How to play doomfist?

i dont know how to play. plz take a look at my replay
and tell me how to do better.
i dont know any rollouts for this map and on the last checkpoint i didnt know what to do.

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Hide around a corner, blast out, one shot someone, casually walk off with invincibility while muttering ‘and they say chivalry is dead’.

But seriously… No idea sorry :smiley:


Couple of Doomfist guides for you:


All GetQuakedOn guides!


Major Midget

Remember that you can always “bounce” off of the payload on any payload map.


Watch the Zbra one in particular.

You don’t need rollouts to play Doom, they can come later.


Watch KarQ’s vid with Chipsa. Learn the Doomfist ability cycle.

Being able to punch bot efficiently is an easy way to get value on Doom without knowing rollouts, or techs.

With rollouts, the map you were playing on is Havana, one of Doom’s worst maps. Last point especially. If you feel you are not getting value, especially on a map that is poor for Doom, switch.

If you want to learn rollouts, there is a ton of vids on YT. Also learn gameplay from other Doom players.

Quake and Zbra are so clean on Doom. A support’s worst nightmare.

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Learn meme rollout
Get 125 slam charge
One shot entire backline
Use abilities to gtfo

Also make sure to panic use your ult to make up for any misplays (additionally use your ult to one sjot the entire backline again)

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So i was missing the voiceline this whole time?

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Doom is a hero that has to be learned in phases. Phase 1 is target selection + the basic combo. You want to isolate someone that is alone and who cannot be peeled for (or who is lagging furthest behind their main tank). Your first attack should be from behind them. Slam, shoot, uppercut, shoot. Don’t work on anything else until you’ve mastered this: smart target selection and this basic combo.

Learn to combo your abilities. Use slam from a high ground, hit a target, uppercut, shoot enough times and then rocket punch out back to safety. That’s one example of the many combos he can do.

Or punch in, uppercut someone, shoot a few times, and then use slam to get back to safety.

Use ult to get out of bad situations. Or use it to kill someone, only if it is absolutely safe.

Anyway, he is going to be a tank soon, so there may be only a few months when he remains a dps. Then everyone is going to have to re-learn him.