How was your season 17?

Smurfs everywhere.
Went to gold but i stopped so i can concentrate on 222.

I hit diamond on my support account first time but it was the worst season ever, after role queue was announced that is. Way too many throwers, smurfs, toxic people, basically anything you donā€™t want in your game.

Season was good :slightly_smiling_face:
Started at around 2.8k and ended at just above 3k.

No toxic stories or anything like that, simply because I play with all chat disabled (no voice, no team text chat, no match text chat).

All over the place :joy: started low plat almost dropped to silver then went on a mass win streak and almost hit diamond and ended up just low plat again.

I played 15 different heroes this season. I queue with an Orisa main, so I tried maining Hog. The results were abysmalā€”37% win percentage.

I moved to Baptiste, which was better, but a sharp learning curve. My WP was above 50, though.

My usual picks didnā€™t work out for meā€”dva, Winston, Moiraā€”but new ones didā€”Baptiste, Hammy, Ashe.

I am looking forward to role SR, so I can see how I am performing. Admittedly, I donā€™t think any role will be too different from where I am currently. I am consistently inconsistent.

You can do itttt
Come join me and others up in low Masters mext season :stuck_out_tongue:

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I didnā€™t play as much as I have done previous seasons, but mainly because I was pretty happy with where I placed, and could see that games were getting worse since the 222 announcement (especially for EU console) so I didnā€™t want to tank my SR and hopefully have a good starting point for next season.

Main account placed at 2850 and finished just a bit lower, pretty happy as I did actually reach my career high on that account.

My alt account placed around 2933 and finished about 2955, so again pretty happy. I did play a few games over this weekend to try to push it into Diamond (which Iā€™ve only managed once before) but alas, a couple of bad games tilted me and I stopped for the season.

Happy that it seems that Iā€™ve stabilised more in high plat by now, where in previous seasons I was generally hanging around low-mid plat, especially on my main account.

It was a bit strange as for the past maybe 7 seasons Iā€™ve been heavily maining Lucio and usually it works, but this season I could barely win a game on him so I just stopped picking him after a bit.

I thought Dva would be terrible since everyone seems to think so, but she was still probably my best hero, along with Moira. I won most games on them, with the odd swap to Orisa if we needed it.

Hoping that next season Iā€™ll get off to a good start, being able to choose roles and actually get accurate SR for each one, canā€™t wait.
Expecting to place/hoping to end up next season:
Support: high plat/low diamond
Tank: high plat/low diamond
DPS:high gold/mid plat

One time I gravā€™d Bob and it completely broke some guy on my team. The rest of the game he was screaming repeatedly ā€œHE GRAVITON BOBā€

Never have I seen someone so broken.

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Putting up stats like this, consistently, and have lost 20 of my last 25 matches.

h ttps://

I could tell it seemed nobody took it seriously once the 2-2-2 Role Lock was announced.

I was in Gold the past 3 seasonsā€¦but this season was filled with trash comps towards the middle, and leavers left and right. Fell down to1600s

Iā€™m glad itā€™s over. Bright future starting tomorrow.

Role Specific SR is coming with 2-2-2 and they arenā€™t using MMR from any previous play. Everyone starts fresh with their 5 placements each from what I read.

Sounds good to me. A reset will be nice.

How was my season 17? just playing arcade, waiting for that juicy beta.

Itā€™s not a complete reset, that would be chaos as all skill levels would be entirely mixed together.
They said theyā€™ve been tracking our performance on each role for a while, so whilst yeah Iā€™d be glad to have a somewhat fresh start, I still think you will be starting roughly from the SR you have finished on (before placements of course), for the main role you play anyway.

Unless Iā€™m totally wrong, thatā€™s what Iā€™ve understood.

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This actually made me laugh out loud. Haha.

My dva has always been of of my best heroes since I started playing in s7 but this season I could hardly win any games on her. I started going zarya and the games got super easy. Too bad I flexed to anything because I knew role queue was on its way. Turns out they were monitoring performance these past few months so I probably screwed up my mmr on my own which explain why I ended the season 200 SR lower than usual

Jeff says resets are horrible. Theyā€™re doing everything they can to start the beta season with an accurate MMR for every player in all 3 roles. Theyā€™ve been collecting MMR data for everyone in each role for months now. Worst case scenario, if you never play support, theyā€™re probably going to do some calculations off your other 2 or 1 MMR value to guess what it should be.

In general, I did well. SR ended about 192 points higher than where it started, after about 42 matches (including placements).

Weirdest thing I saw happened last night, the night before the end of the season.

We got matched against what was clearly a throw group on Hollywood, but it seemed like some of the enemy team were bots, which I didnā€™t know was possible in a comp match. There were at least two, a Brig and a Moira, that just ran straight out of the spawn room and kept going straight without stopping or shooting at anyone. They would eventually hit one of the cars outside the first choke point, and then just kept running into it like they wanted to run through it. Theyā€™d stay there, running into a parked car, until one of us killed them. Seemed automated, like no one was at the controls, just set to ā€œrun that way!ā€

Iā€™ve seen throw groups before, but never one that seemed to have automated team members. Maybe Iā€™ve just been lucky not to encounter it up to now.

Yep, so my initial point was correct :slight_smile:

Yes, mine was a supporting / clarifying post :slight_smile: Though I differ in the idea that people shouldnā€™t even look at it as any kind of reset at all. People shouldnā€™t get their hopes up that things are going to change dramatically if theyā€™ve been playing all three roles in comp, itā€™s unlikely things will move a bunch.

The hope flex players may be able to hold to is that they may find which role theyā€™re actually best at.

Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

Iā€™m looking forward to the change a lot (as I expect most are).

I generally play supports/tanks so Iā€™m mostly looking forward to seeing where Iā€™m actually at on those roles in proper teams (no more solo tanking/supporting) as well as actually being able to play dps guilt-free (until I start missing all my shots haha).

My hope is that I find out that Iā€™m actually a legit diamond support (Iā€™ve reached it once before maining Lucio) and that it was the games where I had crap team comps/had to fill on Rein etc that were dragging me down :laughing:

Iā€™ll also see if all those hours Iā€™ve been playing Ashe in QP have made me a competent plat dps or if I still have a way to go.