Nano and get two kills, yourself. Three kills is better.
Nano a genji who gets 2 kills while sleeping a Pharah off a cliff while throwing a nade to finish off 3 people in a Grav while being the only person on the CP to cap it.
whats an ana potg?
jk i have one but its really bad
the only way to get potg with ana is to throw a nade into 3 players and scope them all then pray someone else doesn’t press q entire game
I just healed a rein and splashed my purple goo over the people he shattered…that sounded bad
- wait for grav
- throw nade inside
- Nano nearest person
nading a minimum of 3 people means you get lots of elims in a short period of time. even if the nano teammate gets the final blow, you still get nano assist fire points. So theoretically in a 6k situation that’s 6 elims and 6 assists coming through for you.
You want to nano a teammate that does AOE damage into a grav (e.g. winston, rein) but isn’t going to one-shot them (e.g. genji blade) because then they will get potg.
I’ll have to try all these, the nano and two kills has been doing me some good so far.
The last one I remember is me running circles around final cap on Kings Row just shooting everybody.
Been playing since open beta
Only just got Sombra PotG last month
Have yet to get one as Ana
I have gotten a couple Ana POTGs, but I haven’t seen a single Baptiste play since his release.