How to fix Mystery Heroes

A) I play the game mode in it’s broken state almost exclusively…and I actually log my games from time to time…

🤦🏻‍♂️ Mystery Heroes + No Limits makes ZERO sense (there’s a game log embedded)

it’s painfully broken when you actually break down matches…and it’s even easier now that we have replay…(I was planning on making another later this month)…the game is less mystery heroes than it is mystery lottery winner…and player input should have a larger impact than it currently does

B) I don’t need to know how the game currently selects characters…it’s simple math…right now if you die you can spawn as anyone (both a blessing and curse)…doesn’t matter what comp you have you can be whatever…

why was I saying it will help team comps?..because as you said if I cannot spawn as one of my teammates’ hero that means there are 5 heroes I cannot be (6 if you count yourself)…so if my team has all dps…that’s 6 less dps characters I can “pick”…the likelihood of getting a NEEDED healer or tank just increased as it’s (for simplicity sake let’s say there’s 7 of each) 14 out of 25 chance (better than 50% chance) instead of 14 out of 31…it’s not a lot but it helps

And the odds of guessing you character is still 25 out of 31…still quite a mystery…you’d never notice the difference

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