How to discover your Main, 100%proven

So you wanna pick a main?

Why not follow the age old criteria as “the tule of cool?” Because its a good starting point that can eventually be disappointing when you do establish playstyles, understand your own skills on a personal level, and start accepting your flaws/strengths as a whole.

While yes I am referring to being an effective player under that hero, make no mistake, the only reason anyone picks up a main in a PVP game is to "wreck face. So you’re not too far off fron that initial thought process of “I’m gonna main X and win so much!” as your own personal goal.

So taking these truths inti consideration it would behoof a player to also take some consideration to how they play and how best to administer their skills across a mass variety of choices.

So to start. Go with the “Rule of Cool”. Get familiar with the game pace, the heros, the maps, the mechanics, and various interactions. Once you get pass the “new player stage” you’ll start to develop a deeper understanding of the game and yourself as a whole.

From here once you’ve establish your foundation, you can experiment and explore across the roster. Starting with some heros that share similar skills needed with your starting “Main”.

This is meant to branch out for you to see which aprticular skills and kits you prefer using. Do you prefer being tanky and having self sustain? Are you better at this range over that range? Do you get giddy with high bursts over a split secone comapred to constant damage over time in a spray and pray method? Its up to you how you want to explore this.

That is also a great time to actually understand how other players and their heros think. Which aides in your learning curve on mastering the game entirely.

Eventually you’ll find something that clicks that meets all the criteria you want. Which is fun to play, matches your playstyle, and proves to be a long time partner you can count on through the thick of things.

Some mistakes players often make is,

-Devoting too much into one hero. Even the best one trick players have pocket picks or an alternate hero of their choice to handle different situations that your main cannot. Truth of the matter is OW is expanding and reducing the effect of one trick devotees on a massive scaling. So its best to ensure you have another hero to fall back on in case the balance state drives your main into a corner.

-Becoming overtly attached to their mains. This is rather unhealthy as proven by 100s of psycological gaming cases. How do you know if you’re in too deep? Well take a bias test. If you get triggered by someone roasting your main and then feel the need to lash out, you’re probably in a very unhealthy relationship to a set of pixels here.

-Thinking their skillsets as a gamer will eventually mesh with their hero. There’s a fallacy here in which many a player I’ve witnessed tried as best as they could to make X main work, but ultimately they gave up and only really started enjoying the game and their true main hero/es when they took their skillsets into consideration. Some of these players I’ve known for years and they remain stuck with their chosen mains but have barely even improved. Its easier to climb out of that hole when you understand the various tools given to you.

-Belief in that a main needs to be super personal to be considered “fun”. It doesn’t. In fact making something super personal in a video game is considered unhealthy because the mindset of being attacked “personally” by certain factors can be ever more triggering resulting in more frustration at a heightened level. I’m not saying you can’t choose a hero based upon their color schemes or gender. But the moment you decide “this hero is me! They’re mine! I am this hero! I am great!” That’s when you know you’re diving too far into the pool here. To have a healtier gaming lifestyle you still need to be able to differiatiate reality from fantasy here. That that hero is not you, but you pilot that hero. The sooner you accept this the less likely you are to be mad about something and will enjoy the game so much more.

So this is how I found my true main. This is how I treat my WBall. I love to play him and in many ways I accept his faults and weaknesses and will do what I can to make up for my partners downsides as best as I can. I know I can trust in my main through thick and thin. I am nomever offended nor afraid. For I am a WBall main. And I will boop you. Lol.

And that’s how I enjoy OW and how I believe how many more people can come to enjoy our game if they find their true mains.

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Alternatively, just play your favorite character. I have been through it all at this point. I have gone through a phase with every hero and learned them to a high degree of proficiency relative to my rank and ultimately, that did satisfy me for quite a few years. It kept me busy.

I just do not have fun with a lot of the characters anymore unless I can have a connection with them. That is largely a Blizzard problem. They nerf the fun out of their heroes and all that is left is the worst possible version of the hero. And that’s when I realized playstyle did not matter. My effectiveness did not matter. To be fair there are other factors at play here.

In a fighting game, you have to master your hero to win. In Overwatch, you will win 50 percent of your games regardless of whether or not you know what you are doing.

