, I would love to see Moira suffering similar necrosis that Reaper has. It’d be interesting to see her wearing a bigger eyeplate with necrotic energy wisping around it for instance.


Junkboy gets a shirt :V
Literally all I care about is seeing how Junk gets redesigned, maybe he’ll have a mohawk or more pronounced bald spot lmao

This! I think Moira will definately start to suffer from her own creations in the end, like dr.frankenstein

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I think McCree will create Police or will join and turn Deadlock into Police. He will be Sheriff and Ashe will be his right hand in Police Management. And USA will support them someday.

I know it sounds too stupid.

Considering the bounty on McCree’s head, I highly doubt he will become sheriff or police or anything official like that.