How was Mercy 1.0 more engaging and fun?

Mercy 1.0 was better in that her ultimate required the engagement of strategy. I felt as though I were making an impact, which is important as a healer. This is much different from her current zergling approach as a heal bot. I don’t play Mercy anymore because she’s boring tbh

I didn’t ignore it, but honestly the whole post was an itemized list of why e-rez is a more skillful ability than mass rez. You have to worry about survival (including the gamesense to know where the danger is and what it is). You have to prioritize teammates. Honestly, sounds pretty skillful to me.

Whereas both survival and prioritization were non-issues while using mass rez.

It may be hard, but it is not skillful or strategic. “Is there cover nearby” is a yes or no question, and if the answer is no, you can’t do anything to change that. Getting a teammate to shield you or peel for you is something you can call for, but not something you can control.

Sure, if you are only down by one teammate, and if you can be spared from healing long enough to do it, and if there is adequate cover, and if that teammate has the ability to change whether you win or lose the teamfight.

Partly because so much of whether or not the thing will work is beyond your control. Partly because you are getting up a player and hoping that they can do something cool.

Mass Rez was mechanically simple and fast, and what set apart great Mercies from mediocre ones hinged on their ability to determine when Rez was going to be the most useful. Not just bringing back the most people, but actually changing the course of the battle. The difference between a great Rez and a wasted Rez came down to Mercy being able to read the fight and time out when to pop the ult. And a wasted Rez was truly wasted—you had to build ult all over again.

Rez on a CD is more difficult to pull off than mass Rez was, but that difficulty had actually stripped Mercy of a lot of her ability to make smart decisions about how to maximize its impact.

If Rez can only get one person at a time, you have to use it basically as soon as you can, because by the time you’re down by more than one player it’s probably too late to turn the tides. If Rez cannot be performed in the open, you can’t bother thinking about whether or not your dead teammate could turn the fight; if they died in the open, there’s nothing you can do about it. If Rez takes two seconds, you aren’t gauging whether or not your dead teammate could be the MVP of this teamfight; you’re gauging whether your team will explode if you stop healing them. You no longer weigh when Rez will be maximally effective; you’re purely weighing whether or not you will die attempting it. There aren’t really smart rezzes anymore, just not-dumb ones.

Rez is no more mechanically interesting than it’s ever been, and its restrictions did not force Mercy to play smarter, they just flattened out her options.


I don’t know. I still think people are imaging a lot of strategy that mass rez never had, or at least didn’t usually have. A lot of the most unpleasant and effective mass rezzes were just “walk out of spawn, point at team, shift, q”.

In this post I wrote a sweet little instruction on how to use E-Rezz. What exactly is hard on following a list? I could give this list some bronze player and tell him to learn and memorize this list and if hes doing it properly he can rezz like a GM player because there isnt much depth in E Rezz.
I wasnt joking when I said that E Rezz doesnt require any gamesense

It doesnt require any gamesense. You cant waste it and wether or not youre able to rezz and who you rezz can be defined by a simple instruction while mass rezz as an ult had the possibility to be wasted and there was no checklist because of the possibility to be wasted. You had to decide in this very moment youre thinking about rezzing if those 2 people youre going to rezz will pay off or if youd just waste rezz and wont be able to stop a teamwhipe for another 1~2 mins (“gamesense”)

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A couple of posts here reminded me of something I said a while back which I think fits nicely into this thread, and instead of trying to reiterate it and completely fail, I’ll just copy it in (sue me):

This pretty much sums up why people want Mass Res back.

And I know what people are going to respond to this with: “Well if pressing E is boring and unsatisfying, how was pressing Q any different?”
Answer is simple. No one posts a solo-Res and says “look at what I pulled off” because it’s so insanely common and easy. It’s like landing a charge with Rein. Sure, it can be risky, and if you pull it off you get yourself an advantage, but unless it’s something completely off the wall, it’s nothing special to look at. Just a “well that happened” move.
(Of course I say that, then I realize Rein can shut down ults with his pins, so… yea)

But Mass Res? It was extremely rare to get a chance at a large-scale Res, and it was pretty difficult to get it to go off successfully (especially in higher ranked games where people actually realized “hey, maybe we shouldn’t let Mercy just waltz up to the point”). Yet pulling it off successfully could mean the difference between winning and losing the entire match. And likewise, if you screw it up or make a bad call with Res, you very well could have just thrown the entire match (which just makes the success’s even more satisfying).

Which leads me to my other point. As had been stated numerous times in this thread already, Mass Res had a sense of strategy to it. The moment you press Q, it’s a signal for the enemy team to push in with everything they have, as now every pick matters. As such you had to constantly weigh the risks of not having Res later vs the rewards of using it now.

Res as an ult forced you to constantly think about all 12 players in the game, whereas on E all you think about is where your target is and what you can stand behind to get it off, in other words only 2 players. Maybe 3 if two people died at once and you have to choose. Past that and you’re just staggering out your own team.

