How was Mercy 1.0 more engaging and fun?

See, it’s things like this that make me think it really is nostalgia, and players just hate Mercy 2.0 because she’s not Mercy 1.0 and not because of inherent problems.

You complain about not having the satisfaction of making difficult plays, and then you rip on your own high impact, high risk, high skill ability. Yeah, it’s hard to find a spot you can stand still on the battlefield for a bit and rez someone without dying. You either need to make clever use of timing and cover, or get teamplay to cover you. It’s challenging and impactful. And most Mercy players seem to hate it despite it having most of what they say they’re looking for in the character.

Same with Valkyrie. You don’t feel the satisfaction of blocking 3 ults, sure, but you can feel the satisfaction of backing a strong push that takes a point or gains a lot of ground. Valk is a pushing ult, like coalescence. And it actually does matter how well you play during it, you have to split between damage and boost intelligently, you can use it to get a few kills if you time it right, and most good Mercy players don’t use it to run or hide in the skybox. Yet Mercy players hate it too.

But they all seem to like mass rez. I’ll be honest, despite the impact, it was easier to use than either Valkyrie or e-rez. You nearly could not fail. Success was all but literally handed to you. And yet you had pride in that… despite not having pride in the honestly much more difficult to use e-rez. Even Valkyrie is more skillful to use as you can actually die during it. It’s bizarre.

Eh, this post has been made about 100 times… And it always contains the same things. OPs never actually wants answers, and believes Hide and rez was the only way to play mercy.


I feel statisfaction when I boop an ulting soldier down a cliff
I feel statisfaction when I sleep a nanoblade
I feel statisfaction when I hear 3 people ulting and have my ult up with Zen/Lucio
I feel statisfaction when I double headshot someone with Zen
I feel statisfaction when I can stall an objective for decades with Lucio
I dont feel statisfaction when I press E and wait 2 seconds until someone is rezzed. That doesnt have any direct impact, it might change the ending of the game but it isnt any sort of “great play”

Good Mercy players do this all the time. “Oh we got a pick, lets press Q and wait 12 seconds while hiding behind some random wall while switching between heal and damage all the time”. Thats how you use this ult. Of course no Mercy goes literally AFK during this ult. Every Mercy randomly presses shift and WASD during her Ult but I tell you that isnt even necessary most of the time, all you have to do is make sure to break LoS with the enemy but keep LoS to one of your teammates on the objective

Coalescence is an ult you aim at a teammate. It feels statisfying seeing a Genji jumping into 6 man, you pocket him with your Moira ult and he just keeps getting damaged and damaged, dropping down to critical health and being back up again in less than a second while also hearing the sweet sound when you damage enemy players. This is some great use of Coalescence and it sure feels great because you and even the blindest person on this planet can see that youre having your impact and you 100% needed that ult to make sure your genji gets that 5 man kill

I dont need mass rezz back. I liked a few suggestions on how you might rework mass-rezz Mercy but I never said “I want mass rezz back and I aint be happy without it”. I even agreed to some posts that said we should just remove Rezz if thats what it takes to make Mercy enjoyable again
You should stop expecting everyone who doesnt like Mercy to want a revert and nothing but a revert


Get your team to peel? Not rocket science. And if that’s impossible… Deal with it. You’re not meant to be able to Rez everyone

Oh yay, now the enemy used an ultimate on our now grouped up team, and we’re all dead! So much fun!

Then don’t group up? You’re trying to make a problem where there isn’t one.

So does my team protect me when I’m Rezzing or not? XP
Cause just a second ago, you said ”Just get your team.”


Yeah, I didn’t mean go in for cuddles. Projected Barrier, Defence Matrix, Rein’s 2000HP shield etc…

Why are you deliberately taking such a linear approach? You can peel without body blocking.

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y’know a zarya bubbling you isn’t exactly your entire team right

And how fast can the burst damage in the game tear through that bubble again? XP

And the Enemy uses an ult and kills me and our tank, like I said! So fun! :grin:

Fast. Fast enough for your team who aren’t being focused anymore to kill/heal.

I forgot that’s how it works. Someone Ults and me and my team just instantly die.

