How to fix Mystery Heroes

Hey Jeff! My friend and I had an idea for an alternate version of Mystery Heroes awhile back. I think we were calling it “Mystery Draft”. The basic rules were:

  • On the hero select screen, you can pick one of three random heroes.
  • You cannot change your hero after you spawn. After you die and respawn, you have a new randomized selection of three heroes to pick. If you suicide, you still respawn as the same hero.
  • Duplicate heroes are not allowed, and the three heroes available to you are not available to any of your teammates while you’re picking.
  • Ult charge is reset on death.

We designed this mode to accomplish these things:

  1. Encourage playing heroes/roles outside of your comfort zone.
  2. Give players a better chance at counterpicking and forming reasonable comps, which is an important part of Overwatch.
  3. Reduce the possibility of super cheesy OP comps happening.

Would love to see something like this mode in the game eventually. Cheers, thanks for posting on the forums!