How to "Flatten" Sym's Niche Without a "Rework"

Let’s throw away Hanzo’s bow and see if the character’s design kit and image is retained.

Blizzard likes to keep specific images and design goals in mind and won’t change them just to suit specific whims of the playerbase. That’s not the job of the players. If you’re going to that far to change up a character, you might as well just design a brand new one.

Then you have to look at what parts of her kit can be changed and what you’re willing to sacrifice in order for her to do that. You can’t remove abilities or change their nature, at best, you can make suggestions on improving responsiveness towards specific elements of her kit (lower cooldowns on Sentries). But you’re going to have to be willing to take a hit somewhere to make those changes.

Plenty of Bastion players are willing to lose damage out of Sentry in order to make Recon more viable. But Symmetra players seem unwilling to do that. And in OW2, Blizzard seems interested in giving Recon Bastion a new gun. That’s where your best hope is for Symmetra as that is the best time for a re-design; but don’t expect the concept of a hard-light builder to disappear come OW2. Or that she would become a Support-healer.

(Though on that note; don’t really be surprised by it either).

Look at how Baptiste players provided feedback on his gunplay to improve it to a more favorable and comfortable cadence. They were willing to take a hit in his damage and healing outputs to make work. That’s where your feedback needs to be; not trying to change the dynamic or the kit; but improving on existing elements.

Many Symmetra players are unwilling to do that.

Sym has undergone several radical reworks so I don’t think another one is out of the question.

If we are working within the confines of her current kit then I would speed up the turret set up time and cool down. I want turrets to quickly snap to surfaces and activate. Like I would give them Zen’s orb speed of travel.

I would also lose the infinite TP and make it more responsive with a faster cast time and it would be up for only 5 seconds. Shoot I am willing to make TP as fragile as her turrets if need be.

Tbh she really doesn’t need a rework for OW2, they just need to speed up her kit and make it more consistent. Reduce some cooldowns, reduced weapons/abilities charge time, faster Secondary Fire projectile speed.

This is what makes her niche.

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Bringing up Lucio as an example for a balanced niche hero is a bit of a stretch, isn’t it? :wink:

Her low pickrate doesn’t only result from her being niche, but also being rather unpopular among most DPS players.

Also you can’t simply say that her winrate would theoretically be lower if people would pick her in situations where she is bad.

People don’t. That’s why her winrate is so high and why having heroes with an extremely high winrate in a narrow niche is a bad idea.

I never said that you simply slap a barrier on her and she is good to go.
She would obviously need additional fine tuning.

This is only true if the hero is already balanced or gets a huge buff that would resolve in the hero being overpowered. Neither of those are the case here.
An underperforming hero doesn’t need compensation nerfs to get one tiny buff. Because it’s not a buff then and the hero would be at the same power level as before. Maybe even weaker.

Yeah. That’s why Sym is only played on attack in OWL.

False. The beam deals 180 at best which very similar to Soldier’s damage. On top that it has a lot of limitations such as short range, slow charge mechanic and no headshots.
The turrets CAN deal 120 DPS but in practice they are easily destroyed and have almost no value at all.

If you look at Overbuff you’ll notice Sym’s damage is very low and even some tanks outdamage her by a lot.

I will never understand why people start listing what a hero can do in theory when trying to argue against proposed buffs.
Yeah. We know what her abilities do. Thank your for telling us. Here’s a cookie. :cookie:

Which is not the case. The slow is weak, turrets are stationary, can be destroyed very fast and have a long cooldown. Mei’s primary has an infinite uptime and the short range is the only limitation. How can you even think turrets are better at slowing than Mei’s primary?

You’ve seem to miss all those “just get rid of tp/turrets and give her something else” posts.
And again: If a hero is underperforming there’s no need to “pay” for a buff.
Bastion mains are just desperate because they’ve been ignored since years.

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do explain how it is.

:eyes: how her pickrate spiked up in the early double shield meta days when people thought she was meta when not really.
:eyes: people blatantly flexing on sym to team tp onto point on maps like hanamura A
:eyes: how people flocked to brig and mercy in their respective metas despite being unpopular

like popularity is highly positively correlated with how strong the hero is. if we nerfed any of the current “popular” to be as bad at getting uptime themselves as sym, those heroes will easily become “unpopular”.

I’m saying her overall theoretical winrate would be bad.

if anyone has to try balance heroes with different niches etc., there has to be a base metric/baseline to compare with that’s applicable to all heroes regardless of their niche and how narrow it is.

a very very reasonable one is theoretical 50% winrate across all situations to ensure that hero kits simply aren’t dominated by weaknesses for nothing.

and if the hero’s niche is so narrow that it’s either unreasonable or impossible to proportionally have a higher winrate in niche for how narrow it is, then they have to widen that niche instead.

what I’ve argued before is that evidently her winrate within niche is not high enough to compensate how for how narrow her niche is —> that winrate is not an indication of her being fine nor being strong overall.

and part of the point I was making there is that for that to work, it’s not just some “fine tuning” that’d be needed to head that route, it’d be an extra overhaul.

He obviously isn’t a true niche hero and therefore is a bad example and not representative for the point you are trying to make.
If you disagree with this, then we have very different ideas of what a niche hero is.

