How was Mercy 1.0 more engaging and fun?

This is something I keep hearing and I just want to ask how is she more fun. What I remember is mercy’s hiding and then coming in for the huge Rez and getting POtG? I feel as if Mercy 2.14 is more engaging than old Mercy.

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Being grounded in place for 2 seconds and killed 70% of the time isn’t fun.
Having your Ult do everything for you… not fun. XP

Her core gameplay hasn’t changed much, which is still fun to me Personally. Minus the healing nerf, which means less time Damage Boosting and helping boost others Ults.

And the Hide and Rez thing… Sigh. Hasn’t there been enough threads explaining that Already?


For me personally, I didn’t hide & rez. I used the invulnerability to avoid death/escape graviton.

And old Mercy didn’t make me stand still for 2 seconds. People rage over a split-second stun taking control of their character away from them, imagine how annoying a 2-second self-inflicted one could be.


Literally look up “Rez hiding spots” and you’ll get tons of videos telling where the best spots are in each map.


I… never said it wasn’t a thing…? I just said I believe it’s been discussed/explained enough.


yes but that doesn’t mean it always got used,
tempo rez has always been better in my eyes.

bad mercy’s would tell the team to die with a chance of not getting the rez off at all.
good mercy players would keep up the momentum and used tempo rez.

(this is situational ofc, sometimes you had to tell the team to die because their HP would be too low to close the fight)


Tempo rez is how diamond and above mercy players played. (well most of diamond) the pro player who pointed out spots wasnt saying hide there. He was saying in a losing team fight…move here.


Mercy 1.0 was all about zipping betwixt your teammates, healing them and saving from danger, micromanaging every little detail. The res was a cherry on this cake.

Mercy 2.0 is all about zipping betwixt your teammates, watching them die and only postponing their death, micromanaging nothing because it’s all pointless. The res is a given ability on a long cooldown that gets reset even if you fail to res and that takes you out of the fight for 2 seconds, forcing you to hide and res so you won’t be killed. How ironic.


Agreed! Whenever I attempted a 5 man rez in GM (which was once), it was completely denied by the enemy team. All i did was feed my team to more ult charge, and stagger ourselves even more.

Tempo rez WAS the way to go in order to maintain an advantage in numbers & to keep the momentum in a push. Rezing 3 or more risked getting completely steamrolled by ults.


Same. I remember my personal record for most players (3) rezzed happened because I used it to stay alive through a Death Blossom. I still have that clip somewhere.

The excitement came from strategy. Playing Mercy well used to take a high degree of strategy, a vastly underrated skill. Knowing WHEN to Rez was essential, and there were so many things to keep track of in real time, such as:

  • your teams ults AND enemy ults
  • where your enemies are, especially threats
  • playing mind games and trying to determine if ulting now is worth the risk
  • zipping between teammates to heal them up while dodging focus fire

Mercy was engaging because of all this thinking and planning. You had to be two steps ahead of the enemy, because if you wasted your ult and got out-played, you had to earn your Resurrect again, which is far more worthwhile than it being handed to you like candy every 30 seconds, with NO player input.

Mercy 2.0 is still a failure.


Except now, you do it with the intention of pulling the Rez off (support), instead of with the intent of letting your team die.


What’s the difference? You have to hide anyway. You’re leaving your team alone to rez someone, just like before.

Mass Rez: You leave your team to die so you can Rez them all, ultimately ignoring your job as support

Single Rez: You stop healing because you’re rezzing someone, not ignoring your job a single support.

Your old ult did everything for you! With the invulnerability it literally required no skill to pull off successfully.


She simply misses out statisfaction.
Youll never have the feeling that youre doing your job “great”. Youll never have the statisfaction of blocking 3 ults with a Zen Ult (or Lucio ult)
Youll never have the statisfaction of keeping someone alive who gets shot by 10 people
Youll never have the statisfaction of anulating a play by booping or sleeping someone

Mercy has none of this. All Mercy has is a one man rezz that slows her down and in the end it will never be more than a “cross fingers while waiting for 2 seconds” and an ult thats basically a “spectator mode” (not just a forum meme btw). Its a panic button you use to hit the skybox or fly behind a wall and wait in safety until Valk runs out while holding down LMB to one of your teammembers. Healing priotisation? Overrated. You chainheal everyone on point anyway

In the past, dying was the worst thing that could possibly happen. You dying while having your ult up is almost throwing. Now after her rework it doesnt matter anymore… or at least not as much as before. So on top of a slower, less exciting gameplay you also have less pressure on your shoulders because dying is punished way less than it used to be
Valk is fun until youre used of how the game looks when youre hitting the skybox, her shift has some room to improve but thats like saying “the most fun part in Genjis kit is his deflect”. No one mains genji because he can deflect things, thats just one of the reasons but its the only reason why you main Mercy (the mobility, not the deflect)… altough I gotta say, being able to deflect so many ults with a single ability has most likely more potential to statisfy the palyer than Mercys entire kit


The difference to me is having a ability that I’m supposed to use but really boring (who likes standing still for almost 2 seconds) and an ult that doesn’t feel supportive (the damage boost is better than the healing) and not very impactful unlike her old ultimate.

I still think she should have had a “normal” E though to make her more fun.


You had to actually think about how to Res with Mass Res. There was a ton of factors that played into whether or not you should Res or hold (who died, ult economy, state of the fight, where people are, etc).

Now, it’s just “did they die near cover”. And that’s pretty much it.


Read some more comments.

You might just realize how wrong you are.


That’s a different kind of Ult Entirely. Mass Rez was a Cast and One and Done Ultimate, like Blizzard/Grav/etc. You could immediately go back to what you were doing before. There’s a big difference. XP

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