How to play Genji after nerfs?

The thing that made Genji bad in the first place was that he did no damage, and the buffs were intended to make him more noob friendly. But now that he can’t kill anymore, what is your recommended playstyle.
game code: K0GE27
I played Genji and did nothing, Switched to one of the worst heroes in the game, instantly started doing something.
Genji was my most played hero for a YEAR but he still doesn’t do anything when played by me!


Sit behind your tanks and spam shurikens at the choke point until you get blade. Then hope your ana nanos you. After the 6 seconds of usefulness you are once again relegated to ult farming duty.

Genjis changes were supposed to make his kit stronger, but they never nerfed nanoblade, so he was too strong. Because he was too strong they nerfed his kit again and left nanoblade alone. So the only playstyle for him now is to be a nanoblade bot and hope the enemy doesn’t know any of ways to counter it.


Stay at the edge of the fight and shoot pretty much only tanks to farm ult charge. Don’t go anywhere near a 1v1 unless the other person has half your health or less. Hope ana nanoes you, or you’re completely useless


I do not think Genji’s style of play has changed in the slightest.

The only thing that changed is that using alt fire > primary fire for most things in the game now after the spread reduction. You just aim roughly head level and use the move and you might hit 1 or 2 shurikens and one migh headshot. Shuriken -> Swift Strike -> Melee/Shuriken for easy low hp health finisher. Swift strike for evasion if you run low on health and know you can’t secure a KO.

Your target is usually to abuse anything which might help you with low hp such as winston, hammond pile driver, etc. You can easily pressure tanks more easily with the reduced spread on alt fire as well and farm them for blade.

It will all change up depending upon the match, but a lot of those core things haven’t changed at all.

Just play really passive now and farm the tanks for blade, and hope Ana nanos you when you get blade. Use Deflect for farming blade too in trying to get the most value out of it like deflecting FireStrike or BioticOrb. Try not to take any 1v1s unless they’re like 50-60% HP in which a dash and M2 could finish them off so you can get in and out real fast.

Basically, just don’t play aggressive unless you’re running some form of dive, or you are NanoBlading.

Genji mains really are the most dramatic delusional group of mains around.

You lost 2-6 dmg and 0.1s off your fan, it changes almost zero breakpoints, and you guys are acting like he’s unplayable now.


Problem is that players assume he is a Midline when his value is actually flanking.
If the enemy team comp is made or snipers then he can do a lot.

He is better on Attack than Defence, but if he is played on Def he MUST flank to get value.

The amount of times I see Genji on Def that does not flank is as useless as on Def.

Why do you call me a Genji main, I mained him over 6 months ago and dropped him because he was an useless trashpick, now he is one again! also why do you call me delusional and dramatic, it is sad to see heroes nerfed to the ground, as a ex Genji and a Doomfist main, I have LITERALLY been forced to main Mercy because all of my practise has went to waste as dps because all my heroes are bad.

Adapt and overcome. There are heroes who got nerfed much harder in one patch, their mains still found a way to make them work.


The reason Genji is not the worst dps and never were is because of blade and his high skill ceiling, which allows him to do some crazy plays unlike poor sym.

Betwen all flankers Genji is the “more easy to play”

Doomfist :star::star::star::star::star:
Tracer :star::star::star::star:
Sombra :star::star::star::star:
Reaper :star::star::star:
Genji :star::star: :last_quarter_moon:

1.- You start with slash on your “Victim” this will place you on his back or back-left / back-right

2.- You start to use your Right-Click is an AoE shooting… “YOU CAN’T MISS” on the moment your victim is trying to fight you back he already lost 90% of his HP

3.- If something goes bad use Deflect and wall-vertical-walk. Then escape with slash cuz but 8/10 times u will kill any 200-250HP target

4.- Practice your ULT cuz once you learn Slash + Blade hit u will be doing team-wipes on less than 20 hours of practice. With TRACER, SOMBRA, DOOMFIST you will be a potato until you have at least 75-100 hours on them

WoW… genji is a 6 stars hero unplayable…

I suggest you are dramatic and delusional because of statements like this exactly.

“Oh no! My overbuffed hyper mobile death ninja who was meta during a time he has no business even being a decent pick(double shield) got a slap on the wrist partial revert that changes very little about his actual TTK.

UNPLAYABLE TRASH! Looks like I have to play Mercy now because Gengu is SO BAD!”

This is the kinda statement that has been endless on the forums lately. I hate to generalize, but a ton of Genji mains are really living up to their meme stereotypes the last few months.


I many people say it then it must be a fact. Why else would they say something like this, also most Genji complainers play heroes that Genji counters, but he didn’t back then because he was just so bad!

Hyperbole much?

He received five buffs, and two of them were reverted. Still three buffs. Button mashing for triple kills every couple minutes is probably still going to work, in addition to normal level of killing stuff. Probably still OP. You might wait until the change goes live and actually try to use it before declaring him harmless.

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This is absolutely the dumbest statement I’ve ever read.

Not me, my character is actually pretty decent against him. He was still overbuffed in a meta he has no business in, and those reverts don’t change much.


2 of the buffs were for an ability that LITERALLY doesn’t work, if I had an € for each time something goes through my deflect that should be deflected, I could retire at the age of 15!

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Literally all I’ve seen genji’s do all year(s) around is just spam spacebar and spam rmb. And the moment you shoot something near him, just press E.


Also dont complain about deflect not working. genji is the only hero who has deflect and yet ur still complaining. you have 1000000000 ways to escape danger and ur skill complaining.

yes, im a support/tank main. but im gonna say this to all u genji mains.

“adapt and git gud”

because this is what u genji mains have been saying to everyone else.

  1. Get behind enemy
  2. Shoot tanks to farm blade
  3. Pounce on squishies who are low/out of position
  4. Blade and either kill 1/3 of the enemies or take all of their cooldowns
  5. Rinse repeat

It’s the same genji as ever pre buff but you can’t 1v3 and just run into people and get blade every fight

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I remember a dev post that they prosponed the nerfs. Becouse of some bugs and I haven’t seen a post after stating it was up.

Don’t play heroes that require skill because most of the time those heroes will get outplayed by someone that has 1 hour on a hero that has a small skill ceiling/skill floor. Just play brig or Moria or something brain dead and farm SR

Genji is terrible with these nerfs and I don’t even play him. They should’ve nerfed his ult charge by like 25% and he’d be good but devs have to remove the fluidity of his kit just like they did to doomfist with his uppercut, classic.