How to master Valkyrie (an ez guide)

What is exactly is “THE healer” of the game?

I’m actually really curious now.

The only healer in the game that is forced to choose between healing and doing damage, whereas other healers are able to offer a wider range of utility to themselves and their team by having a variety of different abilities?

Mercy is ‘the’ Healer because she is the only healer forced to heal or damage. I thought that was sort of a no brainer.

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Pretty sure Ana can only heal or damage in one shot. Maybe if you include nade, which as soon as it’s used is a flankers signal that she’s lacking offensive utility.

Then there’s Moira. She can only heal, or grasp. Unless we include her orbs but like, If she’s using a damage orb, her teams not getting the benefit of healing. If she’s using a healing orb, I suppose she can grasp for 50hps at the same time.

It kind of is in a way.

I like how both of your own counters still have a ‘but’, which is just like… Exactly it. LOL.

Ana has her nade, sleep dart, and her shots damage OR heal, so even if you miss a friend you have the potential to hurt an enemy. With Moira, you can have your orbs running- and should, always - at the same time as grasp. Lucio and Zen can both have healing up and shoot projectiles. So, yeah, kind of exactly what I said before. Mercy is the only healer in the game that cannot do damage and heal at the same time. She either has her pistol out, or she’s healing/damage boosting. And please don’t try and tell me that her damage boosting someone else is the same as her doing damage.


Your entire premise for not using valkery properly is in the context of a but. Like, You realize this right?

But you know what, Mercy is The healer. So how could you possibly realize she actually has offensive utility.

And where did I say she didn’t have offensive utility?

Like, straight up, the only things we’ve said here are -

  1. Mercy’s ult is boring, it’s just more of the same beam!
  2. Mercy is the only primary healer in the game based [based on kit/abilities]

No one said that mercy has no offensive capabilities or you can’t do offensive plays with her. You’re just in here saying that Valk is great because you enjoy being able to damage boost your team through a fight - well, good for you I guess? Doesn’t change anything about what we’re saying.

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Like come on. You complain she’s a boring heal bot, but then you completely neglect how to utilize her new kit to it’s fullest. Adapt. mains did it. Ana mains did it. Hog mains did it. Sombra mains are currently doing it.

You say ‘utilize her kit’ as if that will make using her beam funner…

That’s… That’s not how it works.


I mean if you want to move the goalpost, sure. Let’s argue about that next.

Mercy who now has an e ability
a bunny hop mechanics that’s constantly engaging
and an impactful ult that gets discredited 'cause mass res is flashier

Is more boring than sitting behind a wall waiting for your team to die, or GA usually getting you killed when you tried to peel for that overextended team mate

You have straight up admitted you don’t utilize her kit to it’s fullest though. To you she is The healer. So continue playing her like a heal bot and then complaining she’s boring.

If only that wasn’t literally just a zen orb to people who can focus fire.

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1 enemy taking 30% damage from all sources…

Or your entire team doing 30% damage to everything, even if they’re using aoe abilities.

Tough choice.

We’ve been talking about the fun and engagement of her ult the entire time, it’s been the goalpost the entire time.

Talking with you is like… Seriously, a waste of time. You’re either being a troll or purposefully obtuse and never actually responding to what I’m saying and instead coming up with ridiculous statements like ‘just utilize her kit’ as if that changes how fun her kit is. It doesn’t. Her kit is a beam. She’s one of the most simplistic kitted characters out there, and making her ult more of her main fire is just… Boring. And boring. And still boring.

So, you can call it ‘useful’, you can say that it’s valuable or you win with it - but that does not subjectively make it fun. And hey, if you have fun with it, good for you. We don’t. Goodbye.

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What non ultimate AOE damage that makes that at all needed
And if it’s an ult why the hell do you need chain beams since that ultt should be doing 90% of everything anyway

Did Pharmercy just stop existing? Or was spam meta never a thing that happened?

But without it, you don’t have such getaway path!

2 heroes (who rarely get seen on the same team) get bonus damage to a tiny part of their kits on top of the effects of a discord.
Wow, such ult very play making very engaging! And definitely the play making and engaging power we were promised in that Developer update

Did you just forget your original comment to me?

I mean, I just posted it a minute ago too. Your excuse for mercy not being fun is you don’t do something that makes her more fun.

Lol I like it. You try and compare discord to chain damage boost on 5 team mates, and you immediately move the goalposts when you get proven wrong. This is starting to become a trend.

I said that the ability is basically a discord orb to teams that can focus fire,
You mention a whopping total of 2.heroes who can make use of that on very rare occassions to get more damage then the discord orb (2 heroes that almost never appear on the same team.)

Hence proof it’s underwhelming as all hell, the healing can’t save people and Damage boost is just a slightly better discord orb attached to an ultimate.
It’s still good but just as has been said dozens of times it’s the kind of “Good” that isn’t engaging

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No no no no no. What I mentioned was Valkery gives 5 people on your team 30% more damage, including team mates who do aoe damage.

See? It’s pretty clear.

You decided to take one part of that, being the “even if their using aoe abilties”, and be outraged over that specifically because you’re a disgruntled mercy main who’s overly defensive and looking for a reason to argue more.

Now are you going to respond to the original point?