How to reduce DPS queue times for good

Just remove role queue.


Good idea, except.

It’s still puts to much power in the player’s hands.

Only true fix, is for the game to randomly assign role queue to people regardless of what they want to play.

Make it completely random.

You may end up playing Healer for 3 games in a row, and Tank the 4th, but then get to play DPS after that.

Forces Tank role to play DPS and Support.

Forces Support role (all those mercy one tricks) to play Tank role

Forces all the DPS players to spread out to the other 2 roles to reduce queue times 100%.

thats… a terrible idea id never play if that was the case

but sadly its not super easy barely any inconvenience

If you are in the DPS queue you don’t play right now anyways.

So it doesn’t affect anyone but you.

Includes changes to make it “non exploitable”.

the people waiting in dps queue (btw not me im mostly support nowadays) are waiting there because they dont want to play the other roles, forcing them to randomly play other roles is a terrible idea nobody will like it

How about a third option, to just wait in the queue

Not forcing them is exactly why you have long queue times.

Remember, WE ALL TOLD YOU this would happen if role lock was added.

You knew all of this before it was ever released.

The only true fix is to 100% randomize it and remove the choice from the players.

Otherwise enjoy the long queue times… it will never change.

The reason why is Blizzard could never fix 90 minute queue times in World of Warcraft and that started 20 years ago.

There is only 2 fixes.

  1. Remove 2-2-2

  2. Remove player choice from role lock.

It is as simple as that.

ive been against role queue from the start so idk who you think you’re talking to. also your idea is still terrible people want to be able to chose who they play as. the only actual solution is to make tanking and supporting more fun as to attract new or old players to the role and a bonus if it can convert some dps to it willingly.

None of this forced queue BS is ever going to solve any problem get that through your head

You’ll either only get more people to quit the game alltogether (if people have to go through too much troubles to do what they actually want to do, they’ll look for alternatives where those troubles aren’t present, i.e. other games) or increase toxicity because there’s an additonal source of frustration present. Or both.

Think about the long-term consequences of such things.

I’m actually curious about how this would pan out. Might be interesting. But ‘player choice’ is holy and ‘random chance’ is a spawn of the devil itself, so people would be screaming murder and fire incessantly if this happens.

Here’s the thing - you have to play all of the roles. That’s simply how Overwatch is designed. You don’t need to play all of the heroes, but having at least a couple you’re decent at in every role is a must if you want to have an actual decent experience and increase the chances that the team aren’t going to wish for your death and deliberately never heal you.

The reason Damage players are seen as selfish is four of them will insta-lock DPS the moment the match starts and entirely disregard calls for a tank or a healer. That puts the rest of us in the position of either flexing in the hopes of a decent game, or also saying “to hell with it,” picking DPS too and ensuring everyone on the team has a miserable time.

Role Queue / Role Lock changes nothing in this regard, other than hedging team comp towards hopefully having a decent game most of the time. You’re still going to need to play something other than Damage if you want to have a decent experience of the game, except this time the alternative is simply waiting longer in the queue. You know, as opposed to other people cursing your name, putting you on their “Avoid as Team-Mate” lists and reporting you for gameplay sabotage.

FORCING people to flex isn’t the solution. The current queue times are a self-balancing system. The longer the queue, the more people will be “encouraged” to play something other than DPS. You don’t need other systems besides this. All these suggestions bring is classism, because they all propose shortening the queue time FOR YOU by contriving ways by which YOU deserve a faster queue and all those other people can suck it.

Let queue times sort it out.

If you are gonna go for such profoundly stupid measure to reduce queue time, might as well remove role q.


what is it with this thread and people assuming im a dps waiting in the longer queues. did you even read the post you quoted?

Nah. I would rather just wait the longer queue time.

Yes - only DPS players should be entitled to play DPS, everyone else should work around their desires.

No one wants to take out the trash, but everyone should take turns doing it you know?

My apologies - I picked my words poorly. By “you” here, I mean the generic you. The systems proposed are based around the idea that some players deserve a priority queue and others don’t. It’s not solving the problem of long queues, it’s just brainstorming ways to shift the wait disproportionately so SOME people get faster queues.

I’m of the opinion that everyone ought to have the same priority in the queue. If there are too many DPS players queueing at the time, everyone gets to wait regardless of merit. If you - the generic “you” - want a faster queue, jump into one of the others.

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why does everyone hate on dps players you do realise its not their fault that there is simply more of them than any other role right? its blizzards game design where damage heroes are seen as more fun. If the population were equal we wouldnt have this crapshoot of a problem and the only solution to this is to make the other roles just as appealing to everyone

I mostly agree, however, exception needs to be made for canceled matches, or they should just outright remove the cancelation.

I’m not even DPS player for that matter, I’m D.Va main on vacation, who enjoyes playing in support class.