How to actually win games as mercy

Can we put these tips in the game for Mercy? Exactly these practices separate good Mercy players from bad ones.

communication and gamesense?

it’s always been that way.

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Her ability to fly from one person to another and provide 50 HP per second (enough to put a stopper in a diving Winston, flanking tracer solider ext) is incredible Ana to compete has to hit 100% of her shots unloading at full speed.

Varied terrain with tight spaces (such as at the start and early mid sections of route 66) with heroes that are more likely to spread out for different angles (such as Widow, Tracer, Winston, ext. These are situations Ana struggles to get full value in but Mercy can really push the team to a hard hold. Mercies rez also is protected by the terrain hiding her rezzing a fallen widow, or winston.


this is to one person only, in a teamfight where 5 other people are getting targeted, the thing is, ana has <85 hp/s if she lands all her shots, but landing her shots really isnt hard. Sorry to say. and she can shoot you once and you gain 80 hp, shoot someone else, shoot you again etc.

fair call. thought her mobility used to be good, on all maps, not just the ones with verticality. it’s annoying that her power is locked behind such a **** poor ability that a lot of mercy players would happily trade for 1 moment of glory, rather than 5 small little “participation awards” over the course of a game.

that trash ability that literally requires you to “hide and res” is where all of mercy’s real impact/power lies, and that means maps where she cant res on her own she is less usefull.

never thought of it that way tbh. just makes me more mad they’re really trying to keep e-res and valkyrie. b/c it’s the reason they just reworked torb :joy:

Except for maybe the GA tech, Mercy’s skill ceiling is much lower than before.

Did I forget to clarify that I was talking about skill floor? You know, the thing that I’ve been talking to about when referring to how easy Mercy is to play?

To pick up, or to master? Or both?

The fact that you’ve played since beta is irrelevant though. It doesn’t mean anything, and it doesn’t affect the fact that you’re diamond. You’re still diamond, no matter how long you’ve played.

K then.

When did I ever claim that Titanium was more reliable?

You mean that people managed to get to GM with Hide and Rez by exploiting the SR system?

How so? LoS requirements and a cast time would force Mercy to put herself at risk to get of a rez, therefore making Hide and Rez practically impossible. Tempo Rezzing would be encouraged, and the heal would partly make up for some of the lost power.

Then, angelic descent changes forces Mercy into staying in the air, or dropping, making hitscans stronger against her, and making PharMercy weaker.

Then the ability makes up for the rest of the lost power. Sounds pretty balanced.

Yeah any character loosing an ability is a massive hit to their kit in mercy’s case rez is such a strong ability that its a massive managment on her kit just like sleep dart and bio nade.

Ana 1.25 shots per second @75 healing
Mercy 50 heals per second

edit: nope I totally did that wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

so Ana per shot, 75 heals every .8 seconds

reload times for Ana. 1.5 seconds. (I’ll add this in, give me a sec with 14 ammo)
~.107 s added per shots

Ana 75 heals per .907 seconds
Mercy 45. 35 heals per .907 seconds


This is what Ana would need to hit to keep pace with Mercy, with reload times

Still not accounting for Biotic nade.
or scope times .25 seconds in .16 seconds out

the thing is, res was originally locked behind an ult meter for a reason.

to balanced e-res they took away mercy’s healing and took away what originally made valkyrie and ultimate.
it’s just so clear they really really want it to work (14 changes as of next patch in less than a year) but it never truly will, sure, they might get her to 50% winrate, but does it matter if no one even wants to play her?

Shoot heroes with your gun. Flank pesky snipers and keep moving postion. Keep up your tanks but don’t need to babysit them, Resurection every 30 seconds and with the charge on Valk she can get it up pretty fast with that pea shooter.

you’re neglecting over healing (Healing less than 75 due to hitting the targets max HP) Which is why I say 100% Its probably closer to 90-95 but still very accurate shots at range.

Well you’re assuming Mercy jumps of at the exact moment her target is full, and no down time between targets, these are both negligible in this case. We are just looking for a rate.

Not instantly full but very rapidly, she can stop some insane harassment from almost every hero in the game. Even with her healing beam nerf.

