How to counter pharmercy?

For example? Because someone is in the top500, doesn’t mean he is smart.

No, one by one. The program calculates in a predetermined order.
That is why we have something like frames per second.
You lack basic computer knowledge

Lol, that will be fun. I can already see you failing

Lol. Didn’t last long until you screwed up.
Baptiste fires a burst every 0,588sec not 1sec, so mercy heals approximately 30hp in this 0,6 sec.
So every headshot burst does effectively 70dmg.
Congratulations for shutting yourself down, again :rofl:
Seriously, because you are a GM doesn’t mean you are a math genius.

What I am understanding that you lack math skills. If you have problems with fractions. I can help you :innocent:

Says the guy who takes false numbers, wrong mathematically approaches and can not not do fractions. Do you have a mirror? Or is it that you want to mislead yourself

Yeah I mus take back my opinion about you. You are only a braggadocio fool.

That is why I have written shots in bold sigh you are dumber than a fool

Easy man I have eaten something unlike you I am not eating fast food, because that thing down there is saying replying. doesn’t mean I am doing it
Get a real life.
He is waiting until I am replying :cold_sweat:

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You know, I literally called it unrealistic when I mentioned the possiblity, right? I’m not god.

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Perfect opportunity for an apt Baptiste comparison (easy shooting to healing tempo; should practice improving APM anyway).

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These guys are funny. Even just pressuring the Pharah with a couple dinks and consistent bodyshots will force 40% of the enemy team to play slower or outright force them out of the fight for a short burst of time

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Yup. But what they apparently think is that you should be able to 1v2 a Pharmacy and always win. Otherwise “wah wah justice lady overpowered”

I’m honestly just kinda done with it. I HATE Pharah but I’ll always defend her because I know that she’s not all that good. She’s perfectly fine.


Ultimately as a support player, it’s your job to do everything (except tank unless you’re Brig then you can do that too). Support has the ability to kill enemies and heal teammates. If you’re playing comp and want to win, you should be trying to weave healing and damage. If your teammates can’t take out the pharmercy, you need to step up and help take them out.

The issue with Pharmercy is that combo is too synergistic. Meaning 1 + 1 = 3. So to just put the sole responsibility on your DPS is a recipe for disaster.

It is a team based game technically yes, but to win more games you need to take responsibility for the win into your own hands. You can’t just say ‘that’s not my job, my team is failing, that’s why we lost’.

In a perfect world you can rely on your DPS to do their job and land every headshot. This isn’t a perfect world.

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Ashe or widow sym or hanzo

Shoot them to death with your gun

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Robert here.

So, what I am going to show you guys will blow your mind, and ofc make you laugh hysterically.

QrowxClover and Svenx13 are the same people. I am amazed how I forget how svenx13 came with his first ever post and replied “I agree with him” and liked all his own posts :rofl:

You can see it here 'Pick this, do this and that and run behind walls!" - #23 by Robert-24922

He came with his literal alt 8 days ago, with nicknames super identical like QrowX and SvenX, and started to agree with himself and like his own comments, and I called him out on it and started to understandably laugh at him :rofl:

And so far, you can check his profile if you don’t believe me, QrowX keeps disagreeing with all my posts I do, literally all, and he uses SvenX to attack me personally and call me names, such as

This guy got sooooooo upset that I called him out for using his alts to prove himself right, that he keeps harassing me literally every post and pretends to be two different people :rofl:

And now you may wondering, why I am using my alt to reply, and not the Robert account. So this creature got soooo upset and mad at me for exposing his tricks, he started to obsessively throw reports to literally all my posts using his alts too, causing the system to ban me automatically. I already had a discussion with the customer support, and they say that the message where I called him a bragging liar was automatically flagged as “harassment and violence” :rofl: :joy:

Just imagine how angry he is, he is using his alts to reply himself, to agree with himself, to like his own posts, and to abuse the report system to make me silenced.

Here, again all the inevitable proofs, starting from here.

