🙃 How to Fix Symmetra's Weapon - Just an Idea

The damage on Symmetra’s new weapon is lower than what it was before. It used to be 30-60-120. On paper, they made it 60-90-180 but in reality, when you account for accuracy, say 50%, it actually deals a measly 30-45-90.

Pretty bad.

The ramp up is really slow as well. On paper it is twice as slow, 2s compared to old 1s. On paper, it takes 4s to get to Lvl3, compared to 2s on Sym2. But in reality, when you are up against heroes it is actually 8 times as slow. Given the average accuracy of 50%, that 2s now becomes 4s per level and Lv3 now charges in 8 seconds!

These are big unnecessary nerfs. And increase in range does not help to alleviate them.

How to fix -

Well if you buff the damage to 30 (60) - 60 (120) -120 (240) , since it is easier to aim on tanks, it will become OP against tanks, that average 120dps will lean towards 240dps on tanks.

What we need is a mechanic to aim it easily on squishies, so that the damage can be balanced on tanks and squishies.

A mechanic that allows her to deal the same amount of damage to squishies and tanks…

Something that makes the beam stick to squishies…

You know how Sym’s gun has a claw, what if she could grab people with the beam and latch on to them?

Then she could deal the same amount of damage to squishies and tanks and we could cap it to 30-60-120.

Since the damage is pretty low, the beam will need to charge fast. Maybe 1s per charge…I am not sure…

And because the beam is now sticky, we can balance it by pulling back the range to… I don’t know about 7-9 meters’ish…

I don’t know how the numbers are going to work and I am not really sure how this idea is going to work really… It’s just a random thought I had just now… :upside_down_face:

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Or they could just revert it…it was fine the way it was. You could latch on to squishes (and Dva) easily and use your orbs for shield tanks.

Lock on weapon is not coming back. We need to stop asking for it. Having a moderate to high damage weapon that requires little aiming would be broken. Its the entire reason the auto lock feature was removed. Because they needed to up the damage and range.

Sym 2.0 weapon was at its max potential while still being fair against enemies. Which made her terrible because she had to be within 7m.

However, I do have another idea that would make it easier for people with lower accuracy to use while also buffing her overall TTK with her primary.

What ya think?

Dude, but how do you programme something like this?

As in mathematical equation. It would probably need a lot of ticks per second maybe. It’s not that it is a bad idea, it’s just that mathematically wise, you cannot make something like this with low tickrate, and one of the problems of this weapon is, in fact, its tickrate.