How would you fix Paris?

*Many people made it clear.
I appreciate that many dislike 2CP, I really do. But it’s not the entire community that hates it. Many on the forums do.
I personally like it, or at least, I’m okay with it as opposed to KotH which I detest.

Make Point A for attackers more open.

its for competitive, it is one of the best things the game has, you always play exactly what you like, and the queue times are fine.

I’d create another entrance on either the left or right of the choke, similar to what they did with Eichenwalde.

That would make the first point more bearable. Move the defender slightly closer to point A.

After point A is captured, attacker spawn is changed to be within that small building to the right of point A, putting it closee to point B. No changes to defenders.

The changes here are to make attacking point A have more options but defenders can get back slightly faster.

Point B changes make attackers have a closer spawn, I didn’t see any need to chanfe things for defenders.

That’s probably how I’d address Paris.