This guys is so angry and desperate, he uses all the possible ways to prove himself right by constantly harassing me under my threads with his 1 reply alts, agreeing with himself and reporting me excessively :joy: :rofl: :rofl:

I have never been this shocked and this happy at the same time by making someone this angry in the forums :rofl: :rofl:

I had some arguments against “you both” but, after seeing your dedication to silence me and prove yourself right, I give up. Honestly. Even though you are wrong in all your “arguments,” even though you are this completely clueless and egotistical marshmallow, I can’t argue with you because of your dedication to prove yourself right. You are good, seriously. I have never seen anyone to take “I want to be right” on forums this far by false flagging and self-agreeing. And I am so thankful to god to introduce me a person like you, you didn’t make my day, you made my week :rofl: :rofl:

Done talking to yourself? :joy: :joy: :joy: I just can’t this is hysterical :laughing: :laughing:

Update, and just so it happened that he got proven wrong again, and another 1 post alt appeared with insults "Ana has a healthy winrate" or "IDK what statistics is"

This guy is unstoppable.


Holy crap, the forum lore goes deep

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Ok since people struggle with this so much and since YZNA is having too much fun up top ill explain exactly how to wipe out pharmercy.

DO NOT USE HITSCANS. Pharah is a hitscan counter. She has no damage drop off so can lob rockets at you standing stationary trying to land shots. Most pharahs have routes in their mind on how to get to you and close the gap. 9 times out of 10 a good pharah player will lob a rocket at you close gap then smack you with another rocket and you die then your team tilts.

Pharah and Mercy are 2 so there are 3 other targets you can punish. So overwelm the remaining 3 full force 5 v 3 and ignore the pharm and focus fire one target so the other healer struggles and cause the team to tilt.

If you want to kill the mercy have the team focus fire one of the team then wait for the res. Soon as mercy detaches from pharah to res, punish her then kill the pharah.

Reason Pharah + mercy is a PITA is you need team coordination to deal with it. Do not yell at your hitscans, thats what pharahs want you to do (thats why pharahs dont talk smack in matches cause if you talk cocky to enemy team, they will dome you as a unit), Encourage them and help them. So teamwork is key. Unlike a genji where you can just slap a turret down and drink a cup of tea while you lob torb primary fire at someones head from 10 miles away.

On defence, have your hitscans/supports/ other dps seperate and hold different angles, have the team spread out do not stay together.

Pharahs tru hard counter is HOG. Thats why hitscans are not pharahs counter because pharah can 1 v 1 all dps heros and win. HOG on the other hand is one hero that can outheal all of pharahs damage 1 v 1.

Thats why pharah is stronger atm cause they nerfed HOG. Ive kept that secret a long time. HOG is the only hero in all of overwatch that can 1 v 1 pharah and win.

No bro, you don’t understand. You just pick bap and 2 shot shut down both mercy and pharah. I do this every time and I also do 460 before it. Did I mention no scope?

i wreck dps baptise. i just chill at the back til i see him waste his immortality. Soon as thats gone i triple rocket his face.

Ana or Bap. Zen (and maybe Mercy) is helpful also if you have a hitscan teammate that can aim.

no it’s cuz you bad and I am good (I am kidding here)

Echo and a few hitscans are good against her. Since Echo is a better flyer and more maneuverable than Pharah and is basically Pharah but better.

Support-wise, Zenyatta, Kiriko, Baptiste and Ana are good to punch her out of the sky.

Leave game…fdifjjs. Djd

with better aim than both of them combined. :rofl:

if you are tank/support don’t expect your dps to do it. be useful not useless. (don’t play brig, play ana, bap, or Atleast zen or mercy but only if you have dps that shoot her.

if your ana is shooting her, you dmg boost your ana and not the junkrat still spamming the enemy tank.

lol i face alot of Baptise that try dps me. All i think of is, while he busy trying to dps me, his teammates getting spanked so i put more pressure on their team to make him blow his immortality to save his teammate, then i dive him and he dies lol.

If you are a support and not bunkered in a small room with a low roof, I’m going to conc jump dive bomb you from high cover and obliterate you before you can react. Ranged supports are primary targets for Pharah.

Rockets will land in very close sequence to each other as you drop on someone since Pharah is falling along with her previously fired rockets so they’ll be bunched up tighter than just stationary pot-shots.

Option 2 is fading in and out of high cover with suppressive fire to keep a support pinned down while their team loses the resource battle.