How to master Valkyrie (an ez guide)

Ana’s nade didn’t get it’s damage nerfed though. That’s what everyone wanted nerfed, blizzard decided to take the damage from her primary though, which kind of through everyone back at the time.

just one link of people talking about it.

I actually didn’t remember nade giving 100% increase. I knew it was changed, but not that.

Maybe a few adjustments, such as nade still remaining at 50% and give nano maybe 15% boost to targets who do not receive a speed boost either naturally or it does not stack with ult speed. Such as Genji and Mercy.

But overall, I think initial Ana was pretty close to perfect. Just not at the time she was released.

Then this then but that patch was big it also nerfed dva armor but the only reason the damage did need nerfing was because she could combo tracer and that is never a good thing.

I agree, post nade nerf and pre damage nerf was Ana’s best spot. Now she’s not far off from how she used to be, though slightly different.

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Blue IS pretty…

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This is very true. I also like the added utility of shooting through targets, but I think it should’ve been an enable/disable option that you can toggle on and off for certain team comps. Not a flat “you cannot shoot a full health target no matter what”. Give it a toggle option like Mercy’s GA preferring beam target.

I mean, we got Brigitte in the game specifically because Tracer needed a hard counter, She’s been viable in every meta since season 2 without someone to keep her in check.

They nerfed Ana’s damage that kept tracer in check if the ana player was good, but that damage was oppressive to other hero’s.
They nerfed Mei before that because to freeze high mobility hero’s effectively, it crippled non mobile heros.
They broke sombra’s hack pretty much for the same reason. To effectively counter high mobility, low mobility gets crippled.

Now we’ve got Brigitte. Same problem, She can counter a tracer pretty hard, but because of that she’s naturally oppressive to the rest of the roster.

I strongly disagree, strictly for competitive reasons. If Ovrewatch ever wants to be taken serious in esports, they can’t just have an ability like that be optional from the settings. I could see them maybe somehow work it into her kit, but even then the animation penalty to switch would probably be more of a hindrance than the benefit.

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That makes sense. I really like Ana and I would love to play her at a high level (I’m in GM, but play her at a masters level at best), but she is too easily countered by a lot of the roster without a true benefit to help her stay alive without getting babysat (which is what the 80 DPS helped with). I’m pretty good with her entire kit, but that darned sleep dart is a Zen shot every 12s. Zen only lands between 30-40% of his shots in total, whereas Ana gets the same thing every 12 seconds. It is a very powerful ability, but dang, is it hard to land at the right time. And if I could get that down, it could easily help me get her to a GM level of play.


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Lol yeah, awkwardly I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s so strong because of it’s drawbacks. wind up animation, long cooldown, and the target can be woken up early, for the longest cc in the game, seems like a nice balance. The only thing I’d want changed is for blizzard to make waking up from damage the same animation as waking up naturally. Make her 3combo reliable so she’s rewarded for when she does land it.

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Oh, I completely agree!! I don’t think it should be changed. I just suck with it. XD should create a custom game and practice only her sleep dart to help me grasp it better.

I am basically a pro now

Brigitte does not counter tracer because of the combo tho she counters her because of the armor.

I’d call it a combination of both really. Armor stops tracer from getting the most of her damage, and brigitte can play backline protector stopping tracer from harassing it.

Because, given enough reaction speed on Mercy part, it will be nano boost on drugs.

Well, for starters if no one who mains her can ‘figure it out’, it seems likely to me that the thing you’re wanting them to figure out isn’t all that great. Like - in my general experience, gaming tends to have a sort of natural plateau when it comes to balancing. People figure out what works and what doesn’t, and if her ult was really as good as everyone wants to convince me it is, I don’t think I’d see quite so many Mercy posts talking about how infinitely boring and unimportant it is?

And hey, I don’t main her, and it seems like everyone is having a conflict between how useful something can be to a match and how fun a hero should be to play, which are two totally different categories of judgment. You can have both, or one and not the other, and I think a lot of folks miss Mercy being more active, engaging and fun with more decision making processes compared to her newer self - which, who knows, might be ‘more usefu’, ergo the conflict.

So like… Eh, if people want to like Valk more power to them. I still think it’s just really underwhelmingly designed and it’s just the same thing you were doing before, which to me does not scream ‘ultimate ability’ in any fashion. That alone makes it a poor ult to me. But that’s my category for judging things, a combination of fun and use. No one should be fun and useless, no one should be useful and boring.

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And yet if you leave out all the DPS Moira, a Moira’s average healing could out heal 60hp/s Mercy and had a huge impact on surviving a team fight comparatively. And then she also gets the ability to deal her own damage between healing or whilst there is an orb it play. It is so quick to switch between what you need in the moment with Moira and it isn’t hard to be consistent with her. During her escape, she is NOT ABLE TO BE DAMAGED, that makes it very good for escaping, that makes it very good for being able to stay alive in a team fight because you escape and don’t take damage when doing so giving you time to perhaps heal up back to full and heal your team, etc. She brings more healing potential and fight potential than Mercy ever could.

Mercy is became brain dead and stale with 2.0 and managed to become actually OP with 2.0 because rez on an E will never work because so long as you reverse the first pick, you prevent the enemy team rushing in and thus prevent a snowball before it starts, instead of trying to stop it.

I don’t want Rez on an E (never did) if it means that the main job of supporting is taken away and makes my character feel more useless where I want it to count the most. Valkyrie already felt brain dead because no matter the skill level, in the end it has the same result and there is nothing to improve on.

