How to remove visor app from my blizzard account?

So back when visor app first came out I downloaded it without thinking about the morals behind it, and wanted to see if it actually helped me improve as a player.
However, after downloading and installing it never actually did anything (never showed up on screen ingame, didnt give any hints, nothing) and people were telling me It doesnt actually help you get better it just boosts winrate by cheating. I then completely deleted it from my pc and went on with my life. These all happened a long time ago, but 4 hours ago I recieve a email from blizzard issuing a warning telling me not to use 3rd party unauthorized apps like visor. Since visor is completely deleted from my pc I dont see how it would have logged into my account so now Im really confused as to what to do (thinking about password reset).
Help me someone D:

Right now you should be fine. There have been reports of players who never even installed either visor or pursuit to be receiving this email. I would recommend checking your ProgramData folder for your program files folder both of which are located in the root directory of the C drive to see if any residual files from either visor or Pursuit remain and manually delete those.

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Thats a relief, and yeah I deleted all parts of the software from C drive as well when I deleted it.