Unfun has nothing to do with balance, you can see that how he’s a mandatory pick but you hate playing him.
This is why he needs nerfs to rebalance his kit if you want improvement elsewhere.
Unfun has nothing to do with balance, you can see that how he’s a mandatory pick but you hate playing him.
This is why he needs nerfs to rebalance his kit if you want improvement elsewhere.
First, Reinhardt doesn’t enable Brigitte. He just body block all the damage and stuns for her, seriously watch some Diamond/GM games where Reinhardt is played with Brigitte.
Second, Reinhardt is weak against this meta and he’s played when Brigitte is played. Otherwise, he’s going to have a rough time.
Thirdly, I mentioned Sombra as an example of heroes getting buffed and witnessed no change in their pick rates. I love playing Sombra this meta because I force Brigitte players to gaurd the backline instead of running towards our tanks and destroy them. I didn’t say that she’s strong or weak during this meta, I’m simply using her as an example of how balance changes doesn’t effect pick rates (except for reworks)
Get it now?
Well, they didn’t nerf Reaper and Mei, and Doomfist, and Sombra, and Ana, and Lucio when they changed them, so …
Again, I advise you to watch some Diamond and above games to see the true state of Reinhardt. Also I think you should try to play him to understand why we demand such changes.
She wasn’t buffed so much as rebalanced, and then nerfed. Hardly surprising to any of those who’ve played her a while to see her in no better state than she started.
Back to Rein.
He is used more than she is. You can win without her, but it’s harder to win without him.
The problem facing “main tanks” is not a weakness of Reinhardt, it’s the same as it was at launch, lack of variety. Orisa still needs some buffs to get where she needs to be. She should be thriving in this meta, but isn’t quite where she should be.
I just don’t know how you can sit there and say Rein is weak when we’re back to running best Rein win comps.
Reinhardt hasn’t been in a good spot for a long, long time. With a lot of characters getting changes except for him, I mean his counters getting stronger and how support characters that was good for him got nerfed like Ana and Mercy, also how Zarya got weaker with everything else getting stronger effected him too.
He is the weakest character because of the power creep in the game, and the constant addition of heroes with CC abilities.
You’re right, since that time he has become mandatory.
Pickrates don’t mean everything, but they do mean a lot.
Reinhardt has both a higher pickrate AND a higher winrate than Mercy right now. If Mercy is fine (despite being less fun), what is Rein?
I mean if people are sitting here asking for Rein to get Orisa’s kit, but won’t go play Orisa, I have to wonder, what’s wrong with playing Orisa?
No. I’m sticking to my Catch 22 argument.
You can bring a Briggy and be just fine with your team, you can’t bring a Reinhardt and no Briggy. As soon as you do, all of Reinhardt’s failings quickly resurface. He is slaughtered by dive, rekt by spam, and now destroyed by CC if he doesn’t have CC on his team of his own to enable him.
It’s a complete Catch 22. Rein is now dependent on Briggy to make an appearance in this game, but Briggy is not dependent on Rein. I think that says more about her being over-tuned than it does about Reinhardt.
I wish it was a best Reinhardt wins comps, but it’s best Brigitte wins now …
And since Sombra got nerfed after getting buffed, why not buff Reinhardt than adjuste his changes like her. This is the first time I hear someone say “nerf this character before buffs”, like seriously lol
You need to keep in mind than Brigitte is getting heavily nerfed soon, and she’s the reason why he’s meta in the first place. This means that we’re back from where we started, when we asked for Reinhardt buffs before Brigitte got introduced to the game. And that defeats your whole argument
It’s harder to roleplay as Orisa.
Did we ask for Orisa’s kit? I don’t think Reinhardt getting the same treatment as D.va and Orisa is him replacing Orisa.
That’s not what i see in the high rank stats though, people are playing and winning without Brigitte, but they can’t play at all without Reinhardt. He’s picked about 50% more than she is (8.5% for her, 13%+ for him).
It’s not a narrow disparity, it’s not Brigitte that’s the must pick.
People are literally asking for him to have some anti-CC.
This sums up everything. Nerf Brigitte until she’s balanced, and buff Reinhardt until he’s balanced.
You’re right, I don’t think Rein is overtuned. Brigitte is.
Rein is meta due to his synergy, and his ability to synergise is one of his key strengths. It’s not something as easily dismissed as people make it out to be. It’s like trying to run a Winston without a D.Va. He gets shredded by CC and tank busters even easier than Rein does, but D.Va enables him. Nobody thinks Winston should be buffed to remove that counterplay though.
Rein wasn’t exactly a rare sight before Brigitte either. He had like double Winston’s pickrate and a higher winrate too.
Orisa isn’t the only hero with some anti-CC abilities. D.va and Zarya got those, doesn’t mean that Reinhardt is replacing them too?
What anti-CC does D.Va have?
Her supposed bug that for some reason didn’t got fixed since launch… when she fire with her primary weapon she get less knock back effect. Orisa got that too without Fortify. Zarya got her bubbles. And Reinhardt needs that more than any of them.