How would you handle OW2's monetization?

Soooooo yeah, the prices aren’t gre- oh who am I kidding, they’re garbage, but with all the discourse over the prices, I’m wondering, how would you, the player, handle OW2’s monetization?

  • Dont rig games based on skins
  • put coins in BP, like 1,300
  • make costs 50% lower across the board
  • bring back loot boxes (but theyre more rare)

10$ for legendaries, 5$ for epics, 1$ for charms/name plates/etc. Battlepass should give enough coins to get the next pass if you’ve completed a couple of the weeklies.


I feel that the most discouraging piece of this whole implementation is that they stated they feel it’s better to bring it to more people. But they aren’t bringing the same game. That same feeling of winning something every so many games.
$40 Dollars used to get you the game, and as long as you showed up, the potential to get anything in it without further cost outside of Overwatch league merch.
Even if they cut the cost into a fifth, their sales would quintuple. And they’d still make the same dollar amount. But we all know they won’t do that because that is admitting that the company made a mistake.
Though I feel for the community it’s more the outright audacity that just makes the whole thing feel discouraging. Not only did they close the old game down, but then continue to sell the old skins and items for outrageous prices. Just basically milking it out.
And if Battlepass becomes something that requires purchasing, and new characters are locked behind that going forward it becomes a “Pay to Win” mechanic in which then I’ll just quit.


Bring back lootboxes for every level up, reduce the chances of getting a legendary by a lot, keep the current prices for skins, make skins actually worth buying by not releasing 2 average skins for an event, improve rewards in battle pass.


We have conflicting interests with blizzard. We want the cosmetics for the smallest price, where blizz wants to make the most money. I do think they could budge a little on what we are given, like say double coins from weeklies. But I dont think the monetization is all that different from other big free to play titles. And they probably have little incentive to change. The amount of celestial player icons I’ve seen in the past days, or witch skins is quite a few.

I’d understand the basic concept of product elasticity and sell the skins for the highest possible profit point from the beginning as opposed to trying to not listen to the economist and instead try and capture economic surplus with a discriminatory pricing strategy.

If I’m in charge of the monetization of an ABK title I wouldn’t touch a discriminatory pricing strategy with a 10 foot pole, even if their was evidence that I could get away from it. The risk of devaluing my brands (the only good thing I got going for me right now), and losing market share is too high.

Here is what I would do:

  • New player accounts - 40 dollars.
  • Skins and cosmetics - .05 cents per skin. and .25 cents per “legendary” skin.
  • sell “skin packs” - 10 dollars for “skin packs”

Competitive play-pass. 5 dollars to play competitive for 60 days.

Includes non refundable rank suspension penalty.

  • Leaving competitive matches. (3 Consecutive leaves in 30 days)
  • Reported over 5 competitive matches for “throwing”. Within 10 days.
    (System generates a warning at 3rd report)

EXAMPLE: Players not eligible or eligbility removed from this will be for any person that violates these terms and may not Play in Competitive or eliligible to buy a “competitive play pass” for 60 days.

Don’t be greedy, basically. That’s the only reason Overwatch 2 went F2P and why they went with the monetisation garbage; greed.

Ok here how i’d put the prices:

Battlepass still the same

Epics not in a bundle just 2 dollars

Legendary 5 bucks

Bundles max 10 bucks

Standard pack should rotate with the epics and still cost 5 bucks

Add season pass that cost 15 bucks that gives you all the items coming in the season you buy it for

Many “old guard” players have accumulated hoards of old credits, but they are only useful to pay for base cosmetics for heros; unusable for event-limited cosmetics

Would like them to enable us to cover 50% of NEW event-limited cosmetics prices using odl credits and pay the other 50% using new credits. This will make new event cosmetics prices bearable for the old guard while letting them earn something from the cash shop.

Nothing for F2P accounts since they never bought the original game.

Most important: bring back loot boxes as items players win. Do not make them purchaseable!
Skins should be 50% cheaper but if blizz bring bacjk loot boxes, then it doesnt matter what price skins are as players always have the choice to grind loot boxes.

The more people play, the more will buy skins. Blizzard need to focus on keeping players playing. They are currently heading down the same road Halo infinite went. Blizzard wont recog ise this until its too late and the game has become niche (in comparison to its current popularity.


  • let the people buy every item separately and not just in bundles
  • cut all the prices in the shop by half
  • give people a challenge each season that awards a “skin voucher” that can be used to get one skin in the shop for free"

The rest can stay.

  • Direct purchase option for ALL cosmetics in the game. Icons are the cheapest ($1), Legendary skins ($10), Mythic skins ($20 for a few months, then $15).
  • On release you can get new legendary skin for $10 in a bundle with other cosmetic items.
  • New heroes are free.
  • Put more effort into lore and small comic strips with new heroes, encourage fan engagement into Waifus and Husbandos
  • Battle Pass is pretty much how it is now.
  • Weapon skins ($2 - $5) in addition to Hero skins, can be equipped separately from hero skins.
  • Slightly more fanservice in cosmetics
  • Regular discounts on older skins

Overall goal - break “first purchase” barrier with icons and other cheap options, give accessible and WIDE cosmetic options shop. Generate more engagement between community and heroes, by expanding their lore and encouraging fan made headcanons and comic strips, fan art, etc.

  • Bring back the OW1 loot box system for earning, but without ability to purchase loot boxes
  • Loot boxes earned every 2/3/5/10 levels offsetting profit impacts from going F2P
  • Add currency at rare rates alongside legacy currency to loot boxes
  • Keep BP, add 20 more tiers
  • Keep 1 hero as a BP hero, but lower the level to unlock to 50 (assuming 20 tiers are added making 100 tiers total) OR add a challenge track to unlock the hero
  • Keep the ability to purchase items with purchased currency
  • Allow items to be purchased individually, but with better prices in a bundle as how bundles are advertised to work
  • Add weekly challenge rewards in seasonal events to entice players to participate increasing probability of spending money

I’m not sure what this means

Could you give me the cliff notes?


Basically, players who have paid skins that being sold in the shop will be matched against players of lesser skill who strive to be good at the hero they’re playing.

Tldr: skin-based match making to encorage cosmetic purchases.

I feel as though this isn’t inherently a bad thing if done in a more tactful manner.

Focusing on a skill based pool first and creating balanced match ups then picking from the pool of adequate candidates for skin discrepancies could work as a compromise.

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Revert it to the way it was in OW1