Mercy 2.0 is a failure. OP solely because she can Rez first pick and all of the negative effects they put on it reflect that it is still meant to sit in the place of an ult because no other basic ability in the game has Movement Reduction, Bright Glowy I’m Here Animation and A Cast Time. Only ultimates have that.

They need to admit they messed because nerfing her base kit for an ability that CANNOT STAY THERE will never work.

Now see, this would make a whole lot of sense, except in GM only Mercy steal outheals Moira. You are not realizing just how useful her ease of mechanics are with her heal rate, and I don’t think you want too.

She does the same amount of damage as lucio on average. Like. Yeah that’s real game changing. Or… the damage she does, she has to do in order to maintain healing less then mercy, by about 1k… Well, more now, by about 1k again.

Yes, Moira’s escape does have the one benefit of one whole second she can’t be damaged over mercy’s escape. While mercy gets double the distance, plus an added bunny hop mechanic that takes her further, four times less the cooldown and it brings her to a team mate so she’s now in a 2v1 situation.

I don’t even know why you’re trying to downplay mercy’s GA. It’s actually the most fun thing about her.

Have you… played Moira, like, at all? Her invincibility window is not nearly as long as you think it is.

I’d argue the opposite tbh.

You sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the best escape, the best self sustain, the best utility, the easiest healing mechanics and until just last week the best healing average on top of everything, with an ultimate that makes all of it even better?

You can continue to hate on res, and that’s cool, you do you. Honestly it is relatively balanced for how it is now, with plenty of counter play. It’s not nearly as bad you’re trying to make it seem. If she didn’t have the best of at least one of the things on top of res on e, she would be in a better spot balance wise. And that’s been proven, the moment her healing wasn’t 4k above ana’s and 1k above moira’s, we started to see people playing more main healers, and mercy’s pick rate is still not horrible.

Should i give you a moment?

Yes, I have played Moira and I easily outhealed my own Mercy stats on her in comp games. More so now with the recent changes to the two of them. I saw my team hindered by my Mercy plays even though I was working harder than I ever had before at a character I spent over 200 hours on and yet on Moira I didn’t have to work as hard at the job I signed on for. I was more consistent and saving my teams lives more than I was with Mercy. I finished the game with 4% more damage taken in heals than I averaged on Mercy at 60hp/s.

I used Moira’s fade to survive much longer on points than with Mercy, I survive more ults because of fade. I am self sufficient because of fade. I can stay with my team in an engagement more often than not because of fade.

GA is good for sure, it keeps Mercy highly mobile and that works for her and perhaps because of the bunny hop they could change her passive healing to make it not as good because then it relies on the Mercy using her movement to survive, etc. But she is not invulnerable, a good Mercy just gain greater advantage from the passive healing because they know how to use their mobility. You can’t have great sustain and great mobility, it’s not fair and I recognize that. But that doesn’t mean Moira’s fade is not fantastic, because I have felt it in action and I know it is a really good survival tool.

Mercy 2.0 is brain dead and stale because Valkyrie is pretty much the same at all levels of play. I cannot improve anymore with it, I cannot use it in multiple ways that show how skillful I am with my character. There are no exciting ways to use it to have different impacts, it is what I do normally but with chaining which nullifies the skills of single target healing I have learned. It is boring, no level of flying that comes with it makes it better.

Rez on a cooldown doesn’t work because if you have to put ultimate penalties on it to try and make it work and then have to punish the rest of the kit trying to make it not OP, then it isn’t working. No other basic abilities in the game have the same kind of penalties Rez does, only ultimates have that because it is supposed to be risk vs reward. Pharah being a still target in the sky for high damage. High noon, low mobility and a cast time for instant kills at the end. I don’t want to type out all the ults, but you get me. Then all of these have their own little cast times, etc. If you need to put these penalties on a basic ability and yet it still possessing the ability to be over powered, then it isn’t working as a basic ability. Reversing the first pick of the match will never be balanced, that first pick in the poke battle prevents a push and that means the time before the first proper team fight begins is delayed and both teams go back to poking until they can try and capitalize on a death again. Perhaps by the time they get another kill Mercy might get Rez back and when their team mate dies again, she can bring them back. The point is, rez is mostly used to cancel a first attempt at a push which means the rez can be performed safely. Mid-fight rez is too risky and therefore not as often is it done. Rez is also still averaging the same rez stats as mass rez and yet it still is seeming to be more impactful. That should be raising alarm bells that it cannot stay on E.

Mercy’s pick rate is likely to remain high, no matter how her win rate has begun to drop. People like to play Mercy. It would be the same with These two characters possess a fairly high female player base because people have fallen in love with these characters. Both of these characters could be shoved so far into F tier and they would likely still see fairly high pick rates, which would end up causing more toxicity in the community because people won’t want others playing an unviable character and yet people will still be playing both of them quite often.

Titanium has written a very in depth post with explanations, statistics, the whole works. Far more than I could ever express clearly and in depth about Mercy and how both compare to each other and how what they intended did not occur with Mercy 2.0.

I have a feeling we might never agree on what each other has to say. People have opinions and that’s all good. Glad to have a discussion with you. :slight_smile:

You hold down left click… and heals come out… forever… through barriers… and you can look the opposite way.

Are you actually jealous that Moira out heals Mercy, when Mercy has more utility and better survivability than Moira does.