How to make a projectile give effects

im working on a game and need a projectile to make players move slow for a period of time when hit

I’m assuming your talking about workshop created projectiles, these cant be given effects sadly… but its much easier to edit a pre-existing projectile.

Created Projectile: the only way is to have a ‘on Damage’ trigger and try your best to detect if its from the created projectile or not. (pretty difficult), only way I know is from checking ‘event damage’ but any damage received /taken alternating abilities will affect the trigger.

Edited Projectile: just do a ‘on Damage’ trigger checking for the ‘Attacker == Hero with Projectile of choice’ with ‘Event Ability == Button of Projectile Ability’.

Example: for adding a trigger to mercy’s pistol, you would do “Attacker == Mercy, Event Button == Primary Fire”, For editing the Trigger to the Staff instead. You would change it from a Damage Trigger to a Healing Trigger

Once the Trigger is sorted just setup a Variables that always chases to 0, when the trigger is activated set that variable to the slow duration for the victim, then setup a second rule that when the “variable != 0” sets the players movement speed to “100% - % of slow you want”, after the set movement speed, have a wait until (no timeout, 99999) checking for when the “variable == 0”, with a another set movement speed to 100% after it.