I heard taking breaks works. I have by taking a break every two losses, around a hour or so. VOD reviews work, issue is that I don’t see what I am doing wrong besides bad mechanical aim. And I don’t like recording videos. I climbed to platinum then dropped all the way down to 2180. I am trying to ignore SR and focus on self-improving. Either I get a DPS main who wants to flex to tank and charges in randomly as Reinhardt, a thrower, cheese comps, me being a bad player and not pulling my weight (probably the majority of the time), etc.
LOL… you normally don’t. I have seen friends go on 20-30 game losing streaks, literally and they never got back to their old rank, not even with placements the next season. You my friend have been targeted by the MMR. It thinks you’re too high and it’s bringing you down to your SR, whether you try or not. It will match you up so you lose. You are a helpless victim of the beast.
Take a small break, think about everything you are doing and the things you were doing before. I was wondering why I dropped, and I realized my positioning has been off
Just a FYI, the whole take a break and evaluate your play… this doesn’t work, because it’s not positioning on these long losses, it’s the MMR matching you up to lose. You will have the worst teams possible til you are where it wants you to be and then you will stay there. Trust me. You will not climb back up.
Oh? So you’re saying I’ve never solo qued to where I was before? Or that I’m not doing better now? Take off your tin foil hat, get real, if you fall it’s almost always your fault.
I’m saying losing streaks above 10 are usually indicative of the MMR manipulating your matches to place you at the rank it believes you should be at. The vast majority of people don’t make it back. These are the “I started at gold, then went down to silver, and now I can’t climb” people that you see posting all the time.
Obvious advice is to just take a break doing good things. Like don’t take a break to play a game that makes you frustrated. The reason people give the advice to take a break is because losing streak usually leave people tilted, so you’re not playing your best when the weight of those losses are so fresh in your mind.
You said you can’t identify mistakes in your own gameplay. Try watching YouTube videos of high ranked players doing vod reviews or reviewing their own gameplay. A good person to watch is Jayne. Take note of the things they identify and how they analyse people’s gameplay. A good starting point is to look at each death and identify what killed you, how you could have prevented your death, and what you’ll do next time you’re in a similar situation.
You’re delusional mate and know nothing about the matchmaker.
Meh. I played two accounts, this one and the other sitting on mid plat, and it’s not that different. I think either gold or plat doesn’t make much difference. And as for climbing up, going from gold to plat is going to be gruesomely slow. There’s a saying that your sr is only accurate for +/- 300 (or was it 500?) so who knows if maybe 2500 is your extreme best and 2200 is your average performance.
You’re supposed to get other people to review your VoD, so that they can see the things that you are missing.
Well, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do … but it will hold you back.
Also, see Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide, especially the section on psychology.
If you’re in gold and you can’t see anything wrong in your gameplay besides mechanical aim then try to get someone else to look at them, because just being in gold means there are more issues than just aim.