How to play Genji after nerfs?

Hyperbole much?

He received five buffs, and two of them were reverted. Still three buffs. Button mashing for triple kills every couple minutes is probably still going to work, in addition to normal level of killing stuff. Probably still OP. You might wait until the change goes live and actually try to use it before declaring him harmless.

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This is absolutely the dumbest statement I’ve ever read.

Not me, my character is actually pretty decent against him. He was still overbuffed in a meta he has no business in, and those reverts don’t change much.


2 of the buffs were for an ability that LITERALLY doesn’t work, if I had an € for each time something goes through my deflect that should be deflected, I could retire at the age of 15!

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Literally all I’ve seen genji’s do all year(s) around is just spam spacebar and spam rmb. And the moment you shoot something near him, just press E.


Also dont complain about deflect not working. genji is the only hero who has deflect and yet ur still complaining. you have 1000000000 ways to escape danger and ur skill complaining.

yes, im a support/tank main. but im gonna say this to all u genji mains.

“adapt and git gud”

because this is what u genji mains have been saying to everyone else.

  1. Get behind enemy
  2. Shoot tanks to farm blade
  3. Pounce on squishies who are low/out of position
  4. Blade and either kill 1/3 of the enemies or take all of their cooldowns
  5. Rinse repeat

It’s the same genji as ever pre buff but you can’t 1v3 and just run into people and get blade every fight

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I remember a dev post that they prosponed the nerfs. Becouse of some bugs and I haven’t seen a post after stating it was up.

Don’t play heroes that require skill because most of the time those heroes will get outplayed by someone that has 1 hour on a hero that has a small skill ceiling/skill floor. Just play brig or Moria or something brain dead and farm SR

Genji is terrible with these nerfs and I don’t even play him. They should’ve nerfed his ult charge by like 25% and he’d be good but devs have to remove the fluidity of his kit just like they did to doomfist with his uppercut, classic.


And this is based on? Your 2 hours on Genji from mystery heroes?

If you really think that Genji is a 2.5 stars you are delusional.

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All Genji got was a revert to his damage (seriously it’s back to where it was before it was buffed) and a nerf to his recovery.

He kept his spread buff, his deflect changes, and his fire rate (from back in April).

The skill floor is higher than you can reach potentially… I mean Genji’s a “skill” character… I am not trolling you, but a lot of people take a character that they simply cannot be effective with, then complain the kit isn’t tuned properly.

Dont play Genji. I didnt play his op version cause i wanted some reverts, but this completly destroyed him. Over 200 hours of practice thrown in the trash by bad balance.

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He needs his double jump put on a c/d charge system, then we can talk about buffing his other abilities. They have to do these weird balance measures to him because he derives too much value from an unfettered evasive movement.

Never forget, even the designer of Genji is on record regretting the decision to give him unlimited double jump. He literally has the only high speed movement without limitations in the game for continuous use.

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Honestly Genji is fine now, he’s still oppressive to characters he counters and can no longer go toe-to-toe with his own counters, pretty balanced. Yes, Genji mains, you too are supposed to switch when countered.

Plus he keeps his blade power that with the right synergy can wipe the enemy team every push, thus eventually winning the round after all.

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Even before the buffs, he was in quite a good spot outside of OWL. He wasn’t even a “blade bot,” because we can see how well he performed even when not using Dragonblade.

I submit that OWL doesn’t count for this, because if so, lots of other heroes were in much worse places, with no OWL representation as well as terrible stats in the plebe game. Genji’s stats down here in mortal Overwatch world were actually quite healthy. OWL runs on a very strict, uncreative meta most of the time, with mirror matches and little to no deviation from the core. If we are to hold that against Genji, we must do so for all the others who are in a worse spot.

To OP: How to play Genji? You have among the best mobility in the game. Use it. You should be harassing snipers, flanking supports and backline DPS, then beating a hasty retreat when they focus you. If your team pushes in at the same time as you’re creating chaos in the back, go in for the kill. If their team ignores what you’re doing in the back, go in for the kill.

Also remember that “value” does not have to mean only kills. If you’re dividing attention and resources, you’re already doing a lot of work and your team should capitalize.


Whatever you say “idiot”

Genji is SkiFULLllL HErooOOOOOO using “AoE fire”. The day reaper, tracer, doomfist, sombra can have AoE on their shots call me


Yeah, call me an “idiot” and then try to use the term “AoE” without understanding what it means, good job bud.
I’m sure you understand a lot about Genji, like I’m just an “idiot” with over 300 hours on the damn hero, I’m no match to you and your knowledge.

At least I talk about something I understand…

I just don’t understand why Genji got buff before, he was very fine before the crazy buff. Very high play rate, and many players playing him well.
Definitely not unplayable.

same way you play genji before the buffs

Like genji before the buffs, plus your able to farm tanks with the spread reduction.

not trying to be rude but ur just kinda doing everything wrong on genji. its way too much to explain in a forum post. im stuck inside due to quarantine so if u want ill give u genji coaching for free bc im bored out of my mind. just add me on discord (Plushalfling#7162) and reply to this msg with ur discord name without the numbers so i dont accidentally accept someone else.