Ok well I don’t really get this.

  1. Playing Mercy as a 1 hero pocket.
    This can be really good in a lot of scenarios. See if you are playing with a Ana, her nano boost is FAR more effective than Valk, normally I let my Ana do 70% of the healing while I either only damage boost when opportunities arise, or pocket a dps that can make use of my damage boost. That way I farm off Valk at a good speed, my dps gets his ult faster, and my Ana will get her nano boost in a couple of seconds. Pocketing 1 hero is bad, because then you tunnel vision them and give your team no attention, but it’s not to say you shouldn’t do it, if you have half a Brian cell you will know to look at your team and give them attention from time to time.

  2. Prioritize healing over damage boost.
    Ok why exactly? Damage boost is OP and you’re telling me not to use it? Like I’m not going to let anyone die but why the hell do I have to prioritize healing unless they’re actually going to die without it? This concept of healing management goes far more in depth than a simple sentence like that, I have a short guide on the topic if you want to see it.

  3. Calling res
    This is a good thing to practice, but calling every res is actually really bad. See time = Value and if you tell your team you are resing their attention will go to you and there for wasting time and value. I only call out the res’ I can’t do myself or that may be dangerous. Don’t clutter comms with this, use it when you need to.

  4. Don’t res a team mate that asked not to be res’d
    See i understand your argument but like I’d rafher win the fight than have him swap, if we invest in the fight with an ult, that fight is now winnable because we invested in it, so I would rather have that person be alive rather than swapping a hero even if it’s pharah vs 7 hitscan heroes.

  5. Yeah I actually agree with this, mobility is the best thing in her kit and the thing that got me to gm with her, I have 1200 hours on Mercy mastering her movement, I know all the ins and outs of it and that’s what allowed me to be so good at mercy, and get gm for the first time back in season 8 when that was the only thing I knew how to do on Mercy, my gamesense wasn’t great.

Overall I think this post isn’t made by a Mercy player, or it is very low effort of a post. It misses out key details which a lot of players can misinterpret and end up not getting enough value out of Mercys kit. As a person that made a 30 page guide on how to play Mercy and get the MOST value out of her kit I can confidently say a lot of this is invalid.


Sorry fixed the bad math I did in my head :stuck_out_tongue: above.

  1. Playing Mercy as a 1 hero pocket.
    Playing the ult game will give you an edge but at the cost of maximizing your effectiveness in a team fight counters that edge. Even so if you play that way you will reduce the rate other teammates that are on fire in a fight get their ultimates as well as reduce your ult return because healing gives you more ult charge than damage boost.
  2. Prioritize healing over damage boost.
    Healing is more likely to keep a teammate in a game than damage boost is to remove an enemy (because healing on mercy is consistent and damage boost on a teammate is not). This also has an added side effect of making it so healing gives you ult faster which means more valks per game.
  3. Calling res
    My idea with rez calls is that its such a valuable ability that is so rarely opportune to use that it isn’t a com clutter (I usually call out 1-3 per game) it also keeps teammates from banking on rez since they always know when you used your most powerful ability and won’t suicide wipe 2 supports and complain about you not rezzing them after.
  4. Don’t res a team mate that asked not to be res’d
    My thought with this is for the long game, and considering risk of rez too. If you rez a Tracer that is being wrecked by brig then you manage to win the fight (because of the tracer rez) you’re loosing out on the value of that Tracer swapping to a hero like junkrat or pharah to help clear armor. In King of the hill rezzing a teammate that said no is actually worth it (due to gained percentage) but in payload and hybrid it just cost time.

Perhaps thats because we have different Mercy play styles I use her very situationally to great success, and have always felt like when I can’t use rez she becomes worthless (considering what other supports can pull out). So I focus a lot of my effort into getting off rezes and rushing to valk. I rarely pocket because it often means I’m not enabling my team at the point of contention and I usually only play her in dive comps since it gives her a lot of escape options.

Its important to consider heroes have multiple play styles (while I will agree I likely don’t have her movement mastered to the degree you do or her full kit since I’m just in high plat).

A constructive Mercy post to make use of her current state. Very rare and needed.