I currently have a positive winrate with Reinhardt at a rank higher than my Reaper who has a negative winrate, a hero that I am extremely comfortable on as I have been one tricking them since the Hog rework. I know a lot about Reaper and care about my performance whereas I cannot even cancel my charge on Reinhardt so I just fly off the map with my mark.

This is all to say that your personal input does not matter unless you are trying to climb. You might as well play what you want even if you suck at it. I am having more fun playing Reinhardt than I ever did dominating lobbies as Soldier 76. I can climb on Soldier and all it did was put me in the same lobbies at a higher rank. I still had to carry dead weight. The game was not magically more team orientated.

It’s not worth it. This is a game. Have fun. Play the hero you want to play.


Everyone is different. This is my method to stay mellow and find my version of enjoyment out of my gametime.

I just hope our advice helps someone out there because its sad seeing a player struggle only for them to find their years on Genji was all for naught when they were a Pharah main all along then found new enjoyment.

Heck I’ve met a player who had an outrageous Pharah. His control and aim on her eas insane as he danced around the skybox terrain like it was a whole nother part of the map. Ultimately even though he admits Pharah is his best hero, he doesn’t enjoy her and wanted to escape his dependency for her to climb ladder.

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Absolutely. I feel that your advice would have helped me so much back in the day when I was completely lost.

It was Super Smash Brothers 4 (Wii U). I was struggling to find a main and it was killing my enjoyment of the game. All of my old characters from the last three games did not feel right in this version of the game. It took me years and a lot of reflection to finally figure out what you were saying in this post.

I completely overlooked Princess Peach because she felt clunky in Melee and Brawl. I did not fully comprehend her mechanics and I thought that the kit was not for me. It had RNG elements which was, at the time, a deal breaker for me. It was only until I had an open mind that I started to realize that her playstyle was precisely what I needed. And it was funny because once I learned her in Smash 4, I actually went backwards and was able to play her competently in Melee and Brawl (and later Ultimate) to appreciate the differences.

I believe your advice is really great, especially for beginners. My advice is more from the perspective of a jaded veteran. It’s possible that Genji player was just afraid of playing Pharah because hitscan is so prevalent, but in reality, you learn how to play into your counters. And once you stop caring about what other people think, you do not mind taking more risks and truly improving at your character.

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Everyone wants to perform good and I believe that’s quite a big factor for enjoying a game to its full potential to get your money’s worth out of it. So effectiveneas should play a role in everyone’s main.

You’d never guess my mains in Tekken or Smash Bros Ultimate, both of which I play competitivrly and in trounements. They’re completely opposite in my own personal tastes, but their mechanics fit my game style heavily to a capital T.

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This, I always said in OW2, everything is so watered down that it is quite sad, but epic moment when I watch old clips of old abiites.

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If I accepted my flaws, I would never be able to play an fps again. Seems like good advice, though I was expecting some kind of quiz to give me a character.

Quietly stops working on an irl BOB.

Oh lad, you’re a smasher? Now we really will have a disagreement. This I cannot abide. :dotted_line_face:

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You and Buddha still need to guess I main.

Isabelle and Zelda. I’ve given Fatality fans a run for their money on both.

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I don’t do smash, ex SF now MK convert (although MK1 has lost me, don’t like the cameo system) - I’d play Guilty Gear on Game Pass if my Brooks converter still worked so I can use my RAP4…

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What are you on about im literally playing the cowboy for like the yeehaw and the hat because it look cool
:cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face:

Why did I understand all that?

Like MK can go eat a D fot selling out to both corpprotions and politics.

Guilty Gear is just fan service and messy in lore, mechanics, art style as well.

Both MK and GG are beaten by the new Draginball Tenkaichi and two indie fighters. One of them featuring fighting barn animals and another that has fan service but a better lore then both of those games.

Man the fighting scene has really gone down if silly Llammas and semi nakie comic cartoon chicks are enough to impose a comp scene.

And I played all these games and still found Tekken more apprppriate as an esports viewing fighter.


Pick a hero

See how they handle

Ignore the politics behind the hero

Don’t be sickeningly noisey about it (don’t gush)


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