For how strong she obviously is on certain maps, her pickrate is absolutely terrible.
DPS players mostly want to play hitscan or something flashy like Genji.
Also people don’t like to built the whole team comp and strategy around her to enable her full potential.

A 60% winrate on just 3 maps should easily get her above 2% pickrate, but the overwhelming majority of people simply don’t want to play her.

Which is completely irrelevant.

So what do you think would be enough?
70%? 80%? :joy:

This really only proves my point.
She needs to lose what makes her niche, to get her out of it.

Also I never argued that she is fine.
She is plain and simply broken and in a terrible balance state.

Reworking a hero is… work.
Who would have guessed? :woman_shrugging:

Depends on what you’re asking for. Reducing the cooldown on turrets doesn’t really require adjustments elsewhere.

Yeah, highly coordinated teams utilize her teleporter to break through defense lines. See how that works on less coordinated groups on ladder. You never know, it could work, but these players tend to go with what works best for them, and try to avoid too much experimentation.

Each sentry does 40 damage per second and a 20% slow effect. Combined this is 120 damage and a 60% slow effect. Add in a level 1 beam and you’re dealing 180 damage per second. At level 2 this is 240 damage per second. At level 3 this is 300 damage per second with a 60% slow combined.

Sentries contribute value very easily. Even 1 second of Sentry damage has already contributed it’s total value and any longer its starts gaining more value than it’s normally worth. A sentry doesn’t gain value if it can’t do damage or slow the target, but if it does one or the other, it’s gaining value.

I believe Tracer is doing less damage than Symmetra, by 2k or 3k.

60% combined slow is still stronger than Mei. OW2 might change that, however.

So is Torbjorn’s.

Soldier can’t fire one shot to kill a turret, Neither can Genji, Tracer, Reaper, Moira, Orisa, Lucio, Baptiste and many more. Sentries have 30 health each, which means they require a fairly concentrated shot to eliminate. Melee strikes can eliminate, but Sentries can also be placed out of the reach of melee strikes.

And even should they be destroyed they are meant to be immediately replaceable, unlike Torbjorn’s turret.

Blizzard isn’t willing to replace Sentries. Several reworks and re-toolings have proven this. Blizzard isn’t going to get rid of them.

In the case of Bastion, Bastion aren’t asking for the removal of anything in Bastion’s kit, they just want Recon to be better. They aren’t asking for the removal of abilities to fit in something else.

Define radical? Every change up has always kept the same builder philosophy to her design. Sentries and Teleporter never left her ability list.

These would be a good suggestion. Faster arming Sentries would be nice.

Teleporter is tricky. It allows certain units on to terrain not normally accessible to them; and it can be difficult to balance. Blizzard currently likes where teleporter sits at, but they can always change that. Current teleporter is pretty bulky; but I doubt they would be willing to make it as fragile as sentries. It’s something to think about.

niche - noun
a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.

niche does not mean “only good at this 1 very very very very very specific thing”. it means you’re good at SOME thing (S) , not necessarily a very small amount of things. and not necessarily needing to be terrible at everything else either.

a large majority of the heroes rn have a niche. widow’s niche is long range burst. lucio, bap and moira’s are grouped up comps. mercy’s, zen’s and ana’s are more spread out comps. rein’s niche are more brawl-like comps. etc.

just because their niches aren’t as paper thin narrow as sym’s, doesn’t mean they don’t have a niche.
and many of them are defs atm balanced much better than sym’s degree of nicheness.

ah yes because sym “not having something to make a flashy play in her kit” totally isn’t a symptom of a kit being :put_litter_in_its_place: ed /s

I wonder if genji would still have “something flashy” if they balanced his projectiles, burst and mobility like sym’s :thinking: (he wouldn’t)

I find it amazing how you don’t see how 55%~60% winrate obviously isn’t proportionally high enough to compensate how narrow a niche of needing

  • a very specific comp
  • a very specific map
  • a very specific strategy that’s solely built around enabling her

all of which, if you haven’t noticed, are really low in frequency (i.e. a very small portion of the game/situations), and how bad she is outside of that really small slice of the game for anyone to actually consider her remotely fine.


overall theoretical winrate = 2% of game (niche portion) x 60% winrate in niche + 98% non-niche x Winrate out of niche

To be balanced of overall theoretical winrate = 50%, that means

Winrate out of niche = (50% - 2% x 60% winrate in niche) / 98% = 49.8% approx.

but can you honestly tell me that her theoretical winrate out of niche atm is remotely close to 49.8% to be balanced/fine?
because a winrate of 49.8% for 98% of the game is a winrate that’s more for a generalist than a niche hero and she quite obviously is not a generalist atm.

yes, if you want to widen a niche, you generally have to give up some power in niche to spread it out.
BUT that’s not sym’s situation rn as shown from the math above, her overall power simply isn’t up to par atm. —> she absolutely still needs a net buff.


if you are orbing, you’re not m1’ing.
if you’re tping for yourself more selfishly, you’re highly unlikely to be doing tp strats.

except as shown above: a rework simply isn’t necessary.
and that other route simply is running more risk of failure for little reason or extra gain.