Honestly, it just feels like prejudice against the ability. Finding a spot where you can stand still and cast without dying is hard, the ability absolutely does have direct impact, and I’m not sure how pulling off a difficult and important rez doesn’t qualify as a “great play”.

and nobody did anything to stop the ult? cause y’know unlike mass rez it isn’t instant if a could eat it and rein could still block it and zarya bubbles would at least give you a few seconds and then she can still run infront of you with personal bubble

AND Where the did the ult even come from cause this is way to general what kind of ult cause guess what unless it’s dragon striking right in your face which at that point it is your fault for rezing point blank next to a enemy it can be prevented

Well, I’d like to see you take on the enemy team with only one other support teammate while they use their ultimates. XP

I’ve played Mercy. I’ve rezzed people. I don’t automatically die. I don’t even main Mercy, so if I can do it, you have no excuses.

You flying out on your own and dying is 100% entirely, wholly, only and completely your fault.

Honestly, I played Mercy a lot. Im still playing her. I aint just hate stuff without reasons

E Rezz doesnt require nearly as much gamesense as mass rezz.
If that person dies in a teamfight and you cant hide behind a wall to rezz him, you dont rezz him
If that person dies near the enemy team, you dont rezz him
During a teamfight: Is there a wall near that dead body and you have a Zar, you can try to rezz him, but chances are that youll just die because of too much damage or your Zars bubble is on Cd (or your Zar is sleeping)
If that person got sniped by a Widow, can you make sure that you break LoS to that Widow while rezzing him? (Can you even reach him?) If yes, rezz him
I suppose this list could go on forever but in 99% of all scenarios its basic stuff of “am I even able to survive” rather than “is there a slight chance that I survive if I go in in this exact moment where noone is going to be able to kill me in the next 3 seconds” It has nothing to do with gamesense if I go full suicide and try to rezz someone in front of a Widow or right behind their Rein. Thats just praying the enemy team is dumb enough to not hit/realize me

There is - btw - no cooldown management with E Rezz. You just rezz the first person you see being dead every 30 sec. Its almost impossible to waste Rezz now
If there is more than 1 person dead and you can rezz both of them you go through this “checklist” (and I call it “checklist” for a reason)
-> Does one of them has an high-impact ult? (If yes, rezz the one with his ult aviable)
-> Main or offtank? -> Maintank
-> Healer or Tank? -> Healer (since your HP/s isnt high enough to reliably soloheal anymore)
-> DPS or Healer -> Healer
-> DPS or Tank -> Tank
-> DPS or DPS … your DPS. Which one? the one that has more damage. If one of the DPS is doing a terrible job youre rezzing the other one ofc


She had the feeling of at least contributing something to the fight. Yes it was at the end but to a lot of Mercy players that felt like they helped the team.

Current Valk doesn’t provide that. Use it to engage? You better have a team that can sustain itself or a good off-healer to ensure everyone is getting healed (cause ya know "Mercy is still a Main Healer and you shouldn’t run her with Ana/Moira-seen this a lot when people are arguing whether or not she’s an off-healer now); because Mercy cannot do both.

Sure Boost mean your team is getting stronger attack, but no sustain; the enemy team will more than likely have that sustain, and with few ults Mercy can now boost there’s a good chance they may not even bother with them.

Valk is currently best used as another, weaker, end-fight ult. Just ensuring you win the fight with the last push; which could have been done with a good Mercy knowing where to prioritize her boost too.

That is what I’ve been seeing as the main factor as to why Mercy 1.0 was more engaging. She actually felt like she contributed SOMETHING to the team. Something that made HER stand out.

Now, she’s just pretty much a pocket. She’s not standing out, it’s whoever she’s pocketing that’s standing out.


I like that you say this, and then list a hundred forms of counterplay that e-rez has and mass rez did not.

Made this and a few other posts about this exact topic
Over my time on the forums
Put simply For better or worse mass rez was an instant cast and then it was done and th play is done, much more engaging (or rather cuts away from her gameplay) a lot less then a 15 second EZ Mode or a 2 second statue mode.


I like that you always ignore the majority of my post. It feels like you dont even want to discuss but always just pick out the very sentence where you can try to “win” this discussion

Btw now youre just bringing up a knockout argument since the very reason for this mess of a rework was to make it easier to shut down rezz