How to balance Brigitte: a Support with Tank utility

okay I will admit I didn’t see that he had posted a reduction in her inspire range, I do disagree with that. However, if the inspire proc’d by using repair pack affects just 1 ally, it makes up for the 50 healing lost from the repair pack itself, and repairs cooldown is decreased by 2 seconds which allows it to be used more often.

with the proposed change, you wouldn’t be able to melee after shield bash because they would be out of range. Instead, you would melee + shield bash + whip shot. The whip shot would stun them giving your team time to finish him off. The point of this, however, was to make her less oppressive. By reducing her overall damage, the only one she could take out 1v1 would be Tracer, for anybody else she would either have to be facing someone too stupid to run from an obvious threat, or she would need her team to follow up.

I’m sorry if I misunderstood, something you said at the end of your last post made it sound that way.

I understand where you going with this, but I still don’t see it as being a nerf, at the very least the numbers would come out even. This would definitely change how she is played, and it would make her useful in a different way such as by making room (her boop is large enough that if she boops a non mobile character it takes them a little bit to get back, especially if followed up by a stun).

But not like this. Tracer is powerful but brigitte powerful cancer

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  • Her shield HP is a joke
  • She hits like a wet noodle
  • Her healing is only better than Zen’s and even then, not by much
  • Her ult isn’t near as good as Zen’s or Lucio’s for a defensive ult
  • She can only effectively counter one hero (Tracer), but has over 5 counters against herself
  • Incredibly easy to shut her down with range and good positioning

Can we please stop with the “Brigitte still isn’t balanced” threads already? It’s July now, nearly August. If you haven’t figured out how to fight against her yet, no amount of tweaks or nerfs are going to help you. Just wait though… Once her shield bash nerf goes live and it’s increased to 7 seconds on cooldown, there will still be threads like these popping up claiming she’s “OP” and needs another nerf.


Joke for who? This is ur personal, mobility shield!

No aim hits - 100% hits. They not so strong but this is 100% damage.

It’s enought and not bad

She give armor! and not for few seconds like Zen’s and Lucio’s ults

lol You want to belive in it and want what we will belive in it too? She stronger all heroes and has only few counters.

Or she can do this with you.

And yes - she is still not balanced. Stop please lie what she “balanced”

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There is SO MUCH wrong with what you just said.


It’s a joke for you since it can’t protect you from splash damage, despite being your own “personal mobility shield” and it’s a joke to the enemy team since it drops relatively quickly. The thing is… The damn shield could have 200 HP, but it wouldn’t matter if people don’t focus it. If people focus it, the HP is a joke. If they don’t, they see it as a problem.

Doesn’t matter. Winston just has to left-click you to get a hit, but does that suddenly make him strong? No. Winston is even stronger than Brigitte, so why is Brigitte’s damage suddenly a problem when nobody ever complained about Winston’s damage?

Actually, it’s not enough (if it was, people wouldn’t ask for another healer when you’re running Brig/Mercy, Brig/Ana, Brig/Moira). It most certainly is bad, lol. Then again… It’s supposed to be bad since she’s a jack of all trades character. She doesn’t really excel in anything she does.

Since the nerf though, you’re only getting 100 armor now and that can be picked away pretty easily. Lucio’s is better for sustain against high burst damage (see: rocket barrage, rip tire, visor, etc.) and Zen’s is the best defensive ult because it provides sustain through healing. She can’t compete with either of these ults, lol.

You try and rally during any incoming burst damage and see if it will save you like Lucio or Zen’s ult does, lol. Good luck with that.

No idea what this even means, but to clarify here… She can only effectively counter Tracer with her combo (155 damage). She has an animation cancel combo as well, but it only reaches 190 damage, giving 200 HP heroes time to escape since the last hit is a knockback. Alternatively, Brig is countered by the likes of Junkrat, Pharah, Widow, Hanzo, Roadhog, Bastion, etc. Do I need to go on?

Point is, she has more counters than those that she can actually counter, so I’m not sure why people always want to harp on the fact that she can counter Tracer when Brig has less matchups in her favor.

Honestly? I’ll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else. If you’re a Widow, Hanzo, etc. and you let Brig approach you and kill you, she deserves the kill. Otherwise, she’s incredibly easy to shut down with ranged heroes (especially since Brig will automatically drop her shield every time she heals someone, giving them a perfect opportunity for a headshot).

The only reason you think she isn’t balanced is because you’re still losing to her by playing into her range or not taking advantage of her weaknesses. I’ve dumped over 100 hours into her (60+ hours into the last season alone), so I can tell you what her weaknesses are (hell, I already have), but I can’t force you to learn or adapt. That’s all you, man.

Said the player who has no idea how to play Brig or go against her. Keep talking though. I’m listening.


Brig is fine. Leave her alone.


im just skimming but the topic of making whipshot being able to stun while shield bash being knockback (essentially switching the conditions of the current live build) has been brought up and the biggest problem with it is it is essentially the opposite of brig’s close combat gameplay.

whip shot someone from far away, they get stunned but how are you going to get to them to capitalize on the stun? shield bashing someone close would mean pushing them away from your range

guess an easy fix for that would be to increase the distance travelled with sb. //shrug

wow, that just made my night lmao. I bet you’re one of those people who thinks she counters rein? if I cared to prove you wrong I would challenge you to 1v1 and show you how easily she is killed by half the roster.

