Let me start by saying; in college, I was an English language tutor.
The correct oral pronunciation of the name Brigitte depends upon which language it’s being spoken in. If spoken in Swedish (Brigitte’s native country), it’s pronounced “bruh - ghee - tuh.” If spoken in English, it’s pronounced “bri - git,” which sounds like “bridge - it.”
Hope this helps
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Or players can just listen to the VO and the Brigitte short. She pronounces it the way it’s meant to be pronounced.
I just call her Bridgette. Like who has time to care.
I know exactly how it’s pronounced, but she’s a fictional character. What’s she gonna do, get offended?
If spoken in Swedish (Brigitte’s native country), it’s pronounced “bruh - ghee - tuh.” If spoken in English
“Brig-ih-teh” according to the voice actor.
Matilda Smedius (VA for Brigitte) said herself on Twitter that it’s pronounced “Baguette”.
Ofc this was in jest. Or, was it?
“Bridge - it” is Bridgette in English, you don’t change the pronunciation of someone’s name based on language of origin and those two pronunciations aren’t even remotely similar.
Brigitte is also pronounced “Bridge-it”, even in Sweden. The name the team was looking for is “Brigitta” but they either dont want to admit to an error or didnt have time to fix it and are playing C.Y.A.
I think Matilda said it was like Bri-gh( r is rolled, with g sort of silent and stronger H ) - IT - TEh ( like saying Test without the st )