How would you buff Ana and Zen?

For the first time in more than a year using Ana is a good choice if you have the mechanics. I think she is fine for now and probably won’t need a buff anytime soon.

As for Zen, he’s been balanced and a very solid support since forever. During all that time, he was only second to Mercy. No buffs needed either.

I suppose that’s depending on the scenario, but Mercy still have resurrect which is a game changer.

Dude i don’t give a damn about breaking skillful characters isn’t that how everyone is when we talk about Widowmaker? “oh she takes skill let she be broken” the same should apply to Ana.

Nothing. 0 buffs. Ana already received one and Zenyatta is fine. Ana doesn’t need anything else.

Ana is doing great tho, I dont give a damn that people at lower ranks cant aim well. Their lack of mechanical skill doesnt mean we need a broken hero at high ranks, Ana is doing very well among people who can play her.

No hero should be broken, and ana is far from being weak right now.

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Every hero doesn’t need to be good against every comp. Ana has some of the highest potential of any hero in the game, she needs to have a downside to negate her insane potential.

I think they’re both in a good spot now and don’t need buffs.

If I was held at gunpoint and had to come with some sort of a buff for both of them I would make it so Zen reloads his orbs individually, meaning if you cancel the reload by discording or giving harmony the reload doesn’t cancel but you would end up with how many orbs you had time to reload, let’s say 10/20 for half the animation. For Ana a combat roll similar to McCree’s, which would activate by jumping and pressing spacebar down while landing, it resets only after using sleep dart.

But again, not only they are in a good spot but I’m afraid if they buff them even slightly they could become too good and that means people will cry for nerfs, which means they’d end up in worse place than they were before the buff.

Are you implying that i can’t aim well?

No, im implying that ana is doing very well in high ranks and that all high skill heroes suffer in low ranks. Same thing happened with tracer, always pretty bad at low ranks but very strong at the top. Now ana is doing well at the top again, and she doesnt need buffs to become OP.

Considering ana has very positive winrate after diamond and 56% winrate in GM, it doesn’t seem like Ana needs any actual buffs. She is high skill, high reward character that may not excell at low ranks due to the skill requirements but she’s far from a bad char once you know how to use her. Zenyatta is completely fine as well.

Mercy is the one who needs buffs after the massive healing nerf that gutted her core kit that dumped her into bottom 3 winrate throw chars across all ranks.

Mercy infact, now has negative winrate at GM ranks. The only one who has negative winrate on GM currently and the bottom tier at that. Funny how at the top echleon of skill, Mercy becomes a literal throw pick due to the gutting.

Ana… some very small live steal on hitting enemies… makes her a little more survivable in 1v1s and let’s her be less dependend on a second healer or her nade.
Perhabs even a biotic headshot mechanic to apply the nade effect for something like 1 second upon scoring a headshot on the target.

Zen… I don’t think he needs any buffs… if there wasn’t this "BS Dive one target to kill them within one second " also wrongfully called “Skilled play” coming back and shields were actually worth anything, the former idea of applying discord through barriers would have been interesting to look at again.