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well the idea here was actually to change the way she’s played, so she isn’t as much of a dps and is more of a support. The OP wants to increase her healing and decrease her overall dps. The combo with this suggestion would be Melee > Shield Bash > Whip Shot which would still kill tracer but would require the team to follow up on anybody else. It would also stop Rein’s from being stunned, since whip shot is blocked by a shield, instead he would be throw backwards and his shield would stay up.

LOL Clearly you have played against some really really bad Brigittes. Brigitte can counter all the tanks no problem 1v1

If anyone still has trouble killing her after this next nerf, they need to uninstall because they’re actually just bad.
There’s no way around it.


like i said, i dont mind switching the debuffs/cc it’s more like SB being a close range ability pushing enemies away would effectively put them out of brigitte’s range apart of whipshot

  1. a well positioned Orisa can mow her down, through her shield, before she can get close.
  2. Reinhardt straight out damages her, and that’s not counting his charge that is a 1 shot kill.
  3. Winston is countered by her.
  4. Roadhog has too much health and sustain to be killed by her but he would also have trouble killing her, so I would say this is a stale mate.
  5. Zarya, assuming she’s not on low power, can melt the shield and Brigitte with her left click, and her right click can damage her through the shield and bounce her backwards at the same time.
  6. would have a hard time getting through the shield but her mobility allows her to quickly escape to high ground, so that’s another stalemate.

tl;dr Brigitte vs tanks ends with 2 stalemates, 1 countered by Brigitte, and 3 tank wins.


You are absolutely insane if you honestly believe this to be true, lol.

Rein = Just hold left-click and she’s toast. You’ll kill her long before she’ll have a chance of killing you. You should easily drop her before her second stun combo is ready. This isn’t even taking fire strike into account.

Roadhog = Hook her once and she’s dead. 250 HP will be gone in a flash if he clicks on her head after hooking her in. ez

Zarya = She can bubble the stun combo, not only nullifying the damage, but also making herself resistant to the stun. She’ll melt you before you have a chance to kill her. Let’s also not forget the fact that she has regen.

Orisa = Can easily melt a Brig with her gun and use fortify to nullify the stun combo by reducing its damage in the process.

Winston = This is the only tough tank matchup. Winston can kill Brig, but it will require some bubble dancing and landing on her with his first dive before following up with his left-click. Otherwise, he usually has to retreat when getting her to critical health or so since he won’t stay alive long enough to finish her off.

D.Va = Click on the head when she’s taking swings at you. ezpz. If you can’t kill a Brig as D.Va with your guns, micro missiles, boosters, and melee (you can even melee twice during a boost), then you deserve to lose your mech.

Wrecking Ball = ez clap. Brig should never win this matchup, lol.

Basically this ^

It’s July, guys. Everyone that has been playing since Brigitte’s release (PTR or otherwise) has figured out how to deal with her at this point. If you haven’t figured it out by now, no amount of nerfs are going to help you. It’s a personal issue at this point if you’re still saying stuff like “Brig isn’t balanced” or “Brig is OP!”, lol.

Take your L and move on.


GUuuuiuuuuuuuys. I played against a support that only has melee ranged damage- the weakest melee attack in the game that isn’t the non-standard melee attack- and then let her do the most predictable thing imaginable and even when all was said and done she had only done enough damage alone to kill a Tracer. I mean, my team was nowhere and we had the coordination of a drunk kitten which meant it was 1v1 and I was out of position but it’s not faaaaaiiiir.

In a game where numerous characters can inflict one shot kills or short string instant kills this is a problem because the game told me she’s supposed to be a suppooorrrrt.


God, I can’t imagine how you people would behave if Zenyata was released as-is right now. "OMG this guy’s like a sniper and a healer wrapped up into one package except he can also hard counter tanks!


Reposting because people are still complaining nonsensically about Brigitte. :slight_smile:

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The only reasonable nerf suggestion here is the 35 to 30 flail damage. As she’s a support/tank hybrid, you can make the argument that damage output needs to be her weakness and that it’s still too good. I’m not saying i believe that btw, just extending an olive branch to OP before i chew him out for the rest of his idea.

The HP, barrier, and inspire nerfs are a joke. None of those things are even remotely a problem and they’re necessary for Brigitte’s kit to function properly. It’s akin to proposing guardian angel, moira’s fade, or ana’s sleep dart be severly nerfed. That would make the hero almost unplayable.

Now to your ‘re-balances’. You claim that Brig is too easy…and then suggest changes that make her easier by significantly reducing the risk involved in playing her. I don’t even.

You shift healing output from inspire that requires her to be in the middle of the fight to just safely using abilities/spamming her pack. On top of that the lower CD reduces the repair pack’s one skill requirement: target prioritization.

The most baffling change is the stun on whip shot. Currently, Shield Bash requires Brigitte to get in melee range and use her only mobility. With whip shot, she could stun from a comparatively safe distance without sacrificing her dash.

I have to ask, why dumb her down for no reason? You already claim she’s too easy. Makes me think you just don’t understand how Brigitte works and that’s probably why you believe she’s OP.


It doesn’t even matter if you like what I suggested or not.

Brigitte is BROKEN in her current state. She needs changes. She has needed changes since before she was released.

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They gave her another slap on the wrist, she needed a real nerf to all of her 3 roles. It’s like they’re so busy developing new heroes, running OWL, and counting their money that they never have time to look at the balance of their game or read the community feedback.

OP gave some great suggestions on how to balance her. But I wonder how long this thread will last before they shut it down like the others because it’s “not constructive”.

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