How to do "Charged" S76 Rockets

I’ve been trying to figure this out for several hours now and havn’t been able to get it to work. Basically I want to mimic the charged rocket ability from ''Unreal Tournament": If holding button for 3 seconds --> Shoot 3 rockets in quick succession

Would this even be possible to do with S76’s rockets?

Here you are
rule("3 shots in row (currently availabe on PTR only!)")
		Ongoing - Each Player;
		Soldier: 76;

		Is Button Held(Event Player, Interact) == True;

		Wait(3, Abort When False);
		Press Button(Event Player, Secondary Fire);
		Wait(0.500, Ignore Condition);
		Set Ability Cooldown(Event Player, Button(Secondary Fire), 0);
		Press Button(Event Player, Secondary Fire);
		Wait(0.500, Ignore Condition);
		Set Ability Cooldown(Event Player, Button(Secondary Fire), 0);
		Press Button(Event Player, Secondary Fire);

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Thank you so much! I was doing something so similar but not quite there.

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