How to have special characters in battletag?

I’ve seen a person having their battle tag like this “(^ _ ^)” and i’m wondering if there is some type of way to fool the system when changing your battletag and having special characters.

i want to have a battletag with - but ofc that’s a special chatacter so i can’t use that, but if someone know how to make it happen please tell me. And i’m playing on pc as well.

And if i have any special characters in my battletag, can i still find myself on overbuff?

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I can’t answer your question but I just wanted to say that it’s amazing that just plain old “KEVIN” wasn’t taken so I don’t think you should ever give it up. I’d be like “Oh, shoot it’s KEVIN” if I ever got queued with you.

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Yes, I used to have a name with special chars. It isn’t really fooling the system as it is using foreign characters. I don’t know if there’s a list out there, but only certain ones are accepted. Also if you want them to change the font, only certain characters will trigger the alternate font.

You do know that on PC everyone can have the same battletag


I believe it has something to do with using another region when creating your bnet account. A name like this: h e l l o is from using Japan, but I couldn’t tell you what region “(^ _ ^)” is from.

Bnet tags are not unique. You could change your name to KEVIN right now if you wanted to.

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I did not know that. I quit playing on PC (console main now) or I’d take advantage of that. Nevermind!

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Just find these special characters on a website, or anywhere the text is displayed so you can highlight it and copy paste it into the battletag name entry, this is how most MMOs that allow special characters like accented letters for your character name can be done too if you don’t know how to type it manually

Where can i even find this -
Like do i just go on a random website that has it and just copy and paste it on to my new battletag entry?

  1. Become Sith.

  2. Discover a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

  3. Use said abilities to put special characters in your name.


Yep exactly, like
h ttps://
h ttps://

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Wikipedia would have lots of them. Keep in mind that btags don’t allow just any special characters - particularly in NA. If you want something “weirder” like in your example, you’d have to make a Japanese (potentially also Thai or Chinese) account.

Another thing, you should probably try these names on a brand new account before using your one free name change on it (because I’ve heard that the end result is not necessarily the way it looks like while creating it).

Found this actually, might be helpful:

Use character map, mate.

there’s a Reddit guide somewhere.

But there’s a lot of restrictions
Some characters look the same but only one of them work in bnet.

So 1. The system won’t allow you to use it 2. If it does allow you to use it, it will show as a weird rectangle shape in game. So do some reading before spending money on name changes.

I’m not really sure how it works, I’ve always wanted a username like “𝖧e𝗅𝗅o” or whatever font they use :sob: