How to deal with Reaper for every hero

This post is mainly for lower ranked players, since I see a lot of them complain about Reaper. I’ve been there before, so I definitely understand. So, I’ve made a list for every hero, of how you can deal with Reaper. Some heroes do better than others, but it can still work.


Your main job here when the enemy has a Reaper is to deny his value. That means, whenever he is at point blank range, use Defense Matrix on him for as long as you can, or until he stops shooting. He will use Wraith Form to get out. You don’t really want to 1v1 Reaper, so use Boosters to get out.

Orisa is designed as a pretty good tank against Reaper. She has Fortify, Protective Barrier, and Halt. So, if a Reaper is going into your team, try to use Halt to get them away from your allies, or throw your allies a Protective Barrier. If the Reaper goes after you, try to walk back and forth in between your shield so his bullets hit the shield instead of you. Fortify is also great against him since it reduces his self healing on you.

As Reinhardt, you can’t really do much against Reaper. You can try to use Barrier Field in his face so he doesn’t get value, or you can swing at him, but Rein isn’t a great pick against a Reaper. If you want to play Rein, though, you should make sure to keep track of where Reaper is, so that you can attempt to deal with him either by damaging him or by denying value with your shield.

Reaper will see you as walking ultimate charge. If he just wants to get his ultimate, he will go after you. So, you should remember that. Try to hook him when he does this, and if you miss, tell your team to help you and use Take A Breather. If there are no comms, spam I Need Help or Group Up.

Sigma is a pretty good choice against Reaper, as he has many ways to mess Reaper up. Sigma’s primary fire does pretty good damage, and it doesn’t have to reload. If Reaper tries to go after an ally, either go to your ally and use Kinetic Grasp, throw your ally an Experimental Barrier, or use Accretion on the Reaper. In a 1v1 situation, try to do the same thing you did with Orisa, with walking back and forth in between your shield. Accretion is very good against Reaper, as well. If you get low, use Kinetic Grasp.

Winston vs Reaper is a very unfavorable matchup for the Winston. If you need to deal with him, though, try shield dancing. That’s what you do with Orisa and Sigma. If his bullets hit the shield instead of you, he won’t get health. Your Tesla Cannon doesn’t do much damage to him, but given enough time, it will make the Reaper panic. If you can help it, though, try to escape from Reaper.

Wrecking Ball
As Wrecking Ball, your main priority against a Reaper is to make sure Reaper doesn’t kill your allies all the time. This means you should be knocking him around constantly, as he most likely won’t go for you. If you can knock him away from your allies whenever he tries to kill them, he gets no value. In a 1v1 situation, you should just roll out. There isn’t anything you can do against Reaper in a 1v1.

Zarya is a decent pick against Reaper. Whenever he tries to attack an ally, you can use Projected Barrier on that ally to protect them, and you get charge from it. If the Reaper is still attacking your allies after the bubble, make sure you use your beam on the Reaper. If the Reaper attacks you, use your personal bubble, and you get charge, Once you get to high charge, Reaper is not hard to deal with.


As Ashe, your main focus should be staying out of range of Reaper. At long range, you can shoot him and do a lot of damage, and he can’t. If he does get close to you, use Coach Gun to get away. If you’re on high ground (which you should be on), drop off of the high ground. When he goes away, get back up.

As long as you can track where the Reaper is, you should be fine. If he goes after you, make sure to just spray him down in Sentry mode. Your self healing isn’t much against Reaper, keep that in mind. If he goes after an ally, spray him down.

As Doom, you should be making Reaper use Wraith Form to get out constantly, to make sure he doesn’t get good value. You can do this by using Seismic Slam, Rising Uppercut, or you can just one shot him with Rocket Punch. In a 1v1 situation, use Rocket Punch as much as possible.

You have Flight as Echo, so you should be a problem for Reaper. If you see him, use your primary fire. Don’t use Sticky Bombs right away, as he will probably cancel them with Wraith Form. Also, using Duplicate on Reaper isn’t a terrible idea.

A great thing with Genji is that you don’t have to be point blank to do damage. Against a Reaper, try to keep your distance. If he’s going after an ally, go to the ally and try to use Deflect. You are very hard to hit in low ranks, so keep that in mind.

Hanzo is a solid pick against Reaper, if you can keep your distance. Hanzo can 1 shot Reaper with a fully charged headshot, and Reaper’s critbox is pretty large. You shouldn’t be in a close range engagement with Reaper, though. So try to be in positions where Reaper won’t constantly go after you. If he goes after an ally, try to spam him with Storm Arrows.

You are one of the best spam heroes in the game, so make sure you let Reaper know that. Your grenades do massive damage against Reaper, so whenever he tries to go after you, spam him. Although, you should probably use one of your mines to launch yourself away from him. You don’t want to fight a Reaper head on. Also, Steel Trap is a pretty handy tool. Try to put it in places where you think the Reaper would go. Then you can kill him, or at least delay him.

You have a very good tool against Reaper. Flashbang is a very good CC to stop Reaper, especially since you can use Fan the Hammer + melee afterwards. In general, though, you don’t want to fight a Reaper in a 1v1. If he goes after an ally, try to stun him. If he goes after you, stun him. If you miss Flashbang, try to escape or run back to your team.

Mei can freeze Reaper, which is a very good tool against him. Although, Reaper will usually escape when you try to freeze him. That is 100% fine, that means he is getting no value. You can also use Ice Wall to block his escape when he uses Wraith Form, so that you can freeze him and he dies. Use Cryo-Freeze when you get low against him, or when he uses Death Blossom.

Pharah is very good against Reaper, because she flies. Whenever you see the Reaper, just spam him from above with rockets. He can’t do much about that. Also, if he’s going after an ally, shoot at your ally with Concussive Blast. That has good knockback, and it denies Reaper value unless he stays there. Which then, you can spam him with rockets.

In a Reaper vs Reaper matchup, it’s really whoever gets the better hits wins. You can also surprise attack him, which helps a lot. Try to aim for the midsection/chest area, that will do the best damage.

Soldier: 76
As Soldier, you should keep your distance from Reaper. You can spam him with your primary fire and Helix Rockets. In a 1v1, you can use Sprint to get away, then use Biotic Field once you have gotten a bit of distance. Your primary fire is good against Reaper.

Sombra is very good against Reaper, as you can simply hack him when he’s going after an ally. Then, he has no escape option. If he tries to go after you, use Translocator to get away. When you use Hack on Reaper, he can no longer get away. Try to keep a little distance from him as well.

This is another unfavorable matchup. To deal with Reaper, you basically have to have a preset Teleporter to get away. Or, you can have a stage 3 beam set up, where you can melt him. Your beam is 12 meters long, so try not to fight Reaper at point blank. Remember, have a Teleporter set up for escape.

Most Reaper mains despise Torb. Torb has a turret which can shoot Reaper when he shows, he has a powerful shotgun, he has Overload, and he has a good ultimate to block Reaper. Try to place your turret where the Reaper can’t destroy it unless he purposely got close to the turret just to destroy it. If he goes after you, use Overload and spam your shotgun.

This is a 50/50 matchup. As Tracer, try to not use all of your Blinks at once. Try to spread them out throughout the 1v1, because it will be difficult for Reaper to hit you. You also have a pretty good falloff range, so you don’t have to fight him in close range. If you feel he’s getting the best of you, blink away.

You should not die to Reaper as Widow. Widowmaker should be sitting at long range, sniping people. If Reaper teleports to you, you can headshot him, or you can grapple away to another area. He can’t chase you then.


As Ana, you have a range advantage. Although, keep in mind, you are a very likely target for Reaper. So, when he gets close to you, use Biotic Grenade when you get low so that he can’t heal and you get health. You can then hit him with Sleep Dart (if you can), and he will die. If a teammate is being harassed by a Reaper, throw a Biotic Grenade or Sleep Dart over there. It’s alright to use Nano Boost if your teammate is about to die, as well. Only if you aren’t losing the fight heavily, obviously.

As Bap, you can keep your distance and stay on high ground. If Reaper teleports to you, you can use Exo Boots to get away, or use Regenerative Burst. If a teammate is being attacked, use Immortality Field if they’re about to die. The best option is to just heal them, though.

You’re pretty strong against Reaper. You can use Shield Bash on him, so that he’s vulnerable to your team. Or, the best option, is to use Whip Shot to knock him away. Then he gets no value. Throw a Repair Pack to a teammate being attacked by him, or use Whip Shot on the Reaper.

Lucio is pretty good against Reaper. You can boop him away constantly, and you can help your teammates escape from him with Speed Boost. If he’s attacking a teammate, go to them and boop the Reaper away, then speed boost your teammate out of there.

You should be avoiding Reaper, for obvious reasons. If he gets close, use Guardian Angel to a teammate, or use Superjump. That is a very good tech to learn, because Reaper can’t do much damage to you when you’re high up. If Reaper is attacking an ally, heal the ally until they’re full health, then damage boost them. If they get low again, switch to healing, and repeat the process.

You can’t do much against Reaper. You can use Fade when he gets close to you, and heal your teammates when he is attacking them. Other than that, you can’t do anything else. You can try to throw a damage orb to make him panic, maybe.

You will probably be Reaper’s #1 focus, so keep that in mind. Make sure you have “I need help!” bound, so that you can use it when you know a Reaper is nearby. When you can see him, use Orb of Discord on him, and keep it on him. If he’s going after a teammate, use Orb of Harmony on them.

I hope this helped you, I know how annoying Reaper is in low ranks. This should help you deal with him better.

As a general tip, you can bind “I need help!”, so you can have your team focus the Reaper.

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Also would like to point out that Hack disables his vampirism, which should be a big reason to hack him as well.

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… No, it doesn’t. Passive triggers like Reaper’s and Brigitte’s healing effects are unaffected by Hack.

It might work psychologically sometimes, though, as I have noticed a lot of Reapers seem to panic and miss a lot when they realize they can’t use Wraith Form.


God I have so many issues with the Doomfist one.

Baiting out Wraith is Doom’s best job. RP secures that bait, as getting hit by it is a death sentence for Reaper. THEN, follow up with the combo. You do enough damage in enough time as Doomfist to kill Reaper before he has the chance to fully recover health.


Well that’s news to me. Inconsistencies are annoying since it disables Crossfade, Wall Climb, Double Jump, etc.

Right, it disables all active abilities (anything that involves a button press and doesn’t cost ammo), but not passives.

Crossfade is the one that’s kind of awkward, since while it’s technically tied to an active ability, one of the songs is always going unless hacked, so it’s basically halfway between active and passive but treated as an active ability.

He still needs a nerf take life steal out of his kit because if us Tank mains cant have survivability then DPS main should have even less & that goes for Reaper to

pretty accurate except for 3 characters i think.

zarya isn’t a decent pick against reaper, she doesn’t have armor and she can’t do much against reaper if he gets close enough unless just try to out dps him but he does have a lot more damage than zarya so you better hope your team reacts to the reaper to force him out before you die.

doomfist does not want to uppercut or slam reaper because that means getting close to reaper and not one-shotting him, reaper usually wins against doom in a pure shoot out, but doomfist can catch a reaper off-guard with a rocket punch and can knock him out of deathblossom or keep him away with rocket punch as a way to peel either for yourself or others.

tracer vs reaper, it’s entirely in tracers favor as tracer can stay away infinitly from reaper not letting him get close, the only time a reaper ever gets a good shot against tracer is by hiding in a spot and catching tracer unaware or if the tracer randomly blinks straight into reaper. it’s more like a 8/2 match up in tracers favor.

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I will admit, I haven’t played Reaper as much as I used to :frowning:

IMO Winston vs Reaper is much less one sided than most people think. The most important thing is awareness. As long as you know where the reaper is before diving, and don’t dive near him, he can’t do much to you.

Remember that reaper’s effective range is about 10 feet, and outside that he deals less damage than almost every other hero in the game. Also he can’t catch up to you without using his only saving ability. These weaknesses let you just avoid him.

Also, if you get good enough at bubble dancing, Reaper won’t even pose a threat at close range. I have won countless 1v1s against Reapers without help as Winston.

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I usually don’t have an issue with Reaper but he’s one of those dps that people swap to out of frustration. He has a good surprise element.

What sucks is when someone goes Reaper and ur team can’t handle him. There is only so much tanks can do when someone swaps Reaper and ur team doesn’t react.

I can swap Hog to handle him but often what happens is you try to trust your team after the surprise swap wipes ur team. But then they don’t adjust and just keep getting picked off.

So you swap Hog but the Reapers team has already gained too much momentum for a single Hog to handle, even if you start countering the Reaper.

Frankly any comp can counter Reaper, they just need to actually respect what he can do and prioritize him/be aware when you don’t know his positioning.

very accurate. hes really easy to play around with each hero. idk people complaining about him.