How to kill a tank?

That’s a real question. They do whatever they want, go anywhere they want, and never die. So my question is: how do you stop a tank and kill it?"

Usually the enemy tank hard counters you and the rest just go Bastion and a lot of CC.

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Why do you want to stop a tank? The game is designed to make them unkillable. So you just have to hope your tank is better, and maybe you can win.

Presumably, that is the problem they are faced with. Their tank is not better. :joy:

Focus them with your team. How killing tanks should be. Not the crap we dealt with in OW1 where we were made of paper

Well just like any other character. The best way to kill them is drop their hp to 0.


What game are you playing? That sounds like a blast, unlike ow where you peek a corner and you lost half your health, naded, hindered, hacked and counterswapped to hell


Press m1 on them until they die

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A lot of the time, you dont have to. All you realistically need to do is force them into playing defensively. That gives your team all the space it needs.

Shoot their supports first?


the easiest way to kill a tank is when they make a mistake

Dive heroes you always have to think about where they are and if they can get to you, they need to use resources to get to you so avoid using resources before necessary, they normally have need help to guarantee a kill, They can still kill you, but they will create the situation to do so, if you are aware of where they are and if they can get to you, the chances of you dying are lower. They have a problem with heroes with a lot of damage and a lot of sustein

Brawl, keep your distance and try to eliminate the supports, they have little range and are generally dependent on the supports, they usually tend to protect a position, stay at a distance making them use resources and attack when there is an opening(flankers are always welcome).

Poke, this is problematic, in theory combat at close range and high mobility would be the weak point (dive), but blizz forgot that and made many of them strong at distance and up close, Sigma is an exception to the rule, keep the fight close to kill him

The rest is for you to hope that your dps kill someone before advancing
Ram, Mauga, Rog, Orisa are good at short and medium distance, they have a lot of defense and recovery of some type of HP, the easiest way to kill a tank is when they make a mistake, but unless they are bad players they will hardly make mistakes, because they hardly need to make decisions, usually it is choosing a place to shoot and stay alive and different from brawl tanks, which can be fought from a distance and they are forced to use resources to maintain position and when it ends they are forced to retreat, poke doesn’t have this problem, after all they can fight from afar so you are using resources to defend yourself too

In this case it’s Poke against Poke, and having a good flanker helps. In this case, those who make the fewest mistakes win, as it is mirrored

It’s definitely not for you to beat a tank(1x1), but some you have a chance depending on the distance, but even those I advise you to retreat.

kill the supports is generic advice, understand how/who to kill is the right question, how to kill something that is protected by 700hp?

Positioning, force the enemy to use resources and make them make mistakes. Don’t be hasty and understand the flow of the fight, sometimes you don’t need to force anything

The basic rules of OW, Positioning, Use of CD, and making as few mistakes as possible, the first two are main and the third is their reinforcement

Focus them. Some tanks are going to be one hell of an uphill battle unless you try and pick off one of their supports first (easier said than done, I know).

But you’ll notice the higher skilled tanks that are good about finding cover, managing cool downs, etc that never seem to die. If that is the case, start hard targeting one of their supports before you even begin thinking about taking the tank down.

At least, that seem to work for me, anyway :man_shrugging:

DPS is filled with braindead heroes that can delete tanks.


Here’s the tech tip you’re looking for;
Shoot the tank

1st kill the healers attached to it
2nd kill the tank

Depends on the tank. If it’s Reinhardt, Zarya, Orisa, Mauga, Ramattra, or RoadHog, go Mei and wall them off from the rest of their team. If not at a choke, engage with your primary to slow them down so they can’t just walk around the wall (won’t work on gold Orisa). This trick might also work against Sigma if you can catch him out of position.

Bastion is probably the easiest way to wipe out Winston.

Cassidy is hell for all dive tanks, and he’s quite good against Doomfist if you hinder the charged rocket punch portion of his rotation.

Nearly everyone is good against D. Va if your patience and timing are on point. If you are impatient, consider Symmetra. Just be advised that D. Va can burst you down if you’re careless.

Ball? Sombra, though Bastion is a decent choice if your tracking is on point.

When in doubt, just play Cassidy. He’s strong against everything right now.

Usually shooting at them works, they are massive and they are slow, it’s impossible to miss them. bonus points if you have a friendly zen or ana

Basically you have to hope their supports are worst than your supports.

Weird that you say this because my experience as a tank main is different I get melted or CC’d if I dont play perfect, go play tank for a bit. If you only play one or two roles then maybe that’s why you find yourself asking this question.

Tanks are the easiest things to counter in the game, its just normally people arent willing to work together or play the rigjt hero in certain situations.