How to turn Sombra changes into actual buffs

  • Interact key destroys translocator without having to look at it. While facing a teleporter, using tp takes priority over destroying translocator.
  • Stealth duration stays the same. Contesting stays.
    Movement speed increased to 150% from 75%

Achieves the same thing as increasing the duration because you can use your time more efficiently without unintended side effects of infinite contest which results in needed nerfs.

Having speed of doomfist in meteor strick before buffed is too much. 75% is more comfortable than 90%. I really like the first idea with translocator, but it would mess up with symmetras teleporter.

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How is it more comfortable being slower? How would it mess with teleporter?

I would rather increase stealth duration by 1sec and decrease stealth delay.

Yeah but it was suggested a 1000 times and they went with something completely different for some reason. They want her to be a scout/infiltrator.

Scout what? Why Infiltrate when you can’t kill anyone in a 1v1?

Not saying the idea is great, but thats how it is.