How to scale the supports vs dps vs tanks

So are we talking exclusively that we might lose some Support players in the top 3% of players?

But otherwise possibly increase the amount of support players for the bottom 95% of players?

Except we won’t.

You will have removed THEIR ability to deal with flankers as well.

Again, if your job is to be killed by flankers without any counterplay, why play support at all?

In lower ranks, Genji takes over.

Removing their ability to prevent flankers from attacking their teammates.

However that doesn’t mean they can’t buff the selfpeel on healers.
I.e. Faster cooldowns on selfheals or escape moves.

Also like said above, Tracer is a mediocre character below Masters.

But Genji isn’t, BECAUSE anti flanker is so bad in the support lineup.

There isn’t any place where flankers are not consistantly top DPS picks.

We HAD good antiflanker tanks in dive, but, they were stronger to be used offensively.

Anti time you give an off tank peel, it is stronger to be used against the other supports than to help your ones.

I still think you’re drastically overestimating the amount of healers that would stop playing healer, if their teammates died to flankers, but the healers themselves didn’t die to flankers.

You haven’t given them a single reason to queue for support. What makes you think they will stay?

What the hell could you give them to make them good enough at self peeling?

Lucio wasn’t good enough at self peeling, so your answer is make everyone better than self peeling than Lucio?

What would that even look like?

Because the bottom 95% never really cared about using Brig or Bap for peeling in the first place.

Brig has always been horribly unpopular at those ELOs, and Bap is plenty fun shooting stuff and bouncing around without blocking a coordinated close range attack.

No, they try to use Moira. Who is garbage.

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So what you’re saying is that Healers that have stronger selfpeel might become more popular?

I am saying yes, they would be more popular, if you can make them work.
I am saying you won’t be able to do that.

You will end up making Brig 1.0 in the attempt.

Gotta have a justification to field heroes that can escape death, or else you end up with having Ana being hard meta during Dive metas.

Doesn’t that mean you would be required to run a D.Va or another Dive tank with a Matrix like ability?

Yup, which basically boils down to “Any Tank combination besides DoubleBarrier”

Dive was saying “you can’t, so don’t bother

If the heroes COULD escape death, Dive would fail, and not be Meta.

There was no peeling from Tanks in dive, because there was no point in every trying.

If there was, then there wouldn’t be Dive.


But that would mean Dive requires, which means unless new Dive heroes are introduced that has a matrix like ability then the only way you can run Dive is with and the comp success revolves around her.

If the entire team needs to bail out of a close range fight, and forfeits the objective.

Then that’s gonna be some form of close range comp being dominant.

Roadhog,, Zarya, and Hammond all have unmatrixable Peeling.

Exactly, ANY tank which can be good at peel is more useful being thrown at the enemy in dive. That is the prereq for dive to happen.

We will have effective peel tanks / or supports which can look after themselves AND dive is a paradox.

Dive REQUIRES supports which can’t look after themselves, and peeling to be ineffective. That is the conditions where you get dive, and there needs to be a dive target.

It is why playing support in Dive is an awful experience, because the only way for dive to happen is to set it up so the supports have an awful experience.

This “we will have dive, but, supports will enjoy it” can’t happen, because even in ranks where dive doesn’t happen, the conditions you need to set it up means the supports are going to have a bad time of it.

If the supports can peel for each other, dive won’t happen.
If the supports CAN self peel dive won’t happen.
If the tanks have effective peeling for supports dive won’t happen.

The CAUSE of dive, is to have a dive target, and no effective peeling for supports.

Because the moment you have effective peeling for supports, self, for each other, or from tanks, then Dive STOPS working.

Moira is how brig should of been, honestly.
Good against dive heroes in lower ranks.

  1. Roadhog,, Hammond, Zarya all have unmatrixable Peeling
  2. Really, at the fundamental level what the goal is is making it so that DoubleBarrier is vulnerable at close range.
    Whether that close range comp is Dive or Rush is less relevant.
    However the problem with close range Rush is that it often plays like GOATs.
    So Dive would be preferable.