Whichever version of Mercy counts as “more engaging” is an argument where I can admit both sides have a solid point, but as far as the complexities behind them go and actually feeling rewarded for making good calls, Mass Res takes the cake.


I’m sorry but you’re not making any sense right now. Say your team is being bombared with ultimates and a whole lot of damage. Would you still heal against it eventhough you KNOW you’re not going to be able to heal all of it? Eventhough you KNOW you’re not going to be able to save them?
The reason why Mercys pulled back in such a moment was because she trusted her team to be able to get back on their feet, be it with ultimates or not, once she brings them back to life. It was either a hit or miss. Don’t tell me that someone is ignoring their job as support when they’re playing smart and taking a risk instead of giving up the fight and the point with the chance of being able to save it.
Do you not hide from ultimates? Do you not run back to safety when you know the fight is lost and technically ignoring your job as a part of the team since, you know, you should protect the objective?
This argument has been debunked and made invalid so many times and I can’t believe it’s still being used.


If I didn’t have ult ready then yes, because healing = ult charge being built up, so build it up for the next team fight even if this fight is a confirmed loss. I’d rather die with the team and reset together than potentially escape but most likely die (because no teammates to glide to) and stagger.

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That’s not what I remember. It was a moment of utter hopelessness. You almost never won the fight against the just-rezzed team, since they were fresh and full health with cooldowns down. It was an eye roll at the sheer cheapness of it all (guess Mercy’s q key still works) and a trip back to spawn. Better luck next time.

I absolutely hated mass rez when it existed.

Of course. I wouldn’t dip out if I didn’t have ult either because ult charge is more valuable than giving up. Unless there have been too many deaths and my own would stagger us judging by the time in between the deaths. That’s the only reason why I would ever leave from the fight and go for safety, if possible. If not, then I’d die on purpose as well.
But I was specifically talking about situations in which the Mercy does have ult and the opportunity to use it.

I was more thinking of Resing those early picks when I wrote that, the ones that happen before the fight fully starts. Resing that pick meant now the enemy team can push in and fully engage without any consequence.

Your overall hate for Mercy in general has been made abundantly clear my dude.

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To be fair that was more the nine months or so when she made all of my favorite heroes unplayable.

Weren’t those videos primarily made by the people that didn’t know how Mercy was actually at her most effective?

Don’t you still do 3 of those 4 though? It doesn’t seem like the rework changed anything about tracking ults, enemy positions, and dodging focus fire. You could even argue that deciding when is a good time to ult is still important.

From my experience, regardless of the hide and rez (which I didn’t do) and the reworks, Mercy was never actually ‘fun’ for me. She was my best option on an old rig that couldn’t run consistent 60FPS and let me contribute in comp, but I dropped her for Moira in season 7 and haven’t looked back because she’s never been enjoyable for me to play.

I realise this may come across as unhelpful from a comparative standpoint between pre-rework and post-rework, but I feel there’s value in knowing not all people who played Mercy at some point or another necessarily enjoyed their experience.

For everyone else who did or does enjoy Mercy, that’s fine by me, I’m not saying they’re wrong to or anything like that: but I think there’s a slight misunderstanding that doesn’t get talked about often regarding players who play(ed) her actually wanting to or enjoying it. I only played her because I was being a team player, not because I particularly wanted to.

I think the only solution is another Hero.
Keep Mercy…
Added Hero can rez All Players as Ultimate.

Congrats on your 1.0 Huge rez, now die because you’re the only target.

I’m talking about when Mercy hid because she want her team to die so she can get the 5 man Rez.

Personally I found having Rez wars with the enemy Mercy super fun. It was a battle of who could get the most Resurrects off in the game and which ones were more impactful.

Mercy felt very team oriented keeping track of allied health bars, making sure your team wasn’t split and making sure the team was on the objective/payload when taking on fights with the enemy.

You felt the game swing in your favour and felt like a hero every time you brought players back into the fight.

The biggest thing I miss. Is the community when they got Resurrected. Literally everyone in VC would tell you how good of a Rez that was and how determined they were to win the fight. The determination from your allies and the thanks you got from them felt great. I felt appreciated as a healer.

This iteration of Mercy is all about selfishness. Should I use Valkyrie to stay alive? Which ally should I Rez that would be safe for me. Which ally am I going to hard pocket and use as a get away.

Hopefully something is done about Mercy. Seeing old Rez montages makes me super sad, once I was impactful and now I’m not.


that rarely happened. good mercy’s used it as a tempo rez, better mercys used it to bait out earthshatter or live during dva bomb and tempo rez. the only time they would play back is when they know enemy zarya has grav

And the only people using that were the ones that exploted the SR bug to gain more and climb.
Unless there was an actual reason to hide and rez, aka smart plays because the enemy used three ultimates at once, and unless you weren’t literally screamed at to do so by your teammates, no one did that.
And yes, the majority of the 5-man rezzes were because of her team, not the Mercy herself. So please stop putting all actual Mercy players in this category, thanks.

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