How to Fix Roadhog: Green Health

Assuming he is underwhelming, but the devs don’t want to change too much about him.

He’s almost about right, but he’s missing something that JunkerQueen and Mauga have, that would make this Hog rework almost perfect. Green Health.

Green Health is very useful, because it does 2 things.

Green Health

    1. Gives 50% less Ult Charge to the enemy team, when damaged.
    1. Isn’t affected by AntiHeal.

I’d like to suggest adding a few more twists to Roadhog’s version of Green Health. In a way that’s visually obvious to both teams, but subtlely different at the same time. And it makes Hog way easier to balance across multiple ELOs. While making him much less of a “Feeder Tank” at average ELOs.

But most importantly he can act more like a frontline tank, instead of an enemy backline tank:

Take a Breather: Green Health

    1. Gives 50% less Ult Charge to the enemy team, when damaged.
    1. Isn’t affected by AntiHeal.
    1. If it overheals, then it does not increase Roadhog’s total health. Instead it converts existing health into green health.
  1. This Green Health decays at a rate of NUMBER/SECOND.
  2. At the same time, Roadhog receives NUMBER/SECOND in healing.

I’ll work on the descriptions and formatting later.


reduce hog’s HP by a bit, and when he uses breather at full hp, 40% of it just turns to overhealth. So 100 heals at full hp = 40 overhealth.


Well, I’m trying to avoid giving him a larger maximum HP bar size.

like i said. reduce hogs max health by a bit.


Well, I guess that could work. I’d have to see it. Guess they could mess with the damage resistance on breather, or how well it does Overhealth if he needs more survival.

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Excellent idea. Don’t know why threads like these get no attention from the community whereas nErF aNtInAdE threads get bombarded with supportive comments.

The overhealth actually doesn’t reduce ult charge given, they took that out in season 1

Also it is affected by anti if you need to be at full health to get it. Lifeweaver for instance can’t get overhealth from the tree until he’s at full.

Roadhog needs his damage resistance put back at 50%, that’s the problem right now. He takes too much damage while healing since 30% is only about as much as armor while 50% is higher than Orisa’s fortify right now or on par before it got nerfed. The 20% reduction combined with the much lower heal per second is what’s giving Roadhog so much trouble.

Given they want him to heal slower to specifically try and tank damage, his issue is that he takes too much damage. 50% resistance is the way to go.

Eh, ya get used to it.

Huh, I didn’t notice that.

This kid is engaging in some massive astroturfing on Alecs twitter. I really really hope he doesn’t fall for it.