How to detect stuff?

How to detect when someone is on pedal platform, or is using bob, suzu, mei wall and discord

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You cannot track these values directly.

For pedal platforms, maybe you can check velocity in up vector, is holding jump button or jumping state.

using bob, IIRC was used is using ultimate ability but maybe now its broken after OW2 release.

Mei wall, detect if is using ability 2 (maybe can be broken too)

Suzu and Discord orb would be the most harder to detect, an work-around is try recreate these abilities when pressing ability buttons.

For projectiles you can use workshop projectiles or spawn an tiny hammond to proper get accurated position, facing, set/reset gravity etc (like i did in my widow venom mine recreation).

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For bob nothing I try works and for mei wall I mean detecting where the wall is for example I’m trying to freeze anyone near the wall when it’s up

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Petal Platform/Mei wall (Detecting if on it only), isn’t perfect but you can compare a Ray Cast with object detection to a Ray Cast without object detection. Directed towards the ground and see if they are the same. (Cant tell if its Platform or Wall however)

For B.O.B Just Get Is Using Ultimate From Ash, if that doesn’t work try setting up a timer the length of B.O.B when ash uses her ultimate. (she might be classed as not using it after she finished her Arm Animation)

For Suzu best you can do is checking if there are phased out but that would also trigger on Wraith Form, Fade Etc.

Mei Wall (Checking for is active), just use ‘Is Using Ability 2’

Discord is the easiest by far. you just check for ‘Is Using Ability 2’ (or maybe 1, I get Harmony and Discord Confused), if you want the player just get the closest Valid Target to Crosshair. I’ve done it multiple times before no issues.

These are not Guaranteed To Work, These are just